Chapter 375

Like the snow leopard, Chen Yi soared up.

Soon it rose another 20 meters, 30 meters, forty meters…

He runs faster than others on the steep ice and snow slopes that ordinary people can’t climb at all.

The audience was shocked, but they were more worried and panic. This is Mount Everest. Climbing up from this cliff, no matter how you look at it, it is a dead end.

Soon, the backlog of ice and snow on the cliff became less.

Chen Yi’s speed has obviously slowed down.

He stopped in one position, put his knees against a groove, freed his hands, carried the two ice axes on his back, and continued to climb with his hands and feet.

In this way, it becomes freehand rock climbing.

The difference is that this is a high-altitude rock climbing above 6,000 meters. The weather is still cold and snowflakes are floating. Even if Chen Yi chooses thinner gloves, it will still have a serious impact. It is impossible to take off the gloves. Hands will get frostbite very quickly, but wearing them makes it easy to grasp rocks.

The total disadvantages add up, and this is better than climbing the Dawn Wall with bare hands.

Fortunately, his physical fitness is much stronger than when he climbed the Dawn Wall with his bare hands, and he has seven more animal senses. The overall ability is not what it used to be, which gives him enough confidence.

He didn’t have the slightest timidity or anxiety, and he was methodical and undisrupted, just like a gecko hanging on the wall, climbing up quickly.

Wearing gloves to influence climbing, then look for better rock points, more suitable angles, and use greater force to grasp, like pliers, firmly buckling the rock.

Hanging on the cliff of Mount Everest, he was as small as an ant, and the wind and snow roared on him, but his upward pace did not waver at all.

The audience in the live broadcast room talked a lot:

“It’s so tall and terrible.”

“I have watched a lot of videos of climbing Mount Everest, and I feel that those are extremely scary, challenging the limits of mankind, not to mention that Chenshen is now climbing up from this cliff.”

“There is an inexplicable, tragic feeling.”

“This guy upstairs, don’t use words indiscriminately.”

In fact, the audience really didn’t use any random words.

In this situation, most viewers thought of the word tragic.

Climbing Mount Everest without oxygen alone is a feat. Climbing from this wall is even more of a feat. However, even Chen Yi feels that it is basically impossible to succeed. This feat is commendable in spirit, but it is not feasible, just like For the sake of great ambition, death is home. This is not tragic, but what is it?

Countless viewers have poured into the live broadcast room one after another.

Seeing the live broadcast screen, everyone suddenly gasped.

“I’m going, it turns out that Mount Everest is so steep?”

“In that case, surely someone has climbed it?”

“No, no, no matter the south slope or the north slope, the route to climb is far from this steep. It’s just that Chenshen chose the steepest route.”

“Oh my god, how can this climb up?”

“At such a high altitude, rescue is impossible, right?”

“Of course it’s impossible. Generally, when someone has an accident on the road, teammates may not be able to save. They often have to abandon and stay on Mount Everest forever. There are countless corpses on Mount Everest. Chenshen does not even have a teammate. , The program staff can’t keep up, they can only rely on themselves.”

“This is simply a road of death but no life.”

Chen Yi climbed non-stop, and deliberately used thinner gloves. The heat preservation effect was naturally worse. It was cold and biting, but Chen Yi completely resisted it and did not relax at all.

Because he did everything perfectly and his ascent speed was very fast, this cliff rock climbing seemed to be very simple. It quickly rose to 6500 meters, 6600 meters, 6700 meters, 6800 meters, 6900 meters, 7000 meters… even if it was. Chen Yi also started to pant visibly.

However, it was just a little panting, he still perfectly controlled the breathing and heartbeat rhythm, exhaling a long breath, climbing speed, not affected much.

Audiences who are a little knowledgeable are getting more and more surprised.

“It’s over 7000 meters above sea level, and Chenshen is still intact without a gas cylinder.”

“Although there is a little breathlessness, it is very frequent, just like when we are jogging.”

“People who don’t understand may not know how awesome this is. The average mountaineer will have to use gas cylinders when they get here. The oxygen in the air is not enough to maintain what the body needs. If you don’t use gas cylinders, people will A series of symptoms of hypoxia, dizziness and dizziness are normal, but Chenshen is safe and sound, and he can even climb at such a desperate situation, which is simply against the sky.”

· ······Find flowers···········

“What kind of lung is this that can take in enough oxygen from such thin air.”

Lin Hai, Liu Jing, Su Ya, Yan Xueqi, director Xie Kui, Bai Hetu, Liu Ying and others were also dumbfounded.

Professionals such as mountaineers Arthur, Basang and Lahm from the country where the sun sets are even more shocked, and the shock to them is even greater than the previous run of 15m/s or more.

They have climbed Mount Everest many times and deeply understand how difficult it is to breathe above 7000 meters. Without a gas cylinder, they are simply too uncomfortable to move. It is difficult to move on flat ground, not to mention the mountain slope, let alone this side, almost vertical cliff. , This should have been impossible.

How high is the oxygen uptake efficiency of Chen Yi’s lungs?

….. …… 0

Although they are all human beings, each person’s ability to take oxygen from the air is different. On the earth, there are also people who have successfully climbed Mount Everest without oxygen. In addition to courage, physical fitness, and technology, they also inevitably benefit from the powerful lung function. It is said that the oxygen uptake efficiency is about twice that of the average person.

Even so, athletes who climb Mount Everest anaerobic can no longer walk normally when they reach the back. Instead, they crawl on all fours just like animals. Every 10 or 15 steps, they will fall to the ground and rest for a while. To move forward again.

Chen Yi’s challenge was even more terrifying. Not only was it anaerobic, but it was also a cliff. He was not allowed to lose the slightest bit of support, and the momentary relaxation would result in death.

Fortunately, his physical fitness is not comparable to that of the anaerobic climbers in the previous life. His oxygen uptake efficiency is much higher. At present, he is still comfortable. Of course, as he climbed up and got higher and higher, the oxygen concentration became more and more blocked, and naturally he became more and more uncomfortable.

The wind and snow also grew stronger, the wind whizzed by, and the snow filled the world, making people unable to open their eyes and seeing things. Such wind and snow, even on flat ground at sea level, makes it difficult to move. What’s more, it is above 7000 meters above sea level, on a vertical cliff.

This is simply desperate.

The audience in the live broadcast room was worried.

However, Chen Yi himself, as if nothing happened, was still orderly and climbed up, but he used his hands harder to avoid being blown down by the wind. superior.

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