Lin Kaidong's eyes were splitting when he saw this scene! Quickly spread your big feet and chase the jet ski! ——After all, he didn’t know that Chen Hao had the ability to copy! So he thought this jet ski was the only one! ——After all, who would be so bored as to hoard several of these things!

"Catch up! We must catch up!"

Lin Kaidong's heart was beating fast! After chasing with all his strength, he finally took the lead, caught up with the jet ski, and tore off the tape on the accelerator!

"Fortunately! Fortunately I caught up!"

But just when Lin Kaidong was still rejoicing, Lin Kaidong suddenly smelled a strange smell.

"What is the taste?"

On top of this jet ski, there was a black backpack. The backpack was bulging. I didn’t know what it contained! ——But on the zipper of the backpack, on a gray lead, there was a little flashing red spark!

"This is... dynamite!"

Boom! All the explosives in the backpack exploded! The intense flames that erupted instantly engulfed Lin Kaidong!

At the same time, the people in the room were still waiting nervously for Lin Kaidong's instructions, but suddenly they heard a roar! And the whole floor was shaking!

"What's going on?"

I haven't had time to respond to what the situation is now.

Chen Hao had already kicked open the door and rushed into the room - on the bed in this room, Anna was half lying there comfortably, without any intention of being forced, but she was very leisurely and comfortable! She was not worried at all about the life safety of Chen Hao who came to find her!

"It's Chen Hao! Shoot quickly!"

The three groups who stayed in the room panicked when they saw Chen Hao rushing in! They all picked up the homemade pistols in their hands and shot Chen Hao desperately!

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!"

However, the bullets were fired vigorously, but not one fell on Chen Hao.

On the contrary, Chen Hao, after taking a quick look at the number of people in the room, took out his two guns and aimed them between everyone's eyebrows.




One bullet kills a person! And they are all right between the eyebrows!

Seeing that Chen Hao was like the God of War, easily killing everyone in the 3 groups, the leisurely Anna finally couldn't rest anymore!

"Chen! Brother, are you here to save me?"

However, Chen Hao ignored her and just threw a 2-meter-high stone and blocked the door of the room - then strode to Anna's side, took out a pregnancy test needle, and quickly pressed it into Anna's hand. Pricked the ground.

"Ah! Chen Hao! What did you do to me!"

Anna stood on her head with hair all over her body! I don’t know what the needle in Chen Hao’s hand is!

But the next second, Anna knew that her reaction was too fierce - especially when she saw Chen Hao had a gun in his hand, she was afraid that Chen Hao would shoot her to death! ——So Anna immediately suppressed her uneasiness and wanted to get closer to Chen Hao in a coquettish way.

"Brother Hao, are you here to save me? Why did you arrive so late? I'm scared to death! Wuwuwuwu!"

"Oh? Why are you worried about me? I thought this was a trap set by you and them, and you wanted to kill me!"

"How could it be! You are the father of my child, how could I betray you?"

Anna's face changed into three expressions in an instant - panic! Calm down! confidence! ——She is not pregnant, so she panics! Chen Hao came to find her, which meant that Chen Hao cared about the children, so she was calm! As long as she doesn't know this fact, she can use her "child" to make Chen Hao forgive herself!

Unfortunately, Anna didn't know that Chen Hao was using the latest "blood test" pregnancy test needle, which can produce results in one minute with a 100% accuracy rate! ——This is something Xiaoxiao thoughtfully brought home! Specially given to Chen Hao!

So Chen Hao took a look at the pregnancy test results.

"Two bars mean pregnancy, one bar means no pregnancy, and the result of the blood test is - no!"

Seeing Chen Hao's cold eyes, Anna was extremely frightened, and her first reaction was to escape - but unfortunately, Chen Hao had sealed the door with a big stone!

Chen Hao looked at Anna first with an expressionless face.

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"How dare you lie to me!"

"No! No! I was forced! Brother Hao, believe me!"

Anna backed up in horror, feeling so regretful that her intestines were blue - when Lin Kaidong came to find her, she just felt that there were 1,000 people on Lin Kaidong's side and only one person on Chen Hao's side. Whoever loses would win, then Isn’t it obvious at a glance?

