Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 988: Hongjun's terrifying strength

"not good!"

"Master, be careful!"

Zhenji, Jiuyuan and others exclaimed.

Hundreds of millions of Nanmeng disciples are also stunned...

Even the seven major forces were stunned.

But then, these people showed sarcasm...

A newly born baby in the second realm dares to take the initiative to attack a powerhouse who is at the peak of the early stage of the third realm. Isn't this a death sentence?

A child is a child!

When your mind is hot, you can do anything...

"Hong'er, no! 35

On the other side, the star master of Ziwei was so frightened that her face turned pale...

As a mother, she just doesn't want her child to have an accident.

But she wanted to stop it, but it was too late...

Her speed is simply not as fast as Xiao Hongjun...

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Hongjun rushed to the front of the green-robed supreme sage, and his pink fist directly slammed into the green-robed supreme sage's face...

"Haha!! Qin Feng is out, it's not bad for this old man to destroy this evil species first!

The green robe laughed wildly, and slapped forward with a big hand, trying to slap Xiao Hongjun on the spot.

In just one thought, the big hand of the green robe was about to collide with the small fist of Hongjun...

This collision, Xiao Hongjun will be photographed into meat sauce no doubt!


Star Master Ziwei closed her eyes in despair...

Everyone in the South Alliance also showed sadness...


A loud bang!

The emptiness of all worlds is shattered!

The huge energy explosion shook Kunwu Mountain violently, almost collapsing...

The big hand of the green robe and the small fist of Hongjun finally collided...

The hundreds of millions of children of the South Alliance are extremely desperate...

The seven powerhouses gloat over the misfortune with a smile on their face...

But the next second, everyone was dumbfounded...

Hearing a muffled groan, the green robe extremely holy spit out a mouthful of blood with a "wow", and was blasted away by Xiao Hongjun...

The people from the seven major forces opened their eyes in astonishment, and their smiles froze...

The hundreds of millions of children of the Southern Alliance also opened their mouths, and some couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

Oh my God!

The young master smashed the green robe extremely holy with one punch!

That is the powerhouse at the peak of the early third realm of eternity, and it is only one step away from the middle stage of the third realm!

And the young master is in the early stage of the second realm!

He actually smashed the green robe extremely holy with one punch...

"Old thief! How dare you insult my father! Young master wants to smash you! 35

Xiao Hongjun's roar sounded again...

In the next breath, he waved his small fists and chased after the green robe extreme sage...

Qin Feng was very noble in his young heart and was his only relative...

He will never allow anyone to be insulted!

This childish roar woke everyone up...

"Oh my God! The young master actually beat the green robe extremely holy!

“It was so good! It was so wonderful!”

"Young Master is worthy of being His Majesty's child!"5

The South Alliance people cheered...

"How is it possible! How is this possible?!"

People from the seven major forces simply cannot accept it...

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Hongjun rushed to the green robe again...

"Impossible! It's impossible!

Green Robe also roared.

He absolutely does not admit that he will be blasted away by a newly born cute baby...

"Little bastard! Go to hell! 35

The green robe greeted Xiao Hongjun's fleshy punch...



Another bang!

The green robe screamed again and was blasted out again...

In the next second, Xiao Hongjun caught up again, and his little fist slammed violently...

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~! …

Ah~! Ah~! Ah~!

In just a moment, the two sides fought for dozens of rounds...

The green robe has been beaten by Xiao Hongjun all the time, and the screams of the green robe constantly echoed in the field...

Everyone was dumbfounded!

"Damn it! Damn it!

Ziqing Sword Saint roared anxiously.

He wanted to help, but was entangled by the phantom avatar, and the avatar could not...

At this moment, the green robe extremely holy roar resounded in the air.

"Little thief! You deceive people too much!"

As soon as the voice fell, the green-robed supreme sage waved his hand, and sacrificed a pitch-black spiritual bead.


Lingzhu is ringing~!

Brilliantly radiant~!

"Lord Green Robe finally sacrificed the holy artifact!"

