Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 954: The Secret Art of the Holy Artifact (please complete the order)

The next second, Qin Feng entered the commodity sale interface...

He glanced up quickly....

Daqian World cultivates essence (cultivation), 10 million exchange points / copy

Fengshen Dan (body quenching), 1 million exchange points / piece

Vulcan Pill (Body Tempering), 1 million exchange points/piece

Water God Pill (body quenching), 1 million exchange points / piece

Eternal Holy Artifact Refining Method (refining), 20 million exchange points/book

Wild God Pill (practice), 1 million exchange points / piece

Xuan Shen Dan (practice), 100,000 exchange points / piece

Taishen Dan (cultivation), 10,000 exchange points / piece

Extreme Pill (Cultivation), 5000 exchange points / piece

Quasi-Sacred Pill (Cultivation)

"Hey! Eternal Saint Artifact Refining Method? Sure enough, there is something good!"

Qin Feng was overjoyed, and a fiery light appeared in his eyes.

For the past hundred years, the phantom avatar has always wanted to combine the divine leaf and the earth mother scripture, and wants to refine an eternal holy artifact, but the progress is very small...

To put it bluntly, Qin Feng has no experience in refining the Eternal Sacred Artifact, so he can't do it.

Now that he saw this secret method for sale, he was immediately moved...

You must know that owning an Eternal Sacred Artifact can greatly enhance your combat power.

It's like if Wu Tian Shengzun has a holy weapon, he can tie with Zhu Tian Shengzun...

It is precisely because the power of the eternal holy artifact is so terrifying that the holy artifact that exists in the world is extremely rare...

Many Eternal Realm powerhouses can't get one in their entire life...

Thinking of this, Qin Feng immediately spent 20 million exchange points to exchange the "Eternal Holy Artifact Refining Method"...

Afterwards, he spent another 50 million to exchange for 5 copies of Great Thousand World Cultivation Essence...

It cost another 4 million to exchange, and exchanged 2 Fengshen Pills, 1 Vulcan Pill, 1 Water God Pill...

He now controls the three spirits of creation: divine wind, divine fire, and divine water.

Those four divine pills can be taken by four confidants, and then they can be tempered with three spiritual things to improve their physique and potential...

So far, Qin Feng has only 170,000 exchange points left, almost exhausted.

However, he also achieved success.

After closing the mall, Qin Feng summoned the phantom avatar as soon as he thought about it...  

Then, he gave the "Eternal Saint Artifact Refining Method" to the phantom clone...

When the phantom clone got the secret method, he left directly and continued to refine the holy artifact...

After doing this, Qin Feng looked at Xiao Kunpeng kindly...

"Kun'er, open up your little world, and I'm going to make the little world sacrifice into a big world...~"."

"Okay! Master!"

Xiao Kunpeng happily opened a door of light...

The next second, Qin Feng entered the gate of light and came to a somewhat barren world of Xiaoqian...

Afterwards, he began to sacrifice his essence into that Fang Xiaoqian world...

With Qin Feng personally controlling, this ritual is extremely fast...  

I saw those essences turned into huge energy, and they were injected into it wave after wave...

"Ding~! The host sacrificed to the essence (1 copy) successfully... The promotion rate of Kunpeng Xiaoqian World increased to 20.2%. The host received a lot of combat power back, and the combat power increased to 1370 trillion...

"Ding~! The host sacrificed to the essence (1 copy) successfully... The promotion rate of Kunpeng Xiaoqian World has increased to 40.2%... The host... The combat power has increased to 1380 trillion yuan..."

"Ding~! The host sacrificed to the essence (1 copy) successfully... The combat power has increased to 1390 trillion yuan..."


"Ding~! Kunpeng's Xiaoqian World has been promoted to Daqian World successfully.... Kunpeng's cultivation base has been raised to the half-step eternal peak... The host has gained a lot of combat power back... The combat power has increased to 1450 trillion Rang·

"Ding~! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the third Great Thousand World - Kunpeng Great Thousand World. Your progress in creating the God Realm has increased to 4.1%... The host's combat power has increased to 1,500 trillion..."

This accumulation took three days...

During this period, Qin Feng's combat power has soared.

Kunpeng's combat power also soared all the way...

On this day, Qin Feng finally finished the sacrifice, and his combat power increased to 1,500 trillion yuan...

