Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 971 The language is amazing

When the ascetic ancestor saw this scene, he smiled coldly; "Do it!""

As soon as the voice fell, the audience was about to start fighting.

But at this critical moment, a cold drink rang out in the field!


The person who speaks is the phantom ~ avatar...

"Qin Lei, what do you want?"

"Friend ascetic, what did you mean just now, except for my brother, everyone else can sign the contract, as long as they sign it, they will not be held accountable by the three great sages? 35

"That's right! Not only will you not be held accountable by the three great sages, your SAARC forces will be the legitimate forces of the God Realm from now on, and will be protected by the three great sages!

"This...", the phantom clone showed a hint of hesitation.

The ascetic patriarch smiled but not smiled: "If you ask this, is it possible that you want to betray your brother?"

The phantom avatar smiled slightly: "It's not impossible!""

As soon as these words came out, the ascetic ancestor was stunned.

Old Immortal Mimu, Fairy Cixi, Daoist Wenshu, Venerable Yuexian were all so shocked that their mouths were wide open...

isn't it?

Looking at Qin Feng's subordinates, all of them are loyal and strong...

Why did his own brother actually want to betray him?

This huge contrast caught the ascetic and others by surprise.

Everyone in the South Alliance also had strange expressions on their faces.

Those high-level confidants know that the phantom avatar is Qin Feng, and Qin Feng is the phantom avatar...

Your Majesty wants to betray yourself?

It makes them a little confused!

"Your Majesty, your plan is..."

"Yeah! Your Majesty, you don't really want to sign a contract, the Three Great Sages don't want you to sign..."

"Master, this is the suppression of you by the three great sages! We don't give in!"

"That's right! With the current power of our SAARC, if we want to fight recklessly, we will definitely make them pay a heavy price and make them regret making such a decision..."

"Your Majesty, my concubine is willing to fight to the death with you!

The voice transmission of the subordinates sounded in the ears of the phantom avatar...

"Everyone, don't be impatient! My body is being tempered by Hong'er, and it will take twenty minutes to complete..."

"Without the main body, with the strength of us people, we can't stop them, and there will be a lot of casualties. I said that on purpose, just to delay the time..."

The phantom avatar explained a little, and everyone suddenly realized...

At this time, the phantom avatar looked at the ascetic ancestor...

"Fellow ascetic, after all, the matter of signing the contract is very important, and I am not the only one who has the final say. Can I discuss it with all of my subordinates? 55'


The ascetic ancestor recovered from the daze.

This kid really intends to betray his brother, this brotherhood is really speechless...

The ascetic ancestors looked at each other and made eye contact...

"Old Ancestor, why don't you let them discuss it. If you can get these people to give up their resistance, and I will only deal with Qin Feng alone, it will be a piece of cake, and the Daluo Divine Sword will surely belong to the Ancestor..."

"That's right! This subordinate also thinks so..."

Fairy Cixi and Taoist Wenshu have voiced their suggestions...

The ascetic ancestor nodded slightly, feeling that it made sense.

Then, he looked at the phantom clone.

"Okay~! The old man will wait five minutes for you, and you can discuss it quickly!"

"Thank you! 35

Immediately, the phantom avatar gathered all the subordinates, gathered around and whispered, pretending to communicate...

For a time, some people looked calm, some people were angry, some people were excited, and it seemed that there were great differences in controversy...

The group of the ascetic ancestors, like watching a play, smiled and watched...

In their opinion, the performance of this South Alliance person is like a group of clowns, which is very funny. Before the enemy starts fighting, they start their own internal strife...

In a blink of an eye, five minutes have passed, and the phantom avatar and others are still arguing...

"Fellow Daoist Qin Lei, the time has come, what is the result of your discussion?"

"Ascetic daoist friends, I'm really sorry! We have a lot of internal disputes. We hope that daoist friends will give them another five minutes so that Qin can convince them..."

The ascetic ancestor frowned slightly: "Okay! Then give your Excellency five minutes, be sure not to delay..."

"Well said!

At the moment, the phantom avatar and others continued to pretend to discuss, and the debate became more intense...

The ascetic ancestor and others waited silently.

Their original look of anticipation gradually became a little anxious...

Time flies so fast, in a blink of an eye, the second five minutes have passed...

"Fellow Daoist Qin Lei, how was the discussion?"

"Hey~! Ascetic Daoist friends, there are some subordinates who disagree. I hope Daoist Daoist friends give me another five minutes..."

The ascetic ancestor was displeased: "Qin Lei, you have repeatedly asked the old man for time. You are not deliberately delaying the time and secretly letting someone inform Qin Feng about it? 39

The phantom avatar was also displeased: "Daoist friend, if I secretly reported that my brother should have come forward long ago, why delay it until now? It is true that several people disagree, and Qin is trying to persuade him. If Daoist friend does not believe it, this matter Never mind…."

