"Heh, now you know how to please me? Didn't you dislike me before? Didn't you dislike me for attracting Chen Hao and getting you hurt?"

"I was wrong! I was wrong! Yushan, I beg you! Let them stop cutting, ahhhhhhh!"

Lin Jiawei let out a heart-wrenching wail! ——Because while Lin Yushan was talking, another knife cut a full 5 cm wound on his body! Not long or short! ——Why is it so perfect? ​​That's because there have been hundreds of cuts on his body!

But Lin Jiawei couldn't struggle! ——He, Lin Dashan, Jiang Cuiping, and Bai Xiaojie were tied to a refrigerator and couldn't even move. They could only watch the knife fall on their bodies and let out desperate wails! ——This kind of injury that can only be watched but cannot be avoided is extremely devastating! It is a million times more terrifying than death!

So under the intense pain, Lin Jiawei was going crazy! He started to speak crazily!

"Brother! Brother! Brother Li Jian! I'll give you my wife! I'll give you my wife! Not only will I give you my wife, but I'll also be there to cheer you up while you're doing it! It's not just Lin Yushan who can make you happy!"

But the weird thing is that Bai Xiaojie was not angry, but she hated Lin Jiawei for coming up with this idea too late! ——If it had been earlier, she wouldn't have to suffer this kind of pain!

"Brother Li Jian, he's right! Lin Yushan is just a girl, how can she be more interesting than a wife? Besides, isn't it more interesting for us husband and wife to play with you?"

"Yes, yes, yes! Lin Yushan is just a girl, what's interesting about her! We can also act with you! Whatever scene you like, we'll act whatever scene you like, brother!"

Sitting on the sofa, Li Jian couldn't help but imagine after hearing the couple's proposal - indeed! Compared to playing with Lin Yushan monotonously, playing with Bai Xiaojie in front of Lin Jiawei can make people more excited!

Moreover, a very important point is that Bai Xiaojie is a woman, and a young and beautiful woman! ——So everyone was relatively gentle when they started, and did not touch the sexy parts, and wanted to keep it for fun in the future!

"Speaking of which, she, as a sister-in-law, is not worse looking than the sister-in-law!"

Li Jian couldn't help but think about this matter seriously - after all, taking Lin Yushan in is taking in one! Isn't taking in both Lin Yushan and Bai Xiaojie also taking in?

But just when Li Jian was still thinking seriously.

Lin Yushan had already stood up from the sofa without saying a word, and stabbed Bai Xiaojie in the face!

"No! You!"

It was too late for Li Jian to stop it! —— A piece of meat was cut off from Bai Xiaojie's face! Even if the best plastic surgeon in the world came, he couldn't save Bai Xiaojie's face!

And looking at the scene of Bai Xiaojie bleeding and wailing - Li Jian couldn't get interested anyway! —— He could only choose to continue playing with Lin Yushan!

So Li Jian snorted twice and stopped talking.

Seeing this scene, Lin Jiawei was even more disheartened! ——It was not because his wife was disfigured, but because his wife was disfigured, he could not get rid of this predicament!

"It's over! It's all over! Woo woo woo!"

Seeing Lin Jiawei crying in pain, all the security guards in the room laughed, as if they were watching a monkey show.

Even Li Jian hugged Lin Yushan and laughed.

"You are really useless, you useless brother!"

But just when everyone was laughing so happily, the door of this room was suddenly kicked open by someone!

It was Chen Hao!

"Chen Hao!"

The first moment they saw Chen Hao, everyone's heart tightened! Then they all reacted differently!

Li Jian and his security men were like mice seeing a cat, and they were immediately scared to find a place to hide! They were afraid that Chen Hao would discover their existence! He would crush them to death with one hand!

Lin Yushan roared in anger——"Chen Hao!"——full of anger! Full of resentment! ——But his body was very honest and retreated backwards! He also wanted to find a place to hide!

As for Lin Dashan, Lin Jiawei, Jiang Cuiping, and Bai Xiaojie who were tied to the refrigerator, their eyes were shining when they looked at Chen Hao! ——People are like this. In desperate situations, they regard their enemies as life-saving straws! Hope that others will lend a hand to save them!

But Chen Hao did reach out, but not to save them, but to throw out a bag of bombs-a bag of bombs with ignited fuses!