This progress is too much.

According to Qin Feng's previous thoughts, it would be good to increase the strength by 30%, and now it is more than 50%, close to 60%...

If this is said, it is unimaginable.

The Four Great Sages would never have imagined that Qin Feng's progress would be so terrifying, completely contrary to logic...  

At this moment, Qin Feng looked at Xiao Kunpeng with joy.

After he promoted Kunpeng's Xiaoqian World to Daqian World, this little guy's cultivation level was also raised to the half-step eternal peak in one fell swoop.

As an alternative universe lord, Kunpeng's comprehensive combat power is comparable to the threshold of the first realm of eternity.

The Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit, regardless of potential or talent, far beyond the saints.

"Master, my strength has greatly improved!

Xiao Kunpeng said happily, his voice milky.

Qin Feng also looked relieved: "Not bad! Not bad! Your cultivation base is now a half-step eternal peak. If you are refining that Hong Shendan, you should be able to break through to the first realm of eternity in one fell swoop..."

"Master, is it true? I refined that divine pill, can I really break through?

"At least a 60% chance!"

"Wow~! It turns out that the magic pill given by the master is so powerful. Master, then Kun'er will retreat..."

"Okay! You can retreat in your own great world!

Abandoning these words, Qin Feng walked away.

He still didn't say a word, as long as Kunpeng breaks through the threshold of the first realm of eternity, Xiao Kunpeng's comprehensive strength will be comparable to Wu Tianshengzun...

At that time, Xiao Kunpeng was the second general under his command.

The first battle general is naturally a phantom clone...

In the next second, Qin Feng returned to Double Universe.

He took out two Fengshen Pills and prepared to summon Ziwei Star Master, intending to quench Ziwei and the fetus Hongjun, and improve the talent and potential of the mother and child...

But at this moment, Qinglin's message came in his mind, and he wanted to see him, very anxious...

Qin Feng's thoughts were certain, and when the space in front of him flickered, Qing Lin was summoned...

".'Your Majesty, it's not good! Something happened!

Qing Lin looked anxious.

"how do I say this?"

"Your Majesty, you have been in seclusion during this time, and we don't want to disturb you. Those leaders who went out first, haven't seen their subordinates for a long time, and don't know what the situation in Kunwu Mountain is, so they sent a message to contact..."

"As a result, none of those who stayed in Kunwu Mountain responded. Everyone knows that Kunwu Mountain is afraid of an accident. Jiuyuan God and Minglin God rushed to Kunwu Mountain overnight..."

"On the same day, the three of them arrived at Mount Kunwu, but there was a shocking news. That is, a large-scale attack from the northern part of the God Realm has actually trapped all the forces of all ethnic groups in the South Alliance in Kunwu Mountain and cut off all their contact with the outside world..."

"The people in the north kept saying, why did Wenyuan's cosmos master avenge, and also avenge the Luling God and the other six gods..."

"Jiuyuan God and Minglin God knew that the situation was not good, so they wanted to come back and ask for help. But after a while, the two lost contact. No matter how I contacted them, I couldn't get in touch with them..."

Speaking of which, Qing Lin looked extremely anxious...

Qin Feng's face changed slightly: "Could it be that the two of them were poisoned? 35

"It shouldn't be there yet! The soul cards of the two of them are still intact! According to the concubine's opinion, the two of them should have been captured alive by people from the northern part of the God Realm..."

Qin Feng was furious: "Northern thieves! I haven't asked them to settle the old accounts, they dare to capture my people alive, they are really courting death!"

"Your Majesty, you have to save Jiuyuan and the two quickly. The concubine is worried that if things change later, the two of them will be in danger of life... Yang"

"You pass my order, quickly gather everyone, and prepare for battle immediately, we will set off in a while..."

"Yes! The concubine retire!"

At the moment, Qing Lin dodged and went to convey the order...

As soon as she left, Qin Feng waved his hand, and there was a white giant egg in front of her, which was the holy egg that failed to breed...

Although this holy egg failed to cultivate, it is also a holy product to enhance its strength...

Right now, there is going to be a big battle, and the stronger the strength, the better.

Qin Feng didn't think too much, opened his mouth to suck at the holy egg...

The holy egg shattered automatically in an instant, turned into thousands of energies, and rushed to its mouth.

The next second, Qin Feng's momentum skyrocketed wildly.

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