Zhang Meili's heart was pounding - because the market price of ordinary yachts is only 5,000 yuan a day, and smaller ones can be 3,000 yuan - only this "Noah's Ark" has a strict rule given by Musk that it must be no less than 50,000 yuan a day!

So usually, few people are willing to rent it in a month.

But now, someone rented it for 10 days at once! ——This is equivalent to the performance of their department for a whole month!

So Zhang Meili felt secretly happy.

"Haha! Chen Hao! You seem to be very smart at ordinary times, but you still make a fool of yourself at the critical moment! Do you think you can still get the commission of this order after you leave?"

"Ha! It belongs to me directly!"

Just when I was thinking about the commission of this order, which was as much as 50,000 yuan, and what kind of bag I could buy.

Zhang Meili suddenly found out that the salesperson on the order was "Chen Hao" and the customer was also "Chen Hao"!

"Hmm? Am I dazzled? Or is it the same name?"

Take a closer look - not only the name is exactly the same, but also the ID number and contact information are exactly the same - this is the order that Chen Hao placed for himself!

Zhang Meili's eyes widened.

But this is not over yet!

Because yachts are luxury goods after all - so they must be guaranteed by proof of assets! Otherwise, if they are damaged a little, ordinary people can't afford it even if they work for 200 years!

So on the next page of the order, there is a proof of assets.

"Tomato Bank certificate, the account holder Chen Hao has cash assets in our bank of 18 million yuan!"

Zhang Meili couldn't believe her eyes. She rubbed her eyes and looked again. The number on it was still 18 million! The account holder was still Chen Hao!

Looking at Zhang Meili's look of seeing a ghost.

Chen Hao smiled.

"What? You don't want to blacklist my orders, do you?"

"Do you have the guts?"

Chapter 11 Benefits of Female Supervisors

"Hahahaha, Mr. Chen, what are you kidding? How dare I have the guts to blacklist your orders?"

Seeing Chen Hao's asset certificate, Zhang Meili immediately called Chen Hao the beloved "Mr. Chen"!

Why? --Because Chen Hao is rich! 18 million! And in cash! This is a high-quality customer in any company! --So as long as Chen Hao tells the boss, Zhang Meili will be fired immediately! --After all, it's not easy to find a customer with 18 million assets, but you can easily find a lot of employees who are prettier than Zhang Meili!

"You are a man who knows the times, so arrange it for me, as soon as possible!"

"Okay! Mr. Chen~"

Zhang Meili responded with great temptation, trying her best to show off her charm.

But Chen Hao not only had no reaction, but even felt a little disgusted --he really didn't want to drive this car that was worn out by the rich second generation!

"Mr. Chen, the Noah is under maintenance and is expected to be completed on Sunday. Can I arrange it for you next Monday?" Zhang Meili came over with the order and said, while exerting force on her chest, snap! Two buttons of the shirt on her chest suddenly opened! Revealing a seductive deep cleavage! ——This is her unique skill! It has helped her win countless rich second-generations! ——After all, men prefer this kind of "accidental" little benefit to naked temptation! However, Chen Hao didn't even look at it, but just calmly confirmed the order. "Next Monday, right? OK, I'm not free this week." Then he swiped twice on the order, wrote his name, turned around and left the office in a chic manner. Zhang Meili was left alone in the wind - her breast-revealing benefit that worked every time was useless in front of Chen Hao! So Zhang Meili's face twisted. "Chen Hao! You! You actually! Humph! You wait for me! I! I will definitely win you!" This is the money power brought by wealth! ——No matter how ruthless you are, those gold-diggers will forgive you for the sake of money!

As for Chen Hao, he felt refreshed after leaving the company!

"Huh! I can finally hold my head high and live a life of my own! I will explode if I stay in this cramped place for another second!"


"Besides, I have just enough time to prepare in this week!"

After all, what needs to be copied is a 109-meter-long yacht, which requires a considerable amount of physical strength + mental strength - so you must prepare first! Improve your ability limit!

"Just like in the last life, start copying some small things first. The more you copy, the faster you can copy!"

Chen Hao's mouth curled up a wicked smile.

Because superpowers are like playing with guns - the more you play, the more skilled you will become! —— But if you don't use a gun, it will soon rust!

