Chapter 393

Chen Yi climbed the summit from the southwest side of Mount Everest without oxygen, and then skid down from the northeast side. Naturally, he successfully completed the last of the eight extremes, the task of ice consolidation.

In the system list, there is a special lottery and a limit of eight ultimate rewards. Chen Yi took off his snowboard and walked in the direction of Lvyuan Village, and clicked to receive the reward. This level is not to climb Mount Everest. The next check-in point is not the Mount Everest base camp. Although Chen Yi has completed the system task, he has not completed the competition level. He has to go back to Green Garden Village.

When he went up the mountain, he almost ran out of energy. When he went down the mountain, he almost ran out of energy. Now he is a bit exhausted. Fortunately, Chen Yi’s perseverance can still support him. At the same time, the news of Chen Yi’s solo anaerobic summit of Mount Everest is still fermenting, and the news of the downhill skiing on Mount Everest has also begun to detonate, making the world’s major news headlines.

In a university library, a few boys in the corner suddenly screamed, and then they started talking. In the library, they subconsciously controlled the volume, but because they were too excited, they couldn’t control the volume. Several people discussed together and were quiet. The library naturally seems very noisy.

“Several classmates, can you be quiet?” said a gentle girl, looking up at several boys, taking off her earplugs, and said.

“Sorry, let’s leave now.” The boys apologized, and immediately prepared to leave. Because they were too excited, they couldn’t help but say a few words as they walked out.

This time the girl, after hearing what they were talking about, her eyes widened and she couldn’t believe it. “How can this be possible when climbing Mount Everest without oxygen and skiing downhill?” said After that, I realized that my voice was too loud, and I quickly covered my mouth, showing apologetic expression to others.

However, the others didn’t mean to blame at all, all of them stared wide-eyed, showing a look of surprise, and they couldn’t help asking the same question, and the library suddenly became lively.

They are all learning domineering students who study very seriously. They cannot interrupt their studies for ordinary things. However, they all know what it means to climb Mount Everest solo without oxygen and ski downhill, even if some are interested in mountaineering. Not big, but it will respect this challenge.

“Really, I didn’t laugh. You know Chen Yi. He created these two miracles. Now the whole world is shocked by them.” “The boys who were planning to leave all stopped, miraculously excited. The tone is passionate and authentic.

“Even Chen Yi, this is too ridiculous.”

“I heard that he was going to challenge the anaerobic climbing of Mount Everest, and I thought he was crazy. I didn’t expect that not only did he do it, but also ski downhill? That is Mount Everest, is it a place where you can ski?”

“I learned about the news that he had capped Mount Everest before. I thought it was over. I didn’t expect that he would actually ski down quickly. This lunatic, there is nothing he can’t do.”

“I have been skiing since I was a child, and I can say responsibly that the downhill skiing on Mount Everest is more difficult than a solo anaerobic climb.”

“Crazy crazy, today the world has to boil over.”

Similar things are happening all over the country. The major news headlines are all news about Chen Yi’s summit and ski downhill. Almost everyone in the circle of friends is also posting Chen Yi, even the older generation. The rural uncles also learned the news from various channels and were popularized by Mount Everest. They re-understood the significance of climbing Mount Everest, and the popularity is like a major national event.

“It’s so strong, he is a man like a god.”

“No, no, he is not a man like a god, he is a god.”

“Is anyone testing or estimating Chenshen’s physical fitness? I suspect that the Captain of the US in Marvel is nothing more than that, and there are many operations that the Captain of the US can’t do.”

“When I heard him say the last item of the eight extremes, I felt something was wrong. He said that we must first climb Mount Everest without oxygen, instead of saying that the task is completed by climbing Mount Everest. It is estimated that the ski speed is added. Falling is the complete consolidation of ice.”

“What kind of fairy challenge is this, the key is that he really did it.”

“The eight extremes have been successfully completed. Any one of them is a miracle, especially the last one. It is a miracle among miracles. Today is definitely a day to be remembered. Su Ya is right. , Today should be the day of Chen Yi.”

At the same time, an old house in a remote mountain village.

A few cars hurriedly rushed to the door of the old house, and a group of energetic men, including middle-aged and young people, walked into the yard and saw an old man feeding birds in the yard.

“Elder Wang.”

“Grandpa Wang.”

They are respectful, as if facing a leader.

In fact, as long as you have an understanding of mountaineering and know the history of climbing Mount Everest, you will respect this old man, because this old man is the first person in China to climb Mount Everest. There were two other people who climbed the summit together. , But the other two have passed away.

“Xiao Liu, why are you here?” Wang Lao smiled graciously. He is more than eighty years old, but he is still in a strong body and has a straight waist.

“Elder Wang, a big event happened today. You will definitely be happy to hear it.” A middle-aged man smiled authentically.

“Oh? What’s the big deal?” Wang Lao asked with a smile.

“We have recently launched an extreme sports expert in China, a young man who is only 18 years old, named Chen Yi, I don’t know if you have heard of it. Today, he completed the impossible challenge. First he started from Nanpo solo without oxygen. Climb to the summit of Mount Everest, and then from the north slope…”

“.ˇ Wait, wait, alone, anaerobic, climb to the summit of Mount Everest, do you know what you are talking about?” Wang’s eyes widened, thinking that he had misheard, or that Xiao Liu was quick to say something wrong.

“I know this is amazing. When we first learned about it, we thought we had made a mistake, but this is true. Not only that, he also skid down from the north slope of Mount Everest. Mr. Wang, this is a video clip. You have a look……”

Wang Lao watched the video, was stunned, and then excited, and said: “Unbelievable, I never thought that someone can climb Mount Everest solo without oxygen, let alone skiing downhill. It’s been a long time to see. , This young man really wins glory for China. From now on, no one dares to question the mountaineering records of other countries. Compared with them, they are not farts.”

The old man was in a great mood, and his complexion was a little ruddy.

When they climbed the summit of Mount Everest, because they lost the video, they were questioned by Western countries. Later, they succeeded in reaching the summit again, which can be regarded as dispelling their doubts. In fact, there is still a full sense of superiority. From now on, it is absolutely different. Including the countries where Ribu (Li Zhao’s) has left the country, they no longer have the qualifications to be superior.

“This young man, you must meet if you have the opportunity. Don’t leave today. Stay for dinner. I’m happy today. I want to have two drinks.” The old man laughed, and he could see that he was in a very happy mood.

In addition to China, the same is true in other countries. The news of solo anaerobic summit is still hot, and the ski downhill is almost exploded. The major news agencies are simply too busy.

“Everest skiing downhill, how dare you think about it.”

“He not only dared to think, but also did it.”

“From now on, you can only think of him when you mention Mount Everest.”

“The eight extremes have been successfully completed. This is simply the existence of the Conferred God.”

“China is indeed a mysterious transition, and it can actually cultivate such gods.”

The whole world is boiling for him.

Chen Yi is just walking fast and heading to Lvyuan Village, but the popularity of the live broadcast room is still high. The number of online users has officially exceeded 50 million, and it is still soaring. Countless people who didn’t watch the live broadcast came in to celebrate. .

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