Global Powers: I Control All Elements

Chapter 990 Qin Feng Appears, Fully Rolled

But the next second, the phantom clone slapped him with a palm...

The power of that palm suddenly reached the middle stage of the third realm!

Ziqing Sword Saint widened his eyes in horror

how can that be!

Ziqing Sword Saint couldn't believe it, and immediately drew his sword to resist, Ziqing's double swords combined again, and met the terrifying palm...


A loud noise like the destruction of a thousand worlds!

Ziqing Shuangjian was knocked flying!

The remaining power of that palm, heavily bombarded the body of the Ziqing Sword Saint...

Ka~! Ka~! Ka~!

Ziqing's body quickly cracked!


In the next second, he spat out a mouthful of blood and was blasted away hundreds of millions of miles away...

This scene shocked the audience, and everyone was full of stunned faces...

What exactly happened just now?

Why was the Ziqing Sword Saint sent flying by Qin Lei?

Without waiting for the crowd to react, the phantom avatar took a step and chased after the Ziqing Sword Saint...

At the same time, the space above everyone's heads changed, and Qin Feng walked out of the void...

"Your Majesty! It is Your Majesty!"

The SAARC people cheered.

The people of the seven major forces suddenly felt bad...

But without waiting for them to think about it, Qin Feng waved his hand, and more than a dozen gray sword lights shot out at the powerhouses of the seven major forces...

450 Bang~! Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

Ah~! Ah~! Ah~!

For a moment, the shrill screams in the field continued!

The five early stage powerhouses of the Eternal First Realm were all killed in one blow!

In addition, the four late stage 1st realm and the first realm peak powerhouse were all bombarded, and their primordial spirits were severely damaged...

The remaining four second-level powerhouses were also penetrated by the sword light, their momentum was sluggish, and the screams continued...

This time, everyone was dumbfounded!

My goodness!

His Majesty's casual strike instantly killed five people in the early stage of the first realm, inflicted heavy damage on five people in the late stage of the first stage, and killed four people in the second stage...

This is too scary!

Even the peak of the third realm can never be done!

The seven major forces were even more scared as if they had seen a ghost!

This person is the leader of the South Alliance - Qin Feng?

This guy is too scary!

Even if Huoyun Jisheng makes a shot, he can't kill a person in the early stage of the first realm in one move, not to mention Qin Feng kills more than five in seconds, or just casually strikes it lightly...

Such a method can only be done by a Heavenly Saint level powerhouse!

The Heavenly Saint level powerhouse is the Fourth Realm of Eternity!

But they saw that Qin Feng's cultivation was at the peak of the gods, and his combat power did not seem to have reached the fourth realm. How could there be such a terrifying destructive power...

Of course, the fourth realm of eternity is extremely difficult to reach...

In the entire Great Desolate God Realm, no one can reach such a realm, only in the Nine Heavens and Ten Domains will such superpowers appear...

The strongest person in the God Realm is the Holy Fire Cloud, the third realm peak cultivation base...

The combat power of the third realm peak is 10,000 trillion yuan of power, that is, the power of 10,000 poles...

10,000 trillion rang = 10,000 poles.

The threshold of combat power in the Fourth Eternal Realm is the power of 100,000 poles!

From the third realm of eternity to the fourth realm, it is an insurmountable gap.

Eternity is divided into nine realms!

The first realm, the second realm, and the third realm are the lower realms.

The fourth, fifth, and sixth realms are the middle realms.

To break through from the third realm to the fourth realm is to break through from the lower realm to the middle realm, which is a qualitative leap, so the fourth realm is also a watershed of the eternal nine realms...

Qin Feng's current combat strength has reached 15,000 poles, which can sweep the third realm, but it is far less than the fourth realm...

But he showed the speed of killing the Eternal Realm powerhouse, but it was comparable to the Fourth Realm Heavenly Saint...

That is because his spiritual power is already the power of Hongmeng.

The more than a dozen gray lightsabers he swung out were formed by the power of Hongmeng.

And the power of Hongmeng has great destructive power on the fleshly soul of the Eternal Realm powerhouse, which makes Qin Feng kill the Eternal Realm powerhouse at a speed comparable to the Heavenly Sage...

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!

"Everyone run away!"

The people of the seven major forces finally woke up, suddenly screamed and fled in all directions...

"Humph! Is it possible to escape?"

Qin Feng sneered, waved his hand again, and more than a dozen lightsabers shot out again...

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

Ah~! Ah~! Ah~!

In the blink of an eye, the four late-stage 1st realm and one of the first realm (baeh) peak powerhouses were killed again...

These people simply can't take Qin Feng's second blow!

In just two face-to-face encounters, Qin Feng killed ten Eternal First Realm powerhouses in seconds...

The remaining Ziqing Sword Saint and the four second-level powerhouses all fled with injuries...

At the same time, the green-robed sage also saw the situation outside...

I saw two green shadows rushing out of the Chaos Orb, fleeing in a panic towards the border of the South Alliance...

The green-robed sage also escaped...

It's just that two figures appeared at once, making it difficult to distinguish who is the body of the green robe and who is transformed by the mysterious pearl. . . .

And as soon as the green robe escaped, the terrified cry of the ascetic ancestor and others came from the Chaos Pearl...

"Lord Green Robe, no...don't leave us!...ah!"

"Forgive your life! Young master, grandpa, please spare your life!...Ah!""

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!

Violent fighting continued to be heard in the Chaos Pearl, as well as the shrill screams of the five ascetic ancestors...

Without the green robe, the five of them would be completely hanged and beaten.

"Stop them!"

After Qin Feng gave the order, he waved his hand and sacrificed a rune jade bottle to collect the energy transformed by the ten eternal first realm powerhouses...

"Haha! Old thief, you can never escape!

The masters of the South Alliance were very excited, and they were chasing them frantically. . .

Kunpeng is known for his speed, and he soon entangled a second realm powerhouse...

Gong Gong and Jiu Yin are also entangled in a second realm...

The strength of Star Master Ziwei is barely entangled in the weakest second realm...

In fact, these four second realms have been hit hard by Qin Feng, and their strength has dropped a little....

At this moment, Qinglin, Fuzhi, Zhenji, and Jiuyuan each helped one another, and the SAARC side quickly gained the upper hand...

Those four second realms were unable to escape, roaring in grief...

On the other side, the phantom clone easily stopped the Ziqing Sword Saint, and the book of the earth turned into the fetal membrane of heaven and earth, trapping him in it...

The phantom avatar also entered it and beat it crazily...

In this way, only the green robe is extremely holy and no one can stop it...

In the blink of an eye, the green-robed supreme sage flew hundreds of millions of miles away...

At this time, Qin Feng had already collected the energy.

He put away the jade bottle and chased after the green-robed supreme sage...

In just a few breaths, Qin Feng chased behind the green-robed Extreme Saint...

The green robe turned pale with fright...

"Fellow Daoist Qin Feng, this old man is confused for a while, why do you have to kill them all!

At this moment, the green robe begged for mercy.

"Humph! Those who violate our South Alliance will be punished!

Qin Feng sneered and continued to chase...

It was at this moment that a sharp air-breaking sound sounded in front of the crowd, alarming everyone...

Qin Feng couldn't help but follow the reputation, and saw a red-haired old man with a huge red gourd under his feet, flying towards this side quickly...

When the green robe saw the person coming, he suddenly shouted in surprise: "Brother Huoyun! Save me! Come and save me!""

The person who came is actually the Holy Fire Cloud~! ..

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