Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 946: Creation of the Divine Water (please complete the order)

As soon as Qin Feng's mind moved, he recalled the phantom avatar into the double universe...

In the next second, there was a rumbling sound in the double universe, the entire double universe was shaking, and hundreds of millions of beings were shocked...

This is the phantom avatar in the evolution of the Great Thousand World...

Countless creatures look up at the stars...

This familiar scene reminded them of Wenyuan Daqian World...

Today, there are hundreds of millions of beings in the double universe, who have migrated to the world of Wenyuan to live and cultivate..

That side Daqian world has its own special resources, which continuously supply the needs of the two universes.

Now, a new great world is formed!

Countless creatures showed their adoration.

They are different from outsiders!

They knew from birth that there is a supreme god in this double universe, a god who created all things and spirits, that is Qin Feng...

The worship of these creatures to Qin Feng has already been deeply rooted...

And Qin Feng's confidants of the older generation are even more excited, and their chance has come...

In the last Great Thousand World - Wenyuan Great World, Tianfu Star Lord was arranged to be the Lord of the world, to rule over one Great Thousand World, and to be majestic and imposing all at once...

In this new great world, who will be appointed to be the Lord of the world?

With the roaring body of the rumbling, the world of Jiuquan Daqian gradually took shape...

As the new Daqian world takes shape, Qin Feng's fighting power continues to soar...

The Buzhou Mountain Range that connects the Absolute Beginning Universe and the Tai Beginning Universe is also more solid, and it is no longer completely atomized...

After three full days, the Jiuquan Daqian World has finally completed its evolution...

In the twin universes, purple light fills the sky, the heavens and the world are all clear, and hundreds of millions of beings cheer for it...  

Three days have passed in the double universe, and only a few minutes have passed outside...

At this moment, a system prompt sounded in Qin Feng's mind...

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the second Great Thousand World - the Great World of Jiuquan, and your progress in creating the God Realm has increased to 2.3%... The host's combat power has increased to 750 trillion..."

After a long time, Qin Feng opened his eyes with joy...

He has obtained the second Great Thousand World, and both his strength and resources have improved a lot...

In particular, his combat power has reached 750 trillion yuan, and the probability of killing Wu Tianshengzun is higher...

"Your Majesty, how is it?"

Star Master Ziwei asked with concern.

The true God is all curious....

They all sensed clearly that Qin Feng's aura became stronger again.

"The phantom clone has repaired the Jiuquan universe and evolved it into a big thousand world..."

As soon as these words fell, everyone showed joy.

Jiu Yuan and Shi Tie were both excited and emotional.

Their former home has finally been recreated...

"Your Majesty, according to the old man's estimate, Wu Tiansheng will arrive in about ten minutes. Should we withdraw to the God Realm now, or continue to wait for him?

Sincerely, God, please show me....

"Of course I have to wait for him! If I miss this opportunity, if the deity wants to kill him, there is no such good opportunity..."

"Your Majesty, it is rumored that the Four Sages of Guixu cannot be killed. If you kill Sage Wu Tian this time, he can still be resurrected in the Holy Land. Just like this, a deadly feud is formed..."

True God reminds me carefully.

Qin Feng's mouth curled up and he sneered: "Even if I don't kill him, he won't let me go. I checked Baiku's communication talisman before, and there are four wanted orders for the four saints, which should be aimed at me. …”

"Ah? This... why is this?"

Everyone was shocked.

Many people showed fear.

Being wanted by the Four Great Sages is not a good thing!

"It's for the divine leaf of the spiritual root of heaven and earth... It seems that this divine leaf is not simple! However, they still don't know who picked it, and Wu Tiansheng doesn't know my origin either. Suspicion is on SAARC..."

"However, this matter will be exposed sooner or later. One day, the deity will face off against the Four Sages of Return to the Ruins. Besides, I have also promised Jiuquan's remnants to avenge him, and this cause and effect must also be borne..."

"In this case, within the scope of my ability, why not destroy the Wu Tian Shengzun first, and weaken the power of the four great saints?

As soon as these words fell, everyone suddenly realized and nodded.

Jiu Yuan and Shi Tie were even more moved.

Qin Feng and the Four Great Venerables carried it hard, partly for the sake of the Lord of the Nine Springs Universe.

Of course, Qin Feng didn't say a word.

