Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 934: The harvest is complete (seeking complete order)

After a long time, Qin Feng slowly opened his eyes, his face full of ecstasy.

This time, his strength has been greatly improved, and he has broken through to 91% of the Great Perfection of the True God in one fell swoop, which is not far from the half-step Heavenly God.

And his combat power has reached 290 trillion yuan, and he is no longer the bottom of the eternal first realm....

The combat power range of the Eternal First Realm is 200 trillion to 400 trillion yuan.

Based on Qin Feng's combat power and increase, his overall strength is considered to be middle and upper class in the first realm of eternity.

As for the guardian spirit and Yu Heng, they all belong to the bottom of the first realm.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng is very satisfied with his strength progress.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty for making great progress!

"He Xi, Mr. Qin Feng, has made great progress!"

Everyone congratulates...

"Qin Feng, with your current strength, it's an easy task for us to go to the Bai people to snatch the Ancestral Water of the Six Spirits..."

Qing Lin's happy voice sounded in Qin Feng's mind.

Hearing this, Qin Feng was also secretly happy.

As long as he gets the Six Spirit Ancestral Water, he can condense the Creation Divine Water.

Of the four spirits of creation, he will have the second.

And when the Creation Divine Fire and Creation Divine Water are used together, there will definitely be unexpected and miraculous effects...

"Sister Qinglin, let's not talk about those, until I finish picking the last spirit fruit..."

After Qin Feng finished his voice transmission, he looked up at the top of the divine tree.

There is the last profound spiritual fruit left there, hanging high...

"Qin Feng, there is only a quarter of an hour left, and Linggen will disappear. You have to hurry up..."

Qing Lin reminded in a low voice.

Qin Feng smiled confidently: "Enough time!

As soon as he finished speaking, he stepped into the air and walked towards the third floor of the Divine Tree...

The phantom clone followed closely.

"Look! Your lord is about to pick the last spiritual fruit!"

"Quiet! Quiet!

Everyone in the South Alliance became nervous again, all staring at the battlefield with wide eyes.

This time, Master Qin Feng has to face the three guardian spirits alone.

In just a moment, Qin Feng walked into the third floor area.

The space changed for a while, and the three guardian spirits appeared one after another...

"You are here again!

"Go back! You can get two profound spiritual fruits, which is very good. However, those two times were tricks. But this time, you can only face the three of us, you have no chance... "

"That's right! Besides, there's less than a quarter of an hour left, and you're too late. The old man advises the little friend to retreat!""

The tone of the three guardians was very polite, kindly reminding Qin Feng...

They didn't know that in just ten minutes, Qin Feng's strength had skyrocketed.

After all, they were not present when Qin Feng devoured it.

"Three, I still want to give it a try!"

Qin Feng smiled modestly.

The three guardian spirits frowned slightly.

They have kindly reminded him, but this guy is still not interested.

"Little friend, since you have to insist, then we are welcome!"

"bring it on!"

"it is good!

At the moment, the three guardian spirits rushed towards Qin Feng together, each with a palm...

In an instant, the sun and the moon have no light, and the wind and clouds change color!

The three palms gathered together, and the momentum was earth-shattering, making the void tremble, and the heaven and earth roared...

Qin Feng smiled slightly and greeted him directly...

Everyone in the South Alliance opened their eyes wide, and they didn't even dare to breathe...

In the blink of an eye, the two sides are fighting together!


A loud bang!

The world explodes!

Void Collapse~!

Three muffled hums!

The three guardian spirits were knocked back by Qin Feng's punch, and Qin Feng stood still...

The South Alliance people suddenly cheered.

Immediately, the three guardian spirits stabilized their bodies, and all of them looked at Qin Feng in disbelief...

Oh my God!

How long has it been since?

This guy's strength has suddenly increased by 50%!

This is too exaggerated!

At this moment, the three guardian spirits couldn't turn their heads.

They really can't believe the facts in front of them.

"Three, let it go~"!"

Qin Feng smiled and shook hands.

The three guardian spirits, you look at me, I look at you, and they all show a wry smile.

It seems that they can't stop Qin Feng together. This time the guardian mission fails and points will be deducted...  

However, the three have sincere admiration for Qin Feng.

At a glance at this child's qi and blood value, he knew that his age was extremely young, definitely no more than ten thousand years old.

But at such a young age, with such strength, it would be terrifying!

With such a terrifying potential, even in the reverse world, there is no one that can compare to Qin Feng.

"Little friend, you have won! Go pick this third spiritual fruit!

The elder guardian spirit at the head bowed his hands to Qin Feng with a very polite tone.

He knew Qin Feng's future well, and he couldn't look back.

Maybe, after Qin Feng discovers the secret of returning to the ruins, he will meet Qin Feng again.

At that time, he may have to rely on Qin Feng.

In this case, he might as well make good friends when Qin Feng was weak and leave a trace of good fortune.

"You won't stop me?"

Qin Feng's attitude was also very polite.

Since others respect him, he will naturally give others face.

The old man smiled bitterly: "The three of us are not your opponents, so why stop them?

"That's right! You go picking!"

The other two guardian spirits also agreed.

"Thank you!

Qin Feng surrendered.

The phantom avatar dodged and came to the third profound spiritual fruit, which was easily picked.

This scene made everyone in SAARC excited.

Master Qin Feng finally got all the Spirit Fruits, and his strength is about to improve again...

"I don't know the name of the little friend, can you tell the old man?"