"Haha!! That little doll is going to be unlucky!

The ascetic ancestor and others were excited...

It turned out that the black spirit bead was the sacred artifact of the green robe extremely holy—the mysterious bead...


In the next second, human and machine are one!

The power of the holy artifact is revealed!

The mysterious female bead was blurred for a while, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into an old man in green robe, whose cultivation base looks exactly the same as that of the most holy green robe...

This is the magical effect of the mysterious pearl. It can transform into a second body, and its strength is the same as the main body, which means that the combat power has doubled at once, and the magical effect is endless...

The only flaw is that the mysterious female pearl needs to consume a lot of energy to change once, and the green robe needs to accumulate for thousands of years to meet the conditions of one use...

Therefore, he will not use it easily until the critical moment...

Now, he was forced by Xiao Hongjun to use his hole cards...

"Little villain! Go to hell!

The green robe changed from one to two, the strength doubled, and the confidence greatly increased...

Xiao Hongjun was also stunned for a moment...

In the next second, the two green-robed supreme saints slaughtered Xiao Hongjun...

The two sides suddenly fought together. . .

After all, two fists are no match for four hands!

After a while, Xiao Hongjun began to fall behind...

Ascetic ancestors and other people from the seven major forces are all excited...

Star Master Ziwei and other SAARC people are naturally worried...

The Ziqing Sword Saint, who was fighting against the phantom avatar, also breathed a sigh of relief...

Gradually, the green-robed supreme sage's upper hand became more and more obvious, and he began to feel complacent again...

"Little evil, do you really think this old man can't cure you? This time, the old man has to rip your skin off!

Xiao Hongjun was furious: "Old man! Do you think that only you have the sacred artifact, and the young master does not have the sacred artifact?

The green robe was startled: "What?! You also have a holy artifact?!"

"Humph! Old thief! Look out for you!

Hongjun opened his small mouth, and a gray spiritual orb spewed out of his mouth...


Lingzhu now!

The gray aura radiates in all directions, covering the eight poles of the heaven and the earth, and there is no heaven and no earth...

That is Hongjun's companion holy weapon - Chaos Orb!

There is a unique small world in the Chaos Pearl, which can avoid the great catastrophe and escape from the Three Realms and Six Paths and the Great Desolate God Realm...

In that unique small world, Hongjun is the sky, the earth, and everything, almost invincible...

"Old thief! Come in with the young master!"

Xiao Hongjun pinched a peculiar seal in his hand...

Om~! 450

In the next second, the Chaos Orb chirped again, exuding endless suction...

咻~! 咻~!

I saw two soft sounds, and the two green-robed sages were forcibly sucked into the Chaos Bead...

Xiao Hongjun dodged and got into the Chaos Orb...

At the moment, the figures of Hongjun and Lupao disappeared in the air, leaving only a Chaos Bead, suspended in the air alone...

Before everyone could think about it, the Chaos Orb trembled violently, and there was a loud rumbling fight, and the screams of the green robe extremely holy...

The faces of the seven major forces suddenly changed drastically...

"Not good! The green-robed adults have fallen behind again!

"Damn it! Damn it! Why is this little thief so powerful?!

At this time, Ziqing Jisheng was already jumping in a hurry.

He roared: "What are you idiots still doing? Don't hurry up!"

As soon as these words fell, the seven major forces woke up.

"Everyone, do it!"

"Get out! Get out now! Save the green robe adults!"

The people of the seven major forces shouted one after another.

Especially the disciples of the Green Robe Holy Land, who are the first to charge...

The ascetic ancestors followed closely....

The goal of these people is the Chaos Orb!

They want to destroy the Chaos Orb and rescue the Green Robe Extreme Sage...

"Not good! Stop it!"

"Don't let them hurt the young master! 35

The South Alliance crowd also roared.

Kunpeng and Ziwei star masters rushed forward first...

Gong Gong, Jiuyin and others followed closely....

The two sides met soon, and the war was about to break out.

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