He wants to destroy Wu Tianshengzun, and he also wants to absorb Wu Tianshengzun's energy. This is also a great opportunity!

Although Wu Tian Shengzun can be resurrected, the resurrection needs to consume a lot of resources and energy, and it is also a great blow to Wu Tian Holy Land.

Of course, if Qin Feng wants to completely destroy the Holy Venerable Wu Tian, ​​he can only enter the Holy Land, destroy the Spirit of the Holy Land, and take away the Holy Land...

It's just that it's too difficult, because Wu Tiansheng is in his holy place, and his combat power is comparable to the second realm of eternity, which is not something Qin Feng can deal with.

This is the case with the Four Great Saint Clans of Returning Ruins!

Fortunately, their holy places cannot be moved, otherwise the four holy clans would have invaded the realm of the gods long ago...  

"Your Majesty, do we want to set up a large formation first and lay an ambush?"

"That's right! If we set up the formation first, we should have more advantages..."

Everyone proposed.

Qin Feng shook his head: "It's too late to set up the formation! Besides, I have other tasks for you..."

"Your Majesty, what mission?"

"Follow me to condense the Ancestral Water of the Six Spirits, and leave this place to the phantom avatar!

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Feng waved his hand, and the phantom avatar appeared out of thin air.

The next second, he took everyone into the double universe, and he also entered the double universe, and there was only a sesame-sized light spot left in the air.

That point of light is the entrance to the dual universe.

The phantom clone opened his mouth and sucked, swallowed the light spot, and merged into his body......

After doing this, the phantom avatar chose a place to hide and waited for Wu Tiansheng to come to the door.


On the other side, in the double universe, in the forbidden area of ​​​​the Heavenly Palace.

Qin Feng led the crowd, suspended above the altar of the Six Spiritual Ancestral Water...

At this moment, Zhenji, Jiuyuan, and Pyridine are all reading the secret formation technique Qin Feng gave them.

That's what Qin Feng got from the Baiku Storage Ring, the secret technique for refining the Six Spirit Ancestral Water...

After a while, the three of them read the secret technique and put away the jade talisman.

"Do you understand everything?"

"Your Majesty, we understand!"

"Then let's begin!"


Zhenji, Jiuyuan, and Shitie flew to the altar below, and each sat cross-legged on a spiritual pattern pillar...

Qin Feng waved his hand again, the space in front of him flickered, and the Lord of Yaochi appeared...

At this moment, her whole body was banned from spiritual power, and her body was bound...

As soon as she appeared, she saw the altar below, and her eyes suddenly lit up...

"Hey! It's the altar of the six spirits! Is this the residence of the Bai people?"

As soon as she looked up, she saw Qin Feng and others, but not Bai Ku and others. She was shocked and scared, but she shouted: "Qin Feng, what are you doing? Let me go! This is the residence of the Bai people. Senior will be withered, and you will be dead!

"Haha!! Yaochi, Baiku was killed by Lord Qin Feng! You are really dying, and you still don't know it?!

Jiu Yuan laughed loudly.

"What... what?!" Yao Chi was shocked.

Qin Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense, and slapped Yaochi Tianling with a palm, the divine power penetrated her body, and directly smashed her primordial spirit....

Afterwards, Qin Feng sacrificed her corpse under the last spiritual pattern pillar.

Immediately, the corpses of the six water-type gods gathered together, and the entire array lit up with dazzling rays of light...

Qin Feng controls three spiritual pattern pillars by himself...

Zhenji, Jiuyuan, and Shitie each control a spiritual pattern column

The condensation of the Ancestral Water of the Six Spirits officially begins...

Time flies so fast, seven days have passed in a blink of an eye...

On this day, six colors of spiritual light bloomed in the spiritual pond, and the monstrous sky rose into the sky, one after another...

The spiritual water in the pool finally condensed into the Ancestral Water of the Six Spirits......

Qin Feng was overjoyed, he opened his mouth and swallowed a pool of spiritual water...

At the same time, a crystal clear corpse flew out of the spiritual pond and automatically merged with Qinglin beside him.

That is the corpse of Qing Lin's previous life...

Condensing the Ancestral Water of the Six Spirits requires the consumption of six kinds of God-level water energy, but it will not completely melt the bones...

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, you have successfully devoured and refined the massive Six Spirit Ancestral Water... The combat power has increased to 774 trillion yuan..."

