Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 948: Shenshui vs. Shenfeng

Outside, the phantom avatar has been fighting with Wu Tiansheng for more than a quarter of an hour...

Then Wu Tiansheng finally found an opportunity to let the Creation Divine Wind break through the protection of the Creation Divine Fire and swallow the phantom clone.

In just a moment, the phantom avatar was completely weathered and disappeared...

This scene made everyone in the South Alliance exclaimed, and their faces changed greatly with fright...

"Haha! Dead! Finally dead!

Wu Tiansheng smirked proudly up to the sky...

"Even if you have the strength of the Eternal Realm, even if you have the Creation Divine Fire, so what? It's not dead at the hands of the deity!

With a wave of Wu Tiansheng's hand, he put away the divine wind of creation...

At this time, he found that after the phantom clone was destroyed, a light spot the size of a sesame remained in place.

"Huh! What is this?"

Wu Tiansheng was curious, and with one step, he came to the vicinity of the light spot...

That light spot is the space entrance of the double universe...

"Not good! 35

"That guy is coming in!"

"This... it's over now!"

Everyone in the South Alliance exclaimed, each nervously sweating on their foreheads...

If Wu Tian Shengzun comes in, it will definitely be a disaster for the two universes, and these people have no resistance at all!

Everyone in the Southern Alliance does not know that Qin Feng has already left the customs in the forbidden area of ​​​​the Heavenly Palace. . .

"Hey! This seems to be a space node!

Wu Tiansheng saw the clue, and there was light in the monster's eyes...

Whenever a space node appears, it means that there is at least a small thousand world behind, and there are many treasures in it, far exceeding the reserves of the storage ring...

Could it be that there is a huge treasure trove hidden behind the 10th node?

Thinking of this, Wu Tianshengzun was greatly moved, and he was ready to drill into the node to explore...

Everyone in the South Alliance saw this big scene, and their hearts sank...

Just when everyone was about to despair, a sudden change occurred in the field...

The light spot suddenly burst into a dazzling light, which only forced Wu Tian Shengzun to open his eyes, and could not help but take a few steps back...

In the next second, the spot of light flickered slightly, Qin Feng appeared out of thin air, and the spot of light disappeared. . . .

"Your Majesty! It is Your Majesty!"

"Haha!! Your Majesty is out! 35

Everyone in the South Alliance is very excited...

"It's you!"

Wu Tiansheng was shocked and angry.

He recognized Qin Feng at a glance!

It was this guy who killed his own clan.

Qin Feng ignored it, waved his hand, the surrounding space flickered slightly, the phantom clone appeared out of thin air, and resurrected again...

"This...this is..."

When Wu Tiansheng saw the phantom avatar, his face changed slightly...

This phantom clone has not only been resurrected, but its momentum has also risen a lot, and its combat power has increased from 28 trillion to 300 trillion...

What exactly is going on?

Wu Tianshengzun is a little unacceptable...

His previous complacent excitement was instantly shattered by bombardment.

"Damn things! Die all!"

Wu Tiansheng roared and rushed towards Qin Feng...

Qin Feng smiled coldly and slapped the palm of his hand...

That palm covered the sky and the earth, and the battle power that it exuded suddenly reached the threshold of the second realm of eternity, and the aura was extremely terrifying...

The threshold of combat power in Eternal Second Realm is 1,000 trillion yuan!

Although Qin Feng's combat power is still a little worse, his combat power has increased by 200 times, making his attack power reach the threshold of the Second Eternal Realm...

"'s impossible!

Wu Tiansheng sensed it for a moment, and his face changed greatly with fright...

He wanted to run away, but it was too late...


A loud bang!

That palm shot directly collapsed the returning space, and also shot Wu Tianshengzun on the spot...

But in the next second, Wu Tianshengzun turned into a blue wind, and he was instantly resurrected with one rotation...

The strength of the primordial spirit of this holy level does not seem to be weaker than that of the eternal first realm powerhouses in the realm of the gods.

" did you become so strong all of a sudden?!

Wu Tian Shengzun looked at Qin Feng in horror...

Just a few hours ago, this guy's strength was comparable to his own.

But in a blink of an eye, his strength has reached the threshold of the second realm of eternity?

Wu Tiansheng is hard to believe and even more difficult to accept...

"Why did you become so strong? How on earth did you do it?"

"none of your business!

Qin Feng sneered and was about to shoot.

Wu Tiansheng was furious: "Damn it! You really think this deity is afraid of you!"

As soon as the voice fell, Wu Tian Shengzun waved his hand, and the wind of creation whistled towards Qin Feng, and everything was assimilated wherever he went...

This is his greatest support!

With the Creation Divine Wind in hand, he is comparable to half an eternal holy artifact. Even if he encounters an opponent stronger than him, he dares to smash...

In the blink of an eye, the divine wind blew in front of Qin Feng and weathered Qin Feng's body...

The four spirits of creation, divine fire and divine water devour souls, true spirits, and primordial spirits are one of a kind. It can be said that there is no disadvantage in any way. Even the strongest in the second realm of eternity would not dare to let divine fire and divine water stick to their primordial spirits...