The ascetic ancestor looked depressed.

He also didn't want to give up halfway.

Immediately, he said: "Okay! Qin Lei, the old man will give you the last five minutes. No matter what the outcome of the discussion is, you must give the old man an answer. If there are any stubborn people, let him and Qin Feng together. Let's be buried!

"Okay! Fellow Daoist, let me persuade one or two more..."

At the moment, the phantom avatar once again discussed with the subordinates.

This time, the disputes between the people are obviously much less, and gradually the more and more the chat is more harmonious...

When the five-minute time is up, everyone counts the time. Qin Feng will be able to appear in less than five minutes, and everyone has a smile on their faces...

This scene made the minds of the ascetic and the others light up, thinking that there is hope...

At the moment, the ascetic ancestor had a smile on the corner of his mouth and asked expectantly.

"Fellow Daoist Qin Lei, how did this negotiation go?

The phantom avatar also smiled and said: "This time the negotiation was very successful, and everyone's opinions have reached an agreement..."

The ascetic ancestor was overjoyed: "Haha!! It should have been this way! Everyone, then come up and sign the contract quickly!""

As soon as the voice fell, he waved his hand and once again sacrificed the sacred contract....

But he didn't want to, the corner of the phantom avatar curled up, and said with a sneer: "Fellow Daoist misunderstanding! Our unanimous opinion is: absolutely not to sign! 35

The ascetic ancestor was stunned.

Immediately, he was furious: "You are playing with me! 35

Fairy Cixi, Taoist Wenshu, and Venerable Yuexian were all furious.

"Ascetic brother, these guys are just delaying time!" Mimu Lao Xian suddenly woke up.

·0 Seeking Flowers··

The ascetic ancestor was furious: "Damn! Kill them all for the old man!

As soon as the voice fell, Mimu Laoxian and others slaughtered the people in the South Alliance...

The ascetic ancestor put away the contract and also killed it...

"Hands on! 35

As soon as the phantom clone gave an order, he led the leaders of the Southern Alliance to meet the powerful enemy...

A war broke out in an instant.

Mimu Lao Xian directly found the phantom avatar, and the two fought for the second time...

In this fight, the battle is a stalemate, and it is impossible to tell the difference for a while.

On the other side, Kunpeng alone greeted Fairy Cixi and Daoist Wenshu, fighting one against two...

Kunpeng's cultivation base is the peak of the first realm of eternity, but his comprehensive strength has reached the threshold of the second realm, so he not only does not fall below the bottom, but also has the upper hand...

Zhenji has a hand with Venerable Yuexian.

Zhenji has just broken through to the first realm, and Venerable Yuexian is a veteran of the first realm.

When the two sides played against each other, they really fell behind...

In short, several top masters have opponents, but the ascetic ancestors are unable to stop...

"Leaving this place for the four of you! This old man is going to destroy Qin Feng! 35

Ascetic ancestor gave an order, he attacked and killed the SAARC headquarters...

"No! Here he is!"

"Quick! Quick! Start! Start!"

When Jiuyuan and the others saw the ascetic ancestors coming, they all changed their expressions, and they quickly ordered to start the formation...

Buzz~! Buzz~! Buzz~!

In an instant, millions of quasi-god or above disciples inspired a great formation, and thousands of formation beams of light shot up into the sky.

Jiuyuan, Pitie, Qinglin, Panzu, Fengdi, and Fuzhi are the six half-step eternals, forming the six main formations...

Qin Baobao, Hongyue, Minglin, Minghe and other seventy or eighty god-level powerhouses formed a secondary formation...

An incomparably powerful protective mask formed in an instant, covering the sky and the ground, completely protecting the SAARC headquarters...


The ascetic ancestor slammed out with a palm...

That palm burst into a dazzling golden light, containing the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth...

Wherever the palm wind passes, all the space collapses and shatters, turning into nothingness and chaos. . . .


That palm firmly bombarded the mask, making an earth-shattering crisp sound~!

The mask instantly shattered and turned into starlight~!

Wow~! Poof~! Poof~!

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

Jiuyuan and the others sprayed blood and fell from the air...

A few more gods were stunned by the force of that palm, and they fell directly, smashing a human-shaped pit on the ground, smashing dust and smoke several feet high...

On the ground, millions of Nanmeng disciples also spurted blood...

Even hundreds of formation bases were blown apart by the power of that palm...

Under the palm of his hand, the mountain protection formation was broken, and the millions of children of the South Alliance spurted blood, and they were defeated. . . .

The late stage strength of Eternal Second Realm is so terrifying!

"Haha!! You wait for the ants, if you dare to stop the deity, you should all die!

The ascetic ancestor laughed proudly.

In the next second, he slapped Jiuyuan and the others with a palm, and shot down the killer...spoon

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