Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 980: A comprehensive victory, the return to the ruins collapses

A total of days, I wish the sky a roar.

As soon as they saw Wu Tian's fall, they knew that the situation was over.

At this moment, the two actually took the lead to escape...

"Haha! Gongtian, do you think you can escape this time?

A total of smug laughter.

This is his life-and-death enemy, how could he easily let go...

"Damn it! Go away! Go away!"

The weather was roaring.

"Haha!! Today, you can't escape from Laozi!

Gong Gong will entangle Gong Tian to the death.

On the other side, Jiuyin also entangled Zhu Tian.

The phantom avatar still trapped Gonglong to the death.

It's just that the situation outside is changing too fast, and Gonglong knows that it is not good, and the bombardment is even more violent...

On the other hand, as soon as Qin Feng killed Wu Tiansheng, Kunpeng immediately went over to help Zhenji and others...

As soon as he entered the war, the SAARC side had the absolute upper hand.

In just a few seconds, three gods fell...

In addition, the Holy Venerable Wu Tian has also fallen, and the half-step eternity and the gods of those holy places have completely collapsed, and they have fled in all directions...

In this way, the half-step Eternal-level and God-level combat power of the Holy Land side is completely defeated, and the casualties are rapidly accelerated...

The same is true on the ground.

The disciples of the Holy Land were already at a disadvantage, and as soon as the Holy Venerable Wu Tian fell, all the children immediately collapsed and fled in all directions...

The children of the South Alliance suddenly gained the upper hand, and the scene fell into a one-sided massacre...  

"Ah~! Help me! Help me!

"Quick! Run! 9

433 "There is a teleportation array over there!

For a time, cries, cries for help, and the sound of running away rang out...

Countless people fled to a valley...

In that valley, there are three super teleportation formations that lead to the holy places of the other three tribes...

Soon, the aura of the teleportation formation activated in the valley...

At this moment, the fighting spirit of the saint clan disciples completely collapsed, everyone was thinking about running for their lives, how could they still have the heart to fight...

At the moment, the disciples of the saints were killed in pieces...

In this way, not long after the battle started, the Saint Race side collapsed completely...

"Damn it! Get out of here!

"Haha!! Gongtian, Laozi will never let you escape today!"

In the air, the scolding of Gongtian and Gonggong sounded.

At this moment, Qin Feng has collected the energy transformed by Wu Tiansheng and rushed over...

When Gongtian saw Qin Feng kill him, his face changed greatly, his eyes showed despair...

"No~! Father! Help me!

Shouting loudly....

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

Soon, his roar was drowned out by the attack.

Qin Feng and Gong Gong teamed up, and with just a few encounters, the Gong Gong exploded...

Afterwards, Qin Feng sacrificed the creation of the four spirits and began to strangle the primordial spirit of the universe...

Gong Gong is also on the side to assist...

That shrill scream completely angered Gonglong...

"Damn boy! Let me go! Let me go!"

Inside the sphere formed by the fetal membranes of heaven and earth, the roar of Gonglong's incomparable anger resounded...

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

Gonglong's attack is even more crazy...

That day, the plastic film ball was rapidly deformed, the phantom clone hummed constantly, the body trembled, and it seemed that it was about to be unable to hold it...

At this moment, there was a shrill scream in the air...

"Ding~! The host successfully killed the threshold-level monsters in the second realm of eternity (Gongtian Shengzun)... Received 1227 trillion merits (12.27 million exchange points)

Gongtian Shengzun was also killed by Qin Feng...

"Haha!! Gongtian, you have today too!"

Laugh together!


In the heaven and earth membrane ball, the endless sorrowful roar of the dragon sounded...

"Little thief! The old man is going to kill you!"


With that mournful roar, the Heaven and Earth Membrane Ball was blasted through a breach, and a dark monster with a head like a dragon and a dragon rushed out...

That's the dragon!

It finally broke the ban....

The defeat of the phantom avatar, the figure was almost shattered by the backlash, and it was no longer able to stop...