And the creation of the divine wind to swallow the weathered flesh is a must, and it is not unfavorable. Even the powerhouses of the second realm of eternity would not dare to let the divine wind stick to the flesh...

Seeing that the god wind was about to devour Qin Feng, everyone in the SAARC narrowed their eyes nervously...

Wu Tianshengzun had a proud look on his face. He seemed to have seen the end of Qin Feng's assimilation by the divine wind...

He doesn't believe that Qin Feng has the means to resist his divine wind, unless there are other creation spirits to help, or an eternal holy artifact...

But at this moment, Qin Feng waved his hand, and a black divine water emerged out of thin air, instantly turning into a monstrous black sea, forming a water curtain barrier, which actually blocked the divine wind...

The god wind whistled, rising hundreds of millions of feet, trying to cross the barrier of the water curtain!


No matter how high the wind blows, how high the waves surge up, entangling the kamikaze!

That black water is Qin Feng's new creation divine water!

The Sanqi Ancestral Water and the Six Spirit Ancestral Water merge, the nine colors become one, and the black creation divine water is obtained...

For a time, the two great creation spirits were entangled together...

" can you have the creation divine water?!

Wu Tiansheng roared in shock....

"And more than you can imagine!"

Qin Feng sneered and slapped it with a palm, and the golden fire of creation spurted out from the palm...

"Creation... Creation Divine Fire!"

Wu Tian Shengzun shouted in horror, and then he moved the seal, mobilizing the Creation Divine Wind to defend himself. . . .

But that divine wind has been entangled by divine water, he can't use it, his heart is extremely frightened...

Immediately, without even thinking about it, he turned around and ran away...

But the phantom avatar has already shot, and the four swords of Zhu Tian form a sword array, blocking all his retreat...

"No! 35

Wu Tiansheng roared in despair.

In the next second, he was slapped by Qin Feng's palm, and the divine fire of creation devoured him in an instant, and began to ruthlessly calcine his primordial spirit...

In the sea of ​​​​fire, Wu Tiansheng's shrill screams were constantly heard...

"Ah~! can't kill me! Even if you kill me, the deity can be resurrected in the Holy Land. At the end of the day, I will definitely go to the northern part of the God Realm to seek revenge for you. If you let me go, the deity will be revived. As if nothing happened... Ah~! 95

While Wu Tiansheng screamed, he negotiated in a threatening way...

"Haha!! Do you think that's possible?"

Qin Feng laughed loudly and then attacked violently...

The phantom clone also shot at the same time, hundreds of millions of sword lights, constantly piercing the sea of ​​​​fire, strangling Wu Tianyuanshen...

"Ah~! Boy, you dare to kill me! The deity will... definitely... no... will... let... pass... you...  ...

The screams of the sea of ​​​​fire became louder and louder, and Wu Tian Shengzun's primordial spirit continued to decline...

In the blink of an eye, a quarter of an hour passed.

Wu Tian's primordial spirit is getting weaker and weaker, and he is about to be shattered...

And his screams continued to echo in the void...

When the SAARC people saw this scene, they were both nervous and excited.

They know that Wu Tian Shengzun will soon be unable to hold on...

But at this moment, there was a huge sound of breaking the air in the distance, stirring the heavens and the earth, and the heavens shook 420...

A giant beast that is a hundred times bigger than a planet and is burning with golden flames is flying fast from a distance, and the mouth is also emitting a sky-shattering bird song, which is extremely harsh and deafening...

"My God! That's the spirit of the Second Realm of Eternity!

The true God exclaimed.

He has a lot of knowledge and recognizes it at a glance. . . .

"Quickly release Brother Wu Tian!"

It was at this moment that the giant beast spit out human words and asked Qin Feng to release the people...

At this moment, Wu Tiansheng is about to fall, and his breath is extremely weak. As long as he persists for a few more minutes, he will definitely fall. How could Qin Feng let him go...

"I wish... God... bro! Help me! Help me!

When Wu Tiansheng heard the shout, he immediately became excited, struggling with his weak strength, and issued a final cry for help...

That person who came was actually the first powerhouse among the Four Great Sages, I wish the Heavenly Sage, the second realm of eternal cultivation...

After he received Wu Tian's request for help, he came immediately.

He is the strongest among the three saints, and he is the fastest one to arrive...

At this moment, Zhu Tiansheng is getting closer and closer...

Qin Feng frowned, and immediately strengthened his attack with the phantom clone...

Wu Tianshengzun's Yuanshen breath accelerated and fell...

"Save me! Brother save me!

Wu Tian's voice was extremely anxious.

"Stop it! Stop it!"

I wish Tian Shengzun was in a hurry and rushed to come...

In the blink of an eye, he was approaching the scene and was about to stop...

Qin Feng was helpless, so he had to stand up and greeted the Holy Venerable Zhu Tian...

The phantom clone continued to strangle Wu Tian.

At this moment, Wu Tian did not have the ability to get out of trouble for a long time, and was controlled by the phantom clone to control the sea of ​​​​fire and sword array, and frantically strangled,

On the other side, Qin Feng also met Zhu Tian Sheng Zun..

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