Chapter 388

Chen Yi slid at a high speed and quickly dropped more than 500 meters.

The route he was advancing was obviously different from the usual route. He didn’t go through the three steps, the assault camp, the No. 6 camp, and the No. 5 camp, along the relatively easy route.

Instead, it descended straight from the steep slope, leading directly to the North Col, which was undoubtedly steeper and more dangerous, but the speed was unparalleled.

With a bang, Chen Yi flew another 30-meter drop and blew up a mushroom cloud, then rushed out of the mushroom cloud and continued to slide down.

However, this time, the situation is a little different. It may be because the slope is too steep and the vibration is too violent. After the mushroom cloud gradually dissipated, the snow did not disappear slowly, but fell. Snow began to slide down.

Obviously, this caused the avalanche.

Don’t think that avalanches are low-probability events. In fact, on such steep slopes, it is easy to cause avalanches. A large amount of snowfall makes the snow on the slopes reach a certain thickness. When the temperature rises, the snow surface melts and the melt water seeps. To the inside of the snow layer, the cohesion, internal friction and breaking strength of the snow are reduced.

When there is a slight change in external factors, such as earthquakes, wind, or even walking, impact and other subtle sounds, an avalanche will be triggered. So many people died when climbing Mount Everest, and many of them died because of an avalanche, so in such a place, it is best not to make a big noise.

However, Chen Yi leaped all the way, with a drop of tens of meters, and the movement could not be small. At this time, it caused a big avalanche, which was considered lucky.

“Oops, it’s an avalanche.”

“God, Chen Shen, run away.”

“How could it be so unlucky when I encountered an avalanche again.”

“This is Mount Everest. It’s not surprising to encounter an avalanche.”

“What can I do, can I run it?”

“It’s impossible to get past the avalanche fast. Find a place to hide.”

Chen Yi looked back at the situation behind him, and his pupils shrank slightly.

This situation was not unforeseen, but when he really encountered it, he would inevitably be nervous, because he knew how terrifying an avalanche would be. On such a steep slope, this amount of snow, once the avalanche formed, it would be turbulent in the future. Blocking, human beings are too small in front of it.

Even if his physical fitness and extreme sports level have surpassed human limits, compared with this avalanche, it is only an ant. If he is arrogant, he will die miserably.

The fastest speed of an avalanche can be close to 300km/h. Although it is already faster than 200km/h, it is obviously not enough. The best way to encounter an avalanche is not to race against it.

Normally, it is impossible to run. The best way is to run to both sides, look for obstructions such as rocks, and hide behind obstructions.

However, this avalanche was already behind him, on the left and right sides, and there were no relatively large obstructions. The ordinary method was no longer feasible. If it was replaced by ordinary people, it would have to wait for death.

However, Chen Yi ignited his fighting spirit. He squatted down to minimize the air resistance. He no longer draws diagonal lines on the snow slope, and the snowboard dived straight down.

His speed has soared further, 210km/h, 220km/h, 230km/h, 240km/h… It was already so fast that the audience was dazzled before, and I felt that those ravines, stones, and drops could not respond at all, and now I don’t have to. Having said that, I feel that I will be crushed to pieces at any time.

However, Chen Yi is still in perfect control. He uses his eagle eyes to the extreme. At the same time, he plans the route more perfectly in his mind, minimizes turning, and shoots through the chaotic hillside.

At the very beginning, the avalanche hadn’t reached the fastest speed, so Chen Yi quickly opened up a distance, but soon, the avalanche speed caught up and the distance began to get closer.

Moreover, the avalanche rolled bigger and bigger, tumbling over mountains, and smashing downwards, as if the entire northern slope of Mount Everest was falling downwards, to bury Chen Yi, a human who knows nothing about the heights and depths of the earth.

Chen Yi didn’t look behind him anymore. He bowed down and lowered his body. His speed continued to soar, and his kinetic energy was maximized. When encountering a drop, it was not as simple as the drop, but directly from the cliff and flew out, sometimes directly. In the air, fly more than a hundred meters.

This approach undoubtedly greatly increased the danger. Even Chen Yi might encounter some variables that he couldn’t control and died, but at this time, he could no longer think about that much.

In just a few seconds, Chen Yi dived down hundreds of meters. However, the avalanche was faster and had already chased him behind him again. The overwhelming posture could definitely bury him in an instant. Once buried, rescue is extremely difficult, and I am afraid I will die below before digging it out.

The audience in the live broadcast room didn’t dare to see the atmosphere, clenched their fists, and wished to help Chen Yi to work harder. At the same time, they prayed in their hearts that nothing should happen in front of them, so that Chen Yi would have a smooth wind and escape the avalanche. However, what are you afraid of? , A situation soon appeared ahead.

Moreover, it is still a big situation. Two high and convex ridge lines block the way. If you want to go around from both sides, you have to make a big turn, and an avalanche behind is too late. The ridge line is very high and steep. There is no snow on it, and it is impossible to pass from above.

There is a valley between the two ridgelines, but this valley is really too narrow, it can only be barely narrow, passing a person, sliding at such a high speed, I am afraid that it will be killed from this passing, so narrow and not completely straight. , It’s harder to go along the valley at high speed than to climb to the sky.

However, Chen Yi seemed to have spotted the valley. Without hesitation, he swished precisely along the valley and shot into it. At that moment, everyone trembled.

Then the heart mentioned his throat again, and Chen Yi saw Chen Yi passing along the extremely narrow valley, passing by the rocks on both sides. As long as the control is slightly inaccurate, it will inevitably collide with the rocks.

Suddenly, there was a left turn ahead. At such a speed, the audience only (Li Zhao’s) shuddered and had no time to react. Then Chen Yi’s body suddenly tilted and the snowboard blew up a lot of snow, and everyone did not see clearly. , Chen Yi immediately turned the corner and instantly regained his balance after the turn.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, there was a sudden right turn in front of the audience, scaring the audience, and they all subconsciously dodge their heads to the side. However, if they were changed, the dodge speed would not be enough, and it is not simple. Dodge, but control the snowboard to turn at high speed.

Fortunately, the person involved was Chen Yi. He suddenly tilted his body again, drawing on the gourd, turning the corner in an instant. The route ahead was still too curved, and the audience was dazzled and almost fainted with fright.

“.ˇMom, what route is this 々 “.”

“What is Chenshen’s reaction? This way I can actually react.”

“This is more thrilling than the wing-mounted bat cave in the first place.”

“Oh my god, damn it.”.

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