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Chen Hao raised his chin directly.

"What are you doing? Come here quickly!"

"Oh oh!"

Wu Shiqing hugged her chest tighter with both hands, then lowered her head and walked out very nervously.

"Do you know where I live? Why do you keep walking with your head down?"

"Uh... I don't know..."

"Over there!"

Chen Hao pointed to the direction of 3201 and asked Wu Shiqing to go there first.

Probably because it was the first time to sell her body, Wu Shiqing was very nervous and didn't think much about it. She walked in the direction of Chen Hao's finger and went in as soon as she saw the door.

But unexpectedly, she was covered by a glass container as soon as she entered the door!

Wu Shiqing was a little panicked for a while.

"What is this?"

"Don't worry, this is just a routine sterilization process to ensure that you don't bring germs into the safe house!"

Chen Hao said after sealing the elevator entrance with stones again-germs are rampant in the doomsday, so Musk has already arranged the sterilization process and set it at the door.

So after a white spray was sprayed on Wu Shiqing, Wu Shiqing finally entered Chen Hao's room.

As soon as she came in, Wu Shiqing felt something different-due to the heavy rain, the air humidity was very high. Although she also turned on the air conditioner in the rental house, the thick water vapor made people's bodies sticky and wet, and the body felt very uncomfortable! ——But here in Chen Hao, there is no such feeling at all, making people feel warm as if they were basking in the sun in winter!

So Wu Shiqing couldn't help but be moved.

"It's so comfortable!"

"It's comfortable, but acupuncture still needs acupuncture!"

"You! Don't be so anxious!"

When Wu Shiqing heard the word "acupuncture", she subconsciously wanted to refuse.

But Chen Hao just held a test needle in his hand.

"What are you thinking? I just want to confirm whether you have any problem!"

"You have a problem!"

Wu Shiqing grumbled in dissatisfaction, and then she felt a pain in her arm! A drop of blood had been taken by Chen Hao!

The result showed-green! Safe!

Chen Hao nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay! Come on!"

"Wait a minute!"

Wu Shiqing blushed and called Chen Hao.

"I... this is my first time, so... can I make a request?"

Chapter 37 Take down Wu Shiqing

"I... this is my first time, so... can I make a request?"


Chen Hao was a little surprised. In this open age, especially among the open-minded college students, there is actually a perfect one-the key is that she looks good, so this is simply a treasure among treasures!

So since it is a treasure, Chen Hao is not in a hurry to gobble it up-delicious things need to be tasted well!

"Tell me what you want. Be careful and don't make me angry."

"I... I want to drink some wine..."

Wu Shiqing said with a blush on her face. This group of female college students has also studied these things between men and women in school. Although they have no practical experience, they have rich theoretical experience. Because it hurts the first time, drinking some wine and getting tipsy can relieve it a little!

But Wu Shiqing also knows that water resources are very tight now, even drinking water is scarce, let alone alcohol and other things. After all, I am not an alcoholic. Who would stock up alcohol at home?

So there is no great expectation.

But Chen Hao just smiled when he heard it. What can't be satisfied with such a simple request?

So Chen Hao stood up, walked to Wu Shiqing's side, and gently exhaled a breath of hot air in Wu Shiqing's ear.

"I'll show you a little magic! Come! Close your eyes!"

As Chen Hao said, he reached out and gently covered Wu Shiqing's eyes.

Wu Shiqing's heart was pounding! ——She thought of many possibilities! The biggest possibility is that Chen Hao felt that she was too annoying, and then he knocked her out with an elbow, and then did that illegal thing!

However, to Wu Shiqing's surprise, she smelled a refreshing fragrance - the smell of fruitwood steak! ——So Wu Shiqing's little glutton was seduced all at once!

Because the water supply was cut off for most of the day, there was no way to cook. Wu Shiqing had only eaten a little biscuits from morning to now - after all, the discomfort of thirst is far greater than hunger!