Gonglong opened its huge mouth and rushed towards Qin Feng...

"Pay for my son!"


Qin Feng patted it with one hand...


A loud bang~!

Qin Feng slapped the Gonglong so much that he vomited blood and flew upside down. …

The remnants of the Returning Ruins were stunned...

Oh my God!

Lin Feng smashed Senior Gonglong into the air with one palm!

The power is too terrifying!

At this time, the last bit of will of the saints' disciples has also disintegrated, and the trend of defeat can no longer be stopped...

But he said that Qin Feng smashed Gonglong with one palm, and put away the energy of Gongtian.

Then, he turned to kill Gonglong...

The two sides will soon fight together...

Qin Feng naturally has the upper hand...

"Not good! Don't let him escape!"

It is at this time (baeh) that the mutation in the field regenerates...

Zhu Tiansheng used a secret technique to get rid of the entanglement of Jiuyin, and fled in the direction of the teleportation array...

At this moment, he knew that the situation was over, and if he didn't run for his life, there would be no chance...

Seeing that Zhu Tian Shengzun was about to flee into the valley and take the teleportation array to leave...

The phantom avatar was injured and has not recovered.

Qin Feng is dealing with Gonglong and has no time to stop it...

Everyone in the South Alliance was in a hurry, thinking that this guy was going to escape again...

But at this critical moment, mutation regeneration...

Gong Gong and Jiuyin actually merged into one and became one person.

After the two were united, their momentum skyrocketed, and they reached the second stage in an instant, and their speed naturally doubled.

In the next second, Gong Gong caught up with the Holy Venerable Zhu Tian and stopped him...

The two sides fought again.

This time, the co-arch has the upper hand...

Qin Feng accidentally saw this scene, secretly amazed...

What kind of secret is this?

It can actually make the two of them become one, and their strengths are superimposed...

At this time, the phantom avatar recovered and rushed over to join forces to deal with the Holy Venerable Zhutian...

"No...want! 35

"Ah~! Chuan... Teleportation Array! The Teleportation Array was destroyed!

At this moment, a mournful roar came from the valley...

The three giant teleportation formations were destroyed by Kunpeng in one breath...

He saw quite a few saint clan disciples, as well as several gods, all escaped in the teleportation array...

Even, Zhu Tian Shengzun also wanted to use the teleportation array to escape...

Kunpeng destroyed the teleportation formation in one go, completely cutting off the escape route for those people...

That sad roar, Zhutian Shengzun also heard it, and there was infinite despair in his heart...

"Damn little thief! The old man will definitely come back for revenge!"

Gonglong dropped these ruthless remarks, cast a secret technique, turned into a black rainbow, and fled to the depths of the void...

The speed was so fast that it suddenly reached the peak of the early stage of the third realm.

Qin Feng hesitated for a while, but gave up the chase...

At his current speed, that is, the peak of the early stage of the third realm, he may not be able to catch up.

Even if he catches up, he may not be able to kill the opponent.

After all, Gonglong is also a strong third realm, not so slaughter...

Speaking of which, this thief is also extremely cunning. When he saw that the situation was not right, he also slipped away...

Thinking of this, Qin Feng turned around to kill Zhu Tian Shengzun...

After a while, there was a shrill scream in the field...

"Ding~! The host succeeded in killing the Eternal Second Realm Spirit Monster (Zhu Tian Shengzun)... Received 1403 trillion merits (14.03 million exchange points)..."

Zhu Tianshengzun died and disappeared, turned into energy in the sky, and left behind a group of creation fire...

Qin Feng was overjoyed and put away the energy and divine fire. …

Afterwards, Qin Feng, the phantom clone, Gong Gong, and Jiuyin slaughtered those saint clan disciples together...

A bloody massacre begins...

In less than an hour, hundreds of millions of disciples of the Wutian Holy Clan were slaughtered...

The Wutian Holy Clan was wiped out!

SANC wins all round!

Qin Feng's confidant has one less problem...

In this battle, his gains were also enormous.

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