Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 969 attack from the Western world

"Yue'er, you go and inform Kunpeng, Zhenji, let them hurry out of the customs, go to assist the phantom clone, and meet the enemy..."

"Your Majesty, then this place..."

"I don't need to protect the law here, go!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

At the moment, the two daughters left in a hurry...

At the same time, over the SAARC border, a group of mysterious people appeared...

There are only five people in this group, but all of them are Eternal Realm powerhouses...

The white-haired old man at the head has a thin body and a bitter face, but his eyes are extremely arrogant, and his cultivation has reached the late second stage of eternity.

He is the most powerful being among them...

The combat power in the later stage of the second realm is between 1500 trillion yuan and 2000 trillion yuan......

You can see how extraordinary this person is!

This person is called Patriarch of Asceticism, and he is the leader of the forces in the Western Realm of the God Realm.

The Western Realm ranks fourth among the seven major forces in the God Realm.

As for the top three forces, there is a third realm powerhouse in charge.

However, he said that the ascetic ancestor flew in front, and behind him, there were three strong men of the first realm of eternity, a fairy from Cixi, a Taoist priest, and a venerable Yuexian.

These three are also strong men in the Western world, and they are all powerful subordinates of the ascetic ancestors.

There are four great eternal powerhouses on one side, and one of them is in the late second realm. It can be seen that the Western realm is stronger than any major holy clan in Guixu, but it only ranks fourth in the realm of the gods...

In addition, walking side by side with the ascetic ancestor is a fat old man with a ruddy complexion, bare breasts, and always a smile on his face...

This old man is called Mimu old immortal, and he is also a strong man in the second realm of eternity, but he is in the early stage of the second realm...

The old immortal Mimu is a loose cultivator in the God Realm, and does not belong to any power in the God Realm. He is used to being free...

At this moment, a group of five people, while flying in the sky, chatting while...

"Old friend Mimu, how long will it take to arrive?

The ascetic ancestor asked casually, with a bitter expression on his face, people who were not familiar with him thought he was sulking...

"Ascetic brother, you can be there in a quarter of an hour. The headquarters of the New South Alliance is Kunwu Mountain..."

Old Immortal Mimu said with a smile.

"Hehe! The New South Alliance? The New South Alliance has been a bit rampant recently. Taking advantage of the three extreme saints' seclusion, they actually annexed the north and broke the rules of the God Realm. Now, on top of the sacred contracts, the northern one The name has disappeared..."

The ascetic ancestors were somewhat resentful.

Old Immortal Mimu was surprised: "Is there still such a thing? As far as the old man knows, the seven major forces have signed contracts and cannot attack other forces at will. How dare this South Alliance do so~"?"

This old immortal Mimu is only a loose cultivator, and has always been uninterested in the struggle between powers. His eyes and ears are not as sensitive as other powers. He only learned today that the north has been destroyed....

"Hey~! Old friend Mimu, to be honest, the All Saints Contract in our God Realm is only bound by the existence of more than half a step in the Eternal Realm, and it is only signed once every ten trillion years, and the next time it is re-signed has not yet been signed. arrive…."

"But no one expected that the South Alliance would give birth to several half-step Eternal Realm and Eternal Realm powerhouses during this period, and these guys would destroy the north without the constraints of the contract..."

"The three great sages were very dissatisfied with this matter, so they asked the old man to deal with this matter. This time, all the semi-sage or above powerhouses in the Southern Alliance must leave their names on the contract of the saints. If anyone does not sign, they will be killed. amnesty!

"For this reason, the old man even brought the All Saints Contract Scroll!"

Speaking of which, the ascetic ancestor looked proud...

He came this time, but at the will of the three great sages, representing the will of the seven great forces of the God Realm.

He doesn't believe that the newly emerging SAARC dares to disobey...

The so-called three extreme saints refer to the three powerhouses of the eternal third realm.

Half-step eternity, revered as half-sacred.

The first and second realms of eternity are revered as saints.

The third realm of eternity is regarded as the most holy.

"Brother Ascetic, what you said before is different! Didn't you come this time for the Daluo Divine Sword?"

"Haha!! This time I came here for two purposes, one is to get the South Alliance to sign a contract, and the other is for the Da Luo Divine Sword..."

"Brother, if you want to get the Daluo Divine Sword, you have to kill Qin Feng, the leader of the South Alliance. That person is not easy to deal with? 35

Hearing this, the ascetic ancestor laughed: "Haha! Old friend, you lost to Qin Lei last time, and you have a shadow in your heart, right? The old man inquired and found out that Qin Feng and Qin Lei are brothers, and they are two years old. Similar, the cultivation realm is the same..."