The guardian spirit old man asked politely, obviously intending to make friends.

"You are welcome, fellow Daoist, Qin Feng!

Qin Feng said his name readily, which is not something to be told.

"Young friend Qin Feng, you are the second person who has finished picking the profound spiritual fruit so far."

"Oh? Who was the first?"

"The first one is the Lord of the Universe of Jiuquan. However, his original cultivation base was the Great Perfection of the Gods, and his combat power is also much weaker than yours.

"Back then, in order to pick the profound spiritual fruit, he gave up picking Huangzhong spiritual fruit and Yuanchu spiritual fruit, just to spend all his time on picking the profound spiritual fruit..."

The guardian spirit old man looked into the distance, his eyes caught in memories.

"He fought hard for three days and three nights before he snatched three spiritual fruits from the three of us. In terms of harvest, you are a lot more than him..."

Speaking of which, the guardian spirit old man showed a look of envy.

Qin Feng got all Huang Zhongguo and Yuan Chuguo, and he already got information from his subordinates.

The old man continued: "Speaking of which, your aptitude and talent are more than a level stronger than Jiuquan back then! You are truly perfect, and your strength has reached the middle and upper level of the Eternal First Realm."

"If you wait for you to break through to the half-step god, you should be the top existence in the first realm of eternity. At that time, even if the old man comes here, he will not be your opponent..."

The old man was amazed.

"The Daoist has won the prize!"

Qin Feng smiled modestly.

The old man nodded in appreciation: "Not only is your strength stronger than Jiuquan, but your attitude is also more humble than that of the Jiuquan universe master. Back then, Jiuquan was very arrogant. The old man once reminded him that if you get the spiritual fruit, just leave!"9

"But he didn't want to. He was not greedy enough, and he wanted to forcibly transplant the spiritual roots of this world. As a result, he was besieged by the four powerful saints of the return home. The old man witnessed his fall..."

Hearing this, Qin Feng's heart moved: "Fellow Daoist, Qin has a doubt. 35

"Please say!

"Why do the four holy clans of Guixu come to harass them when the spiritual roots of this world are touched?

"Sorry! This question involves higher-level secrets, as well as the fundamentals of returning to the ruins. The old man can't say..."

"Oh!", Qin Feng was slightly disappointed.

Seeing him like this, the old man seemed to think of something, and said with some worry: ". `Little friend, you don't want to learn Jiuquan, and transplant this spiritual root of heaven and earth?

Qin Feng hesitated, he really had this idea.

The old man hurriedly said: "Little friend, for the sake of you and me, this old man reminds you. You must not have such thoughts. As long as you move this divine tree, the four holy clans will immediately sense it. "

"They still have secret techniques, and they can teleport over them immediately. At that time, you will be besieged by the four eternal powerhouses, and you can't escape if you want to. Back then, Jiuquan fell like this...

"Oh!" Qin Feng replied lightly.

The old man smiled slightly: "The old man reminds you that one of the four Eternal Realm powerhouses is already the Second Eternal Realm!"

"Hey! There is the existence of the second realm of eternity!"

Qin Feng was suddenly shocked.

The threshold of combat power in the second realm of eternity is 1000 trillion yuan, which is definitely not something he can deal with.

The old man said again: "The other three are not weak, and none of them are inferior to your little friend. If not, how could Jiuquan fall?"

Hearing this, Qin Feng couldn't help but take a deep breath of cold air, secretly thinking that this divine tree really can't move!

Otherwise, attracting those four people, he must be more fortunate than fortunate.

"Okay! Little friend, the old man has done what he said, and the little friend will do it for himself!"

As soon as the voice fell, the three guardian spirits were about to leave.

"Fellow Daoist, wait a minute!"

"Little friend, what's the matter?"

"Fellow Daoist, Qin wants to consult you about something."

"Speak! 99

"You just said that you have witnessed the fall of the Lord of the Universe in Jiuquan with your own eyes. Have you ever seen this kind of half-piece inheritance jade?

Qin Feng took out half of the inheritance jade, and it was the half that Jiu Yuan gave.

(Is it?) He has already obtained three complete jade ultimatums, and he is only halfway away from the last half, and he will be able to rebuild the universe of Jiuquan.

" looks familiar..."

The old man stared at the half of the inheritance jade, showing a look of memory.

After a while, his eyes lit up: "I remembered, I once saw Wu Tiansheng pick up half a piece of jade, which seems to be very similar to the jade in your hand..."

Qin Feng's eyes also lit up, and he thought to himself that it should be the whereabouts of the jade.

"Fellow Daoist, who is Wu Tiansheng?

"It's the Lord of the Wutian Saint Clan! The old man reminds little friend that with your current strength, you are not the opponent of Haotian Holy Venerable. Well, this old man has revealed too much today, so I can't say any more. Little friend, farewell!"

Immediately, the three old men bowed their hands slightly, then returned to the divine tree, and disappeared out of thin air... Ying.

Qin Feng stared blankly at the direction in which the three disappeared, with thousands of thoughts in his mind.

It seems that if he wants to get the great universe of Jiuquan, he must face the Holy Venerable Haotian.

It is a pity that he is not yet the opponent of Holy Venerable Haotian.

Therefore, he still needs to improve some strengths.

The Six Spirit Ancestral Water must be obtained as soon as possible.

After thinking a few times, Qin Feng waved his hand, and the mysterious spiritual fruit in the phantom avatar flew towards him.

Qin Feng opened his mouth and took a breath, then swallowed the spirit fruit...

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