But who knew Chen Hao could be so powerful! Lin Kaidong is no match for Chen Hao!

As for Chen Hao, he was disappointed with Anna to the end - Anna never stood up when he angered the whole community! When she was pretending to be out of food, Anna never came over to say a word of greeting! ——Even now, Anna is full of lies and never tells the truth!

So Chen Hao shook his head.

"The actor is ruthless, the bitch is ruthless!"

But at this moment, there was a bang! A ball of flame struck suddenly! It burned directly through the wall!


Chen Hao turned his head and took a look, thinking that Lin Kaidong was not dead at all?

Just look at Lin Kaidong, who has turned into half human and half ghost! ——Half of the body was still fine, but the other half was devoured by flames, leaving countless twisted scars!

Lin Kaidong wailed heartbreakingly.

"Chen Hao! I must kill you! Kill you!"

"Everyone! Do it! Dig out those women hidden in Chen Hao's house! And those supplies! Dig them all out for me!"

With Lin Kaidong's order! Countless noisy sounds suddenly came from the entire community! There was a loud rumble!

Chen Hao looked out the window - he saw countless heads pouring out of buildings 1, 2, and 3! Wearing raincoats and carrying simple boats made of wooden beds and empty buckets, these people frantically flocked to Building 4! ——The momentum is huge! It was like tearing the entire building apart!

"There are actually so many people!"

Chen Hao frowned slightly - he was sure that in addition to the demolition gang, there were other property owners who also participated in this attack!

But just when Chen Hao was looking out the window, Anna, who was standing next to Chen Hao, suddenly looked hard! He took out a fruit knife from his pocket and stabbed Chen Hao hard in the abdomen!

"go to hell!"

Anna gritted her teeth and shouted in her heart!

However, before the edge of her knife stabbed Chen Hao, her hands were held by Chen Hao!

Chen Hao looked at Anna coldly.

Anna's whole body was shaking unconsciously! I can’t even control it!

"Brother Hao...I...I didn't mean it!"



After a gunshot, Chen Hao walked out of the room and looked at Lin Kaidong, who was half human and half ghost.

"You're next!"

"Ha! Chen Hao! I know there is a woman named Zhou Xiaoxiao hiding in your house! Now my people have rushed up! Can you still fight seriously!"

Lin Kaidong yelled like he was venting his anger! ——From the beginning to now, he has been suppressed by Chen Hao! So he can't wait to get back with his revenge! Let Chen Hao also taste the pain of being tortured!

However, Lin Kaidong's answer was a sharp gunshot - "Bang!" - but this shot was not fired by Chen Hao! But someone is outside pulling the trigger!


Lin Kaidong said in disbelief - he didn't know that Chen Hao also had Amy as a helper!

But Chen Hao just put on a pair of headphones leisurely - bone conduction headphones, which are small in size and have good sound effects! The call is made through the Bluetooth signal emitted by the safe house, and the range of use is 300 meters centered on the safe house! ——So others can never eavesdrop on this signal without Chen Hao's authorization!

"Amy, how's the situation?"

sassy Amy

"My hair! There are so many people! - But don't worry, leave it to me! I will fight until I can fight no more!"

Amy stood on the balcony with a smile, wearing a tight-fitting black suit, holding a Barrett - copied by Chen Hao - in her hand, then looking down at the densely packed simple boats below, and then shot one by one! Treat all these people as live targets and kill them!

By the way, they also maimed a few of them as a deterrent!

So it’s just 1 minute! The pool of water downstairs has been dyed a coquettish blood-red color!

It's dyed red with human blood!

"Ahhhhhh! Save me! Save me!"

"Ahhhh! Ahhhh!"

"My hand! My hand!"

"My legs ahhhhhhhh! ahhhhhh!"

Listening to the wails coming from downstairs, Lin Kaidong trembled involuntarily - he felt that he was being led by Chen Hao again! Chen Hao pinched her hard again!

But Chen Hao just looked like a matter of course.

Plus a little banter.

"Of course I can fight seriously! But can you? I'm afraid not!"

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