So Wu Shiqing didn't feel anything at first, but now when she smelled the aroma of steak, the little glutton in her stomach was immediately hooked!

At this time, Chen Hao's magnetic voice rang in Wu Shiqing's ears.

"You can open your eyes!"

Wu Shiqing couldn't wait to open her eyes, and was surprised by the scene in front of her in an instant - because in front of her was a dining table, and on the table - there were not only fragrant fruitwood steaks, but also caviar that was more expensive than gold, and even handmade ice cream desserts, etc.! ——But the most important thing is a bottle of decanted red wine (genuine 1982 Lafite) and a glass of lemonade at just the right temperature!

These are luxurious meals that ordinary people can hardly eat in normal times, let alone today when it is raining heavily!

So Wu Shiqing was somewhat touched--because she felt that she was valued! Rather than simply being used as a tool for others to vent their anger!

So Wu Shiqing suddenly had a different emotion towards Chen Hao.

"That... thank you..."

"You're welcome, you are my woman today, so I will spoil you today!"

Chen Hao raised his glass and gently touched the rim of Wu Shiqing's glass, which made Wu Shiqing confused and fascinated--the words just now were a little gentle and a little overbearing, one more point would be too oily, one less point would be too bland!

So this feeling is just right! This kind of man is just right! Doing things in this mood is just right!

Wu Shiqing


Two hours later, Wu Shiqing limped into the elevator--of course Chen Hao sent her out--and her body was exhausted!

The steak was really delicious! The red wine was really delicious! But Chen Hao was really ruthless when he did things! ——I almost didn't have the strength to go home! ——Or Chen Hao fed her some glucose before leaving, otherwise she would have really no strength at all!

How could such a ruthless and gentle man not be fascinating?

"Damn bastard! Next time! Not coming next time...right?"

Wu Shiqing herself was not sure.

And Chen Hao, after Wu Shiqing left, sealed the elevator entrance with rocks again, and took out the secret key tablet.

The radar record on the tablet showed that after Wu Shiqing came, a group of people took the elevator to the 32nd floor quietly, but were blocked by rocks again.

"Is it the black property group? These guys are really persistent! They want to retaliate against me as soon as they find a chance!"

Chen Hao immediately wanted to kill - after all, being remembered by others is not a good thing!

At the same time, some heavy news finally reached everyone's ears.

"Extreme disaster! A super-giant water meteorite hit the Pacific Ocean! It rolled up a 50-meter-high wave! It directly engulfed several countries and many cities! The death toll is expected to exceed 100 million! The number of people affected will reach more than 500 million!"

"The impact of the water meteorite is spreading, and it is expected to officially affect our country as early as tomorrow!"

"Experts predict that this super-giant water meteorite falling into the Pacific Ocean will quickly raise the sea level! Many cities in the south will face the crisis of flooding!"

"Due to the influence of heavy rainstorms, many cities in the north have suffered the heaviest rainfall in history! Urban drainage is tense and has fallen into flood disasters!"

One piece of news after another is shocking! Many people can already see that the end of the world is waving to everyone!

Everyone is discussing, where else is safe?

"The southern cities will be flooded, so will it be safe to go to the north?"

"It's useless! Haven't you seen the news? The north is already flooded, and it will be flooded as well! And in this kind of heavy rain, how can the plane take off? It's impossible!"

"What should we do? Can we just wait to die?"

"Just like hiding from a flood, if you are afraid of being flooded, you have to climb to a higher place!"

"Damn! Isn't living on the 32nd floor the safest?"

"It's only temporary! If you really want to be safe, you have to run to the mountains, the higher the better! Otherwise, look at the news, a 50-meter-high flood! The whole building will be trampled down!"

"Fuck! What are you waiting for? I feel like running with my family!"

"It's too late..."

"What did you say?"

"Don't you know? The underground parking garage has been filled with water! Now the water has flooded the first floor and is flooding the second floor!"

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