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host, your subordinate Qinglin successfully fused the bones of the previous life, and Qinglin's cultivation has been restored to the great perfection of the gods (God level) in one fell swoop... The host has gained a lot of combat power back.... Your combat power has increased to 7.8 million Yi Rang…”

Qin Feng was overjoyed.

Not only did he obtain a large amount of Six Spirit Ancestral Water, Qing Lin also obtained a large amount of battle power from his previous life, returning to God's battle power.

·0 for flowers·.........

So far, he has four gods under his command.

In addition, he still has five god-level corpses available, and he may be able to create a few powerful men in the future...

Of course, those are all later stories.

Qin Feng doesn't have time to deal with it now.

Next, he released all the Sanqi Ancestral Water and the Six Spirit Ancestral Water, and began to fuse the Creation Divine Water...

This is a great way to increase strength

At the same time, outside, the Bai nationality stationed in the sky.

With a rapid air breaking sound, from far to near, a cyan beast flew over the Bai people and turned into a majestic middle-aged man...

The visitor is Wu Tian Shengzun!

"Damn it! Damn it! Who? Who the hell did this?!"

Wu Tian Shengzun looked at the barren eyes, bloodstains all over the place, and fragments of remnant souls in the air, and he was so angry that he could not stop roaring...

He is still late!

The Bai people were exterminated!

"Who? Who is it?! Huh!"

Wu Tiansheng suddenly sensed something, turned around suddenly, and blasted towards a ground...


A loud bang!

The earth is cracked, and the gravel is flying. . . .

A capable figure flew out of the gravel and stood in the air, but was unharmed...

Wu Tianshengzun took a closer look and saw that he was a simple-looking young man.

That is the phantom clone lurking here...


"who are you?!

The appearance of the phantom avatar is different from Qin Feng, and Wu Tianshengzun naturally does not know it.

He only vaguely felt that the aura on this guy was very familiar, very similar to the handsome young man he saw last time...

This made him not dare to underestimate the phantom avatar.

What's more, this guy was able to avoid completely under his own blow, which means that he has the combat power of the eternal first realm...

"Boy, who are you?"

"In Xiaqin Rigang, a person from the northern part of the God Realm! Is your Excellency Wu Tiansheng?"

The phantom clone was full of nonsense, leading the suspect to the north.

Wu Tiansheng frowned: "North? Are you not from the Southern Alliance of the God Realm?

The phantom avatar pretended to be stunned for a moment: "Southern Alliance? Hehe! Those guys from the South Alliance have long since returned to the God Realm..."

Wu Tiansheng didn't believe it: "Don't lie to the deity! I suspect that you are from the South Alliance!

"Ah! Your Excellency is really strange, why do you worry about whether I am from SAARC or from the North?"

The phantom clone deliberately chatted to delay time.

His body is merging with the divine water of creation, and it has reached a critical moment.

After the main body completes everything, you can come out to clean up Wu Tianshengzun.

"Oh! The deity asks you, do you know who picked the divine leaf of the spirit root that day?"

"This... Qin is not sure..."

Wu Tiansheng frowned: "Then the deity asks you, where have the millions of children of the Bai family gone? Did you kill them?"

"Oops! The Holy Venerable misunderstood! Qin was just passing by and didn't know what was going on..."

Wu Tianshengzun was furious: "You kid has been hiding here sneakily, and said it has nothing to do with you? You are so deceiving as the deity? It's just courting death!

As soon as the voice fell, he rushed towards the phantom clone and punched it directly...

The phantom clone was helpless and met the blow.


A loud bang!

The phantom avatar snorted and was blasted away hundreds of millions of miles away...

Wu Tianshengzun was overjoyed, this kid's strength is not bad, but he is more than one step worse than himself.

At the moment, he dodged and continued to chase and kill...

The phantom avatar was bombarded by the blow and rolled over and over.

When he saw Wu Tian Shengzun attacking him again, he couldn't help but feel anxious.

If he can't support his main body, as soon as he is defeated, the double universe will be exposed, which is naturally detrimental to the main body...

But in the next second, a look of joy appeared on Jean's face.

It turned out that he sensed that the main body finally condensed the Creation Divine Water......

As soon as the Creation Divine Water came out, Qin Feng's combat power increased.

At the same time, the momentum of the phantom clone began to skyrocket.

At this moment, Wu Tianshengzun killed the phantom clone again.

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