Chapter 60

I saw that Chen Yi continued to ride the FR uphill. After climbing the initial rock fault, there was a relatively flat slope in front of him, but he could ride it up easily. .

But after only riding for a while, and there are various rock faults, Chen Yi once again used the bicycle climbing technique. He once again stood up the bike with only the rear wheels, and jumped onto a rock to stand on it. .

Then he pushed the handlebar, the car turned ninety degrees, toward a rock on the side, and jumped up again. . This turning movement is called the fixed turn of the rear wheel. In theory, the technical content is not too high, but it requires a good balance ability, especially on this kind of stone. .

In this way, Chen Yi used the rear wheels to set, jump, and turn around. He jumped step by step along the chaotic rocks. It was more flexible than ordinary people jumping with two legs. In a moment, he rose seven or eight meters. .

He continued to climb upwards. As the terrain changed, his moves began to increase. Sometimes he jumped directly to the side without turning around. Sometimes he landed on the ground with his front wheels and stood upside down…

He jumped on the chaotic rocks, changed his posture flexibly, as if he had crossed one obstacle after another without much effort, just like a rock sheep. .

For ordinary people, this kind of slope climbing is difficult to climb. Adding the burden of bicycles makes it even more difficult. However, Chen Yi makes full use of bicycles, as if it is integrated with bicycles, combined with people and vehicles, bicycles are no longer used. Burden seems to have become a tool. .

Although bicycle climbing is not as thrilling as a bicycle fall, it is more enjoyable than others. All kinds of fancy movements will make you suspect that bicycles can still be like this. .

Chen Yi did not deliberately show operations, just to deal with various terrains, in order to effectively and effortlessly climb up, naturally made various operations, which is already numb to the audience. .

“I’ll go, how can the bike be so flexible?”

“That is not a bicycle, but a part of Chenshen’s body.”

“I can’t help but say it again, it turns out I don’t know how to ride a bicycle.”

“Isn’t there a mountain rider present? Come out and talk about it.”

“The mountain rider said, this is super class again.”

“Don’t embarrass us mountain riders. As soon as Chenshen came out and directly changed the textbook, what else can you tell us who have learned outdated textbooks?”

Chen Yi continued to climb up without any rush or slowness. . The overall speed can be said to be very fast. . It didn’t take long before he walked halfway and reached halfway up the mountain. . The hill above is steeper and more rocky, but Chen Yi still can’t stop him, so he keeps climbing up. .

What’s interesting is that there are a few shale sheep on the rocky cliff. This kind of sheep is amazing. They can climb on the cliff as long as they have a foot edge. With this stunt, they can avoid most carnivores. Hunting, but at this moment, Chen Yi actually rides a bicycle, jumps on the rocks, shoulder to shoulder with the rock sheep. .

When several Bharal saw Chen Yi, their expressions seemed a little dazed. . They seemed to be a little flustered, and climbed up the steeper rock wall next to them. .

“I’ll go, Chenshen rides a bicycle side by side with a rock sheep.”

“Hahahaha, the expressions of those rock goats seem to be full of awkwardness.”

“They may be thinking, what is this two-legged beast riding on, so it can climb to such a steep and high place, wouldn’t it be very unsafe for us?”

Of course, the rock sheep is just an episode. .

Chen Yi continued to climb, and after a while he finally climbed to the top of the slope. . At the top of Heiyun Cliff, dozens of meters in front, a lot of audiences were surrounded, and there was a burst of enthusiastic cheers. .

Director Xie Kui and the staff looked at the time. Even if they were mentally prepared, they couldn’t help their mouths twitching. If the journey is normal, the whole journey will be 60 kilometers, and the winding section of the mountain will be twisted and twisted. The road section is flat, and there are uphills. It is reasonable to say that even for a professional rider, it takes more than an hour. . For the average person, it is estimated that it will take more than two hours, or even three hours. .

As for Chen Yi, the road he chose, or the road he created, is only about 20 kilometers in length, and the speed is so fast, the arrival time turned out to be 8:20, that is to say, including the last climb. In the wasted time, his average speed throughout the journey is still as high as 60km/h. .

This is not a road, but a rugged hillside with no roads. . Even if you take this shortcut, which is only one-third of the distance, it is faster than others on the road. How does this make people play? ?

“Some professional riders and outdoor talents also wanted to get closer to Chen Yi by riding this road. Let alone getting closer, they were dragged for more than forty minutes.”

“Other players looked back and saw this scene, they are probably desperate.”

“If I were a player, I would definitely be desperate. It’s more than a fart, and the champion will give him.. If this continues, how long will he have to lead?”

“I hope he is not good at the next way forward.”

Xie Kui and the other staff are very helpless. Chen Yi’s game style is really exciting, but the problem is that when you lose your suspense all of a sudden, other people’s games become boring. .

They can only hope that Chen Yi will not be good at the way forward, so that others will have the opportunity to play, close the distance, and return the game to the scheduled scene. . .

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