Chapter 146

Chen Yi continued to sprint, and the speed of the knife behind was actually fast. The straight-line speed can soar to about 240, and the cornering speed is also over 120. If it is normal, it can be said to be fast. Everyone can’t bear it. Live awe-inspiring, he deserves to be a professional racer.

But compared to Chen Yi, it was as slow as a snail. Chen Yi was far ahead, and Daohan passed the kilometer straight line and was about to enter the curve. The supporters on the side of the road would still cheer for him.

But what makes Daohan a little strange is that in the sound of cheering, I can’t feel the enthusiasm and excitement in the usual days, but there is a trace of tragic and vigorous, is it his own illusion?

A few kilometers ahead, Chen Yi entered a section with more bends. His speed further slowed down. In fact, compared to the Isle of Man tt, the Los Angeles Outer Ring Road is relatively easy to walk a lot, but to participate in Man The players on the island tt are very familiar with the road section, and Chen Yi is basically unfamiliar with this section of the road. He can’t remember everything on the map. He has to react to every corner, and it is almost the same in general.

Facing a curve that is about sixty degrees to the left, Chen Yi leaned his body to the left. The entire motorcycle is also slanted. Through this angle of inclination, the centripetal force is increased.

The principle is very simple, but in the process of high-speed riding, it is very difficult to achieve 440. It is difficult to grasp this degree. If the tilt angle is too large, it will fall directly, and if the tilt angle is small, it will not be able to turn.

Chen Yi controlled this tilt angle perfectly. The motorcycle tilted and drew a perfect arc along the curve. It was very silky and passed with a buzzing sound.

The degree of silkiness made the roadside audience and the audience in the live broadcast room feel a little bit irritated, and imagined that they would be able to go through the curve by riding a motorcycle. Of course, there is no need for Chen Yi to be as fast.

There are a few consecutive bends ahead. Chen Yi always bends with a slant, leaning left and right. It looks very casual and cool, and it looks like a flowing water.

At this time, there was a sharp right turn ahead. The curve was estimated to be about one hundred and fifty degrees, almost turning over. Chen Yi slowed down further, but still extremely fast. There is no speedometer at this location, and I don’t know how fast it is, but depending on the speed, there are no two hundred and one hundred and five.

Chen Yi’s body began to lean to the right, and then tilted again. The angle of inclination became extremely exaggerated, as if it was about to fall. His right knee was only less than five centimeters from the ground.

Lin Hai was shocked: “What is he going to do?”

Liu Jing was also shocked: “This kind of curve and speed can’t be overcome.”

Su Ya and Yan Xueqi didn’t understand, but they both looked dumbfounded.

The audiences on site and in the studio were also shocked by Chen Yi’s angle of inclination.

In this world, there is no such extreme close-to-ground bending in the Earth’s MotoGP competition, so for people here, this kind of curve speed is impossible.

Of course, even on the earth, on non-MotoGP race tracks, non-MotoGP specially developed cars, turning this kind of curve at this speed is undoubtedly a lunatic.

First of all, there are tire bridges and buffers on both sides of the MotoGP track. Even if it falls, there is a long sliding buffer distance. The danger is greatly reduced under the protection of motorcycle clothing. Unlike the current situation of Isle of Man tt and Chen Yi, there are trees on both sides. If the house fell, it would be hit directly and die forever.

Secondly, the motorcycle used in MotoGP is a specially developed racing car that applies electronic assistance to the limit, which provides a lot of assistance for the athletes to press on the ground. The Isle of Man tt racing car and the legendary H2R used by Chen Yi have no electronic assistance and rely on the combination of man and car.

On earth, the players in the two major events of MotoGP and Isle of Man tt actually look down on each other a bit. MotoGP players feel that the Isle of Man tt is quite vigorous. There is no technology to speak of, and it is impossible to run the best results with the best motorcycles to achieve the most perfect control. The Isle of Man tt thinks that MotoGP has lost the fun of confining a sport that belongs to the brave in a circle surrounded by marshmallows, and the high-tech electronic assistance has lost the most primitive driving pleasure of motorcycles.

According to (bgdh) Chen Yi, there is no difference between the two. For an extreme player, he prefers the Isle of Man tt a bit more, but in terms of extreme bending, the Isle of Man tt is definitely not as good as MotoGP. .

However, at this corner, Chen Yi feels that even if he uses a non-electronic assisted motorcycle, he can still pass it. As the road passes over, he is more and more familiar with this car, and his motorcycle riding lv2 (proficient) skills are getting better and better. Proficiency, not to mention the integration of man and vehicle, basically being a motorcycle is an extension of his hands and feet.

As he approached the corner of the curve, Chen Yi’s body and the motorcycle leaned further. His right knee had already touched the ground. Of course, the motorcycle rider’s bent knee touched the ground, instead of supporting it with his knees. The knee pad was just a protection. It’s not for support. It’s just to test the angle of inclination with the knees. If you want to master the balance, you still have to rely on the center of gravity.

Of course, this degree is extremely difficult to master. Even electronically assisted professional racing cars are prone to mistakes. Non-electronically assisted motorcycles can only rely on their own feelings. The balance point is only a line between them. A little error is possible. Cause an imbalance and fall.

Chen Yi mastered this balance perfectly, and the extreme tilt gave him extreme centripetal force, which provided the possibility for this kind of speed and this kind of sharp bend.

He just stuck to the ground, along the sharp bend, tracing a sharper and more perfect arc, after turning the corner, the body returned to the right, along the direction of the exit, galloping away.

The audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room looked stupid.

“Fuck, what kind of bend is this?”

“Chen Shen’s knees are all close to the ground.”

“My god, this is too cool.”

“I think in science fiction movies, I don’t dare to be so exaggerated.”

“By the way, won’t Chenshen’s knees hurt?”

“The bending in a motorcycle race is weaker than this.”

“The motorcycle racer said, don’t compare me and other mortals with Chenshen. From the moment Chenshen soars to 332km/h, we will no longer be eligible to compare. With this bend, we can directly enshrine the gods. .”

Excited by the side of the Qing monarch, the prodigal son, the prince, the mountain eagle, the Liudao, the crow, and others, they gave out gifts, and other audiences also gave gifts of all sizes.

The rider, who had been away for a few days, appeared again: “The rider gave away 20 super rockets in a row: Fuck, cycling. I thought it was the limit of riding. I didn’t expect that after a few days, I suddenly heard the news, Chenshen. The motorcycle soared to 332 kilometers, and when I came in, I almost freaked out when I saw the extreme bending.”

“Sweetly send 30 super rockets in a row: I have long heard that there is such a great player in Global Racing, but I have been just watching short videos. Today I can’t sit still seeing such a great motorcycle riding. .”

Many motorcycle enthusiasts have been captured. Chen Yi’s fans have skyrocketed further. As the more skills displayed, the wider the coverage of his fans. .

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