"It can be seen that the strength of the two is equal, even if Qin Feng is stronger than Qin Lei, it is not much stronger...

As soon as these words came out, everyone nodded slightly...

Even Old Immortal Mimu nodded in approval.

In fact, the news about Qin Feng's identity was deliberately released by the SAARC people, half-truth and half-false...

Those secretly inquiring forces couldn't help but believe it.

The main reason is that the cultivation realm of Qin Feng and the phantom avatar will always be the same, and the outside world will naturally subconsciously think that the strength of the two should also be equal.

No one knew that Qin Feng's strength was three times that of the phantom clone.

"By the way, old friend Mimu, you played against Qin Lei last time, how do you think this old man compares to Qin Lei? 99

The ascetic ancestor asked casually.

It turned out that this old immortal Mimu had already looked for trouble in the South Alliance once for the Da Luo Divine Sword, but was repelled by the phantom clone...

This old immortal Mimu is a well-known loose cultivator in the God Realm, a genuine early stage of the second realm of eternity...

It was also because of that battle that the name of Qin Lei (the phantom clone) was resounding in the land of the gods, and the name of the New South Alliance became dazzling...

"Brother Ascetic, to tell the truth, when the old man and Qin Lei fought for three days and three nights, he was defeated by one move. Although Qin Lei is stronger than the old man, his strength is extremely limited. If he is compared with the old man, he is worse. It's too far. From this, it can be seen that Qin Feng is definitely not my brother's opponent..."

Old Immortal Mimu spoke eloquently.

He really thought that Qin Feng could not be the opponent of the ascetic ancestor...

"Haha!! This is not bad as I expected!

The ascetic ancestor laughed proudly, and his heart was much relieved.

Fairy Cixi, Taoist Wenshu, and Venerable Yuexian also all smiled.

They are also full of confidence in their ancestors...

"Old Ancestor, this subordinate remembers something. If you kill Qin Feng, will the rest of the SAARC sign the contract?"

Fairy Cixi asked suddenly.

The ascetic patriarch smiled coldly: ".`If they sign the contract, they can still survive! If they don't sign, they will be killed without mercy! This discussion is the common decision of the three great sages! 35

In fact, this is the transaction between the ascetic ancestor and the three great sages.

The ascetic ancestor came to kill Qin Feng and seize the sword of Daluo.

Qin Feng was killed, the SAARC must collapse.

The act of signing the contract proposed by the ascetic ancestors, with the prestige of the three extreme saints, to deter the people of the South Alliance, disintegrate the fighting spirit of the South Alliance, and make the South Alliance surrender...

His ultimate goal is to divide the territory of the New South Alliance among the three great sages.

This allows the three great sages to get the benefits without taking any action.

The benefit that the ascetic ancestors got was the Daluo Divine Sword.

And what he has to bear is the cause and effect of killing Qin Feng.

This is the transaction between him and the three great sages.

Otherwise, the three great sages will not give up on taking the Daluo Divine Sword and let him take it...

In order to successfully complete this operation, the ascetic ancestors invited Lao Xian Mimu to help out at all costs. . . .

He and Mimu old immortal are both strong in the second realm of eternity, and there are three subordinates of the first realm of eternity...

He is confident that this operation will definitely succeed...

You must know that the last time Mimu Lao Xian entered the South Alliance lair alone, he was able to get out of his body, not to mention that they came together with five masters this time...

"Brother, if this old man will help you win the Daluo Divine Sword this time (is it good), you must give me one of the places for the trip to the treasures of the ancient gods for decades..."

Old Immortal Mimu suddenly reminded.

The gift of this quota is also within their trading scope.

"Haha! Good talk! Good talk!

The ascetic ancestor agreed at once, as if the winning ticket was in hand.

The Taoist Wenshu also smiled and said, "Ancestor, if you get the Daluo Divine Sword this time, your comprehensive strength will definitely reach the peak of the Second Eternal Realm?"

The ascetic ancestor stroked his beard and smiled: "If there is a divine sword to help, it should be like this!"

The Taoist Wenshu was overjoyed: "If the strength of the ancestors increases greatly, then the trip to the treasures of the ancient gods will be more beneficial to us..."

The ascetic ancestor smiled proudly: "It's too early to talk about this now, we'll talk about it after we kill that Qin Feng..."

"The old man is right!

At the moment, a group of people with relaxed expressions rushed to Kunwu Mountain, talking and laughing. …

Time flies so fast, a quarter of an hour has passed in a blink of an eye.

The group of the ascetic ancestors finally arrived near Kunwu Mountain.

Meanwhile, within the double universe.

Qin Feng's progress in quenching the fetus Hongjun has reached 94.6%...kill.

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