Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 938 1 finger crushing (seeking full order)

At this moment, in the vast void, a figure appeared, it was Qin Feng...

He has been traveling in the void for a day...

One day in the outside world, ten years in the double universe.

In the past ten years, the subordinates who have refined the Taishen Pill have made great strides in strength...

For example, several half-step gods from the South Alliance have all broken through to the god realm...

Other talented subordinates, after ten years of retreat, have also made progress...

For example, Panzu, Fengdi, and Fuzhi all broke through to half-step gods.

Qin Baobao and Ming He also broke through to the Great Perfection of the True God

In short, all the subordinates have grown in strength all day long...

This made Qin Feng's combat power unknowingly increased to 342 trillion yuan, an increase of 2 trillion yuan.

In addition, the breakthroughs in the cultivation of many of his subordinates also allowed Qin Feng to gain additional life value.

And when Qin Feng brought Zhenji, Jiuyuan and others into his door, he also accumulated a lot of life value...

Qin Feng exchanged all these fate values ​​and got more than 3 million exchange points...

In addition, the phantom clone also counted a lot of loot, obtained countless resources and secret techniques, and the harvest was extremely rich...

In addition, Qin Feng also found a secret technique to find the Yu family's residence from Yu Heng's storage ring...

"Your Majesty, how far are we 10 from the Yu Clan's residence?"

In Qin Feng's mind, the question of the true God resounded.

"I'll be there in about an hour..."

"Your Majesty, why don't you go to the Bai people's residence first?

"The Bai people have more bases than the Yu people, and they need to travel another day.

"So it is! I hope this trip goes well...  

Prayer of the true God.

Qin Feng didn't say much.

He killed the elders and patriarchs of the Yu clan, and he had already forged a deadly revenge, so he naturally wanted to kill and eradicate the roots...

Otherwise, the Yu clan is very likely to kill the gods and seek revenge from the Southern Alliance...

What's more, the Yu people have Sanqi Ancestral Water, which is also what he wants.

There is also the holy egg that Qinglin mentioned, he is also very interested...

At the moment, Qin Feng rushed towards the Yu Clan residence with all his strength... . .

Time passed quickly, and an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, the Yu Clan resided in the forbidden area.

The four elders of the Yu clan looked at the altar below which had been demolished, and were filled with emotion.

"Second elder, the altar has been demolished, even if Wu Tiansheng came, he wouldn't find anything, would he? 35

"It shouldn't be found! Besides, the place where Wu Tiansheng is going is the Bai people, not our Yu people, so we don't need to worry too much."

"Speaking of which, the four holy clans are too overbearing! After they have cultivated holy eggs, they are not allowed to cultivate other races. Thinking about it makes people angry..."

"Hey~! There are only so many benefits in Guixu, and they naturally don't allow others to share the benefits. In short, before we cultivate the Holy Spirit, everything must be done carefully.

The second elder warned carefully.

The elders nodded.

At this time, another elder rejoiced.

"Speaking of which, we are a little bit luckier than the Bai people. At least the first stage of our holy eggs has matured, and even if we stop, it will be fine. But when the Bai people stopped, most of their early cultivation was abolished, and the first stage of their holy eggs was all Not yet mature..."

"Hey~! There is no way out! The people of the Bai people are eager to take revenge and have to make some sacrifices.

"But this time, our Supreme and the Patriarch have both fallen, and the loss is worse than theirs..."

"Yeah! However, our holy eggs are progressing well. As long as the holy eggs are cultivated smoothly, our Yu clan will be able to make a comeback and bring our Yu clan to the peak..."

These words made the elders nodded slightly.

The second elder even looked towards the Bai people and muttered to himself...

"It's up to the Bai clan now. If the Bai clan does not condense the Ancestral Water of the Six Spirits, our holy eggs will not be able to proceed to the second stage!

"Yeah! The Bai people took such a big risk this time to invite Wu Tianshengzun, saying that it was for Bai Wuchuan's revenge, but in fact it was for the Liuling Ancestral Water. Without the Liuling Ancestral Water, their holy eggs would never reach the first stage. mature..."

"That's the truth! I didn't expect that it would be so difficult to condense a Six Spirit Ancestral Water. This time, not only did Bai Wuchuan get in, but even our Yu Clan's Taishang and Patriarch also got in..."

"I hope that this time, they can use the hands of Wu Tiansheng to intercept the people from the South Alliance and capture the Jiuyuan God alive..."

"Hey~! I hope so!

The four were amazed.

It turned out that the holy egg matured in two stages.

In the first stage, the holy eggs of the Yu tribe entered a mature state by absorbing the Sanqi Ancestral Water, and at this time they could draw holy blood.

The holy eggs of the Bai people are cultivated with the Ancestral Water of the Six Spirits.

In the second stage, it is necessary to use the Creation Divine Water to cultivate holy eggs.

With the strength of the Yu and Bai tribes, it is difficult for a single clan to condense the divine water of creation, so they formed an alliance and cooperated, first condensing a kind of ancestral water, and then condensing the divine water of creation together.

Therefore, if the Six Spirit Ancestral Water of the Bai Clan does not condense, the holy egg plan of the Yu Clan will not be able to continue...

"By the way, the first elder and the others have already arrived in the Bai clan, right?"

"It should be here! I estimate that Wu Tian Shengzun should also arrive at the Bai clan..."

"Hopefully this time, they can succeed, and they must never let the SAARC people run away again..."

"Don't worry! This time, the first elder brought six strong gods over, and the Bai clan still has one half-step Eternal, seven gods, plus Wu Tiansheng, still can't intercept a South Alliance?

"I'm afraid that not only these masters, Wu Tianshengzun will also bring some of his subordinates..."

"That's good! I don't know where those SAARC people are now?"

As soon as these words fell, there was a loud bang outside the forbidden area...


Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

"Not good! The resident formation was breached!

"Who?! Who?! Who is attacking our Yu 420 clan?"

The expressions of the four elders changed greatly, and they all looked outside the forbidden area.

At this moment, a shrill scream rang out from outside the forbidden area...

The faces of the four of them became extremely ugly.

There is no doubt that the Yu people were attacked, and it was a one-sided massacre...

Before the four of them could make a move, a clansman covered in blood flew from outside the forbidden area...

"Elder! Elder! It's not good! It's not good.... The people from the South Alliance are killing us!


The four elders were dumbfounded, thinking they had heard it wrong.

They were speculating on the movements of SAARC, but they didn't expect that the other party had already entered the house...

"SAARC? How do you know it's from SAARC?"

"Elder! They themselves... ah~! 35


Without waiting for the man to finish speaking, a slender and fair finger penetrated the void and crushed the man into scum with a single finger...

The four elders were so frightened that their expressions changed drastically, and they retreated in panic...

The clan who was killed in seconds was a powerhouse at the peak of the gods, and was beaten and killed by someone who came here, this is really terrifying...

In the next second, the space flickered slightly.

The owner of the finger walked out of the void, and was actually an incomparably handsome young man with long flowing hair, starry eyes, and unparalleled power...

The visitor is Qin Feng..

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