"Goodbye! Little trash!"

Then he reached out and released a rock, blocking the door of 1704, not letting anyone go!

For a while, there was a wail in 1704!

My dear, there is more to this chapter, please click on the next page to continue reading, the latter is more exciting!


But it was immediately covered by a violent explosion!


The huge power of gunpowder! It swallowed everyone in an instant! Even the huge rock that Chen Hao used to block the door was shaken!

"It's really powerful!"

Chen Hao looked at the thin monkey on the side with satisfaction, and the thin monkey looked at Chen Hao with a look of amazement - Chen Hao's move of releasing the rock to block the door was something he could not imagine at all!

So the thin monkey looked at Chen Hao with admiration.

"Brother! How did you do it? Why can you release such a big rock!"

"This is called superpower, and not everyone has it! In the next world, only those with this ability will be able to live!"

Chen Hao smiled slightly - he had already given Shouhou enough hints, suggesting that only by following him could Shouhou have a future!

The thin monkey also understood it immediately! After all, he is the best at reading people’s faces!

"Brother! If you ask me to go east, I will never dare to go west!"

"Okay! Now let me ask you something, and you must answer me honestly!"

"Brother, tell me!"

"The way you use explosives is not simple. It is not something that ordinary people can learn. Where did you learn it from?"

"Brother, you discovered me."

The thin monkey scratched his head, and then in order to show his loyalty, he told Chen Hao everything.

"Brother, I actually learned this skill from people in the army."

"Nonsense! There is no reason, why should they teach you!"

"I'm serious! Brother! He's a fellow countryman of mine who is a soldier nearby! After we met by chance, it was he who taught me how to play blasting!"

Hearing Chen Hao question himself, Shouhou was so frightened that he confessed inside.

Chen Hao obtained the key information - serving as a soldier nearby!

"How dare you lie to me! I have been in Tiandu City for so long and I have never heard of any troops stationed nearby!"

"It's true! Brother! It's right next to Qiyun Villa! It's about 10 kilometers to the south!"


"Really! If I lie! Then I'll die!"

"Okay! Then you can die!"


Before Shouhou could react, Chen Hao's Barrett had already aimed at his head and pulled the trigger.


After putting Barrett away, Chen Hao slowly chewed on the information he had just received.

"Qiyun Villa? I remember that it was a wealthy area! I've been there several times! Unexpectedly, the garrison was not far away!"

But now that he knew the location of the garrisoned troops, Chen Hao thought about the environment near Qiyun Villa and felt that it was not impossible.

Because Qiyun Villa is a rich area! And what kind of houses do rich people generally live in? ——That’s right! It’s a mid-level villa!

Therefore, Qiyun Villa itself is built on the mountainside, and behind it is a series of continuous mountain peaks - so it is completely logical for the garrisoned troops to be hidden in the continuous mountain peaks and unknown to others!

"It seems that sometime, I have to sneak over to that area and have a look. Maybe I can pick up some good things."

As for the inside of 1704 - Chen Hao has no intention of going in to check!

Even if Lin Yushan and others do not die from the power of the bomb - now that the door is blocked by Chen Hao with rocks, those still alive inside will die due to lack of water and food! ——In short, the ending is death! Is it still necessary to check?

The answer is of course no!

"Oh, it's another fruitful day! I found a woman who can drive a yacht, and I also found out where a troop is stationed!"

"It's time to go back to eat now!"

So Chen Hao stretched out and went back to room 3201. As for Wu Shiqing, Chen Hao arranged her in room 3102. At the same time, following the old rules, she released a safe house and protected Wu Shiqing in it.

But as soon as I got home, Xiaoxiao, a little girl with a particularly sensitive nose, came around me.

"Brother Haozi! You have another weird smell!"

"Xiaoxiao, do you like smelling me so much?"


"Then why do you hear it every day?"

"I'm complaining, Brother Haozi, why can't you smell like me?"


Chen Hao looked at Zhou Xiaoxiao speechlessly - it was becoming more and more obvious that this little girl wanted to sleep with him!

But in this awkward moment.

Chen Hao's cell phone vibrated again!

"Really, why is there any news again?"

Chen Hao finally understood Neptune's troubles - too many! It’s so busy!

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