So in the next week, Chen Hao has only one thing to do - copy various things! —— First, you can reserve supplies! Second, you can enhance your abilities!

So the first thing Chen Hao did was to make a phone call.

"Hello, Manager You, I'm Chen Hao, I want to rent a BMW 5 Series! You know I'm an expert, so don't fool me with a modified car! My current location is..."

In fact, most rental companies are playing tricks - you think you're renting an 8 million Rolls-Royce! It's actually a 200,000 red flag sedan modification! - You think you're renting a 100% new luxury Mercedes! It's actually an old car that has been traded 800 times with a new shell!

As for whether there are real luxury cars for rent?

Yes! But very few! Basically, you need strong connections to get them!

Coincidentally! Chen Hao is also a senior person in the rental industry, and he is also the sales champion! ——So others definitely dare not deceive him! Because they are still counting on Chen Hao to introduce customers to them!

So 10 minutes later, a brand new BMW 530 drove in front of Chen Hao.

Manager You, who was as fat as a ball, climbed down from the car and said.

"Brother Hao, the car you wanted is delivered to you, brand new, and it's the first time to rent it today!"

"Is it true? Where did you get the new stuff?"

Chen Hao was also a little curious, because the first time the car was sold was indeed a bit rare.

Manager You said with a chuckle.

"There's a driver whose boss just bought a car and asked him to drive it out for a run-in, so he dumped it here."

"Interesting! He's taking his boss's salary and gas money while taking your kickbacks. This guy is really calculating! Isn't he afraid of damaging his boss's car?"

"Hehe, this car is like a wife. If she's not your wife, how can you feel bad about her?"

Manager You said in a slick tone, and then looked at Chen Hao expectantly.

Chen Hao understood instantly.

"The market price for a BMW 530 is 600 yuan per day. Since it's brand new, I'll give you 1,000 yuan per day. That's good enough, right?"

"Good enough! Good enough!"

"If I'm good enough, you have to be good too!"


"Give me a whole new Land Rover tomorrow. If I'm satisfied, I'll give you the money you want!"

"Got it! Got it!"

Manager You, who was as fat as a ball, smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed into slits. Take the BMW rental for example. Chen Hao gave 1,000 yuan, of which 600 yuan went to the company, and the remaining 400 yuan naturally went into his pocket! ——The market price of a Land Rover is 1,500 yuan per day! But Chen Hao would only give more! ——So how could he not do his best for something that benefits him?

My dear, there's more to this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. It's more exciting later!

So Manager You immediately mobilized all his connections.

"The almighty friend circle, asking for a brand new Land Rover! Paid! Private chat!"

As for Chen Hao, after getting the car keys, he sat in the BMW and just stepped on the accelerator lightly, and he knew that Fatty You had not lied to him - although Chen Hao himself could not afford a BMW, he had been in the circle of rich second-generations for several years and was very familiar with cars!

Because the rich second-generations have nothing to do, they want to go racing! And they often invite Chen Hao to join them! ——With his superb driving skills, Chen Hao was also named the "Nine Bends" car god! ——Otherwise, how do you think Chen Hao got so many orders? With beauty? No! It's with ability!

"Hehe! Such a good car, wouldn't it be a pity not to take a photo?"

So Chen Hao picked up his mobile phone and took a photo of himself, and by the way, he took a photo of the steering wheel with the "BMW" mark without any concealment.

And then posted it in the circle of friends

"I don't know why, but I've been liking small animals lately! BMW, Land Rover, Jaguar, Hummer, etc!"

But Chen Hao's message was not blocked in Moments.

So when Lin Yushan saw this Moments, she was so angry that her lungs were about to explode! ——Because she felt that the 5 million yuan that Chen Haozhong had received should be given to her! But now Chen Hao spent it himself and didn't give him a penny!

"Damn it! Damn Chen Hao! He actually spent the money himself! I'm so angry!"

Lin Yushan's face was twisted and furious, and then suddenly a light bulb flashed in her head, and she thought of a great plan.

"Wait a minute, if I can't get the 5 million yuan as a sister, then why can't I get it as a wife?"

"Hahahahaha! I'm such a genius!"

Chapter 12 Playing with Lin Yushan

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