"What are you looking at?"

"Nothing, I just feel like I haven't seen the sun for a long time."

Bai Lilin only thought for 1 second before choosing to conceal the existence of the drone - because she felt that she seemed to have found the third option - Chen Hao and his Noah's Ark!

Songpa also looked up at the sky.

"Yeah! It's been half a month, right? It's been raining... I've been waiting for you here just now."

"Well, thank you."

Bai Lilin said perfunctorily, then walked into the rain curtain, and walked through the rainstorm to the villa numbered 3699 - this was the villa of her former employer, but after her employer was locked in an iron cage by Xu Jiang, only Bai Lilin lived in this villa.


Bai Lilin took off her combat protective suit, revealing a 90-point face, and at the same time exhaled a long breath of turbid air - because the combat protective suit is almost completely sealed! The purpose is to reduce the invasion of all toxic substances to the greatest extent!

So as long as you wear it for more than 3 minutes, your whole body will sweat profusely! Not to mention that their missions are 5 or 6 hours each!

The feeling of being covered in sticky and smelly sweat.

It's really uncomfortable!

"When will this kind of life end?"

Baililin sighed lightly, then took out her last bit of food from the safe - half a bottle of water, half a pack of instant noodles - then drank a sip of water and chewed a mouthful of noodles, which was dinner tonight.

Then, Baililin sat on the sofa and stared at the TV quietly - but the TV was black, because the power had been cut off in the whole city, so the TV could not be turned on at all, and even if it was turned on, there was no program to watch, because all the programs had been stopped.

After sitting there bored for more than 10 minutes, Baililin stood up from the sofa, picked up the bath towel, and prepared to take a shower in the bathroom.

And all this was monitored in real time by Chen Hao's drone!

"She's actually going to take a shower? Isn't the water out? Or is she not afraid that the rainwater is poisonous?"

Chen Hao soaked in the hot spring, holding up a small wine glass and thinking secretly - in fact, Chen Hao had noticed this woman a long time ago!

First! ——This woman's figure is really eye-catching! Perfect head-to-body ratio! Perfect S-shaped figure! Like a goddess walking out of a comic!

Second! ——This woman is not equipped with weapons! ——This means that she and Xu Jiang and others may not be in the same camp! There is a possibility of internal division! ——Of course! Whether to use internal division depends on Chen Hao's mood! It is not impossible to destroy them all directly!

So under Chen Hao's control, the drone slowly flew into the villa - even in silent mode, the sound was so subtle that people's ears could hardly hear it!

However, just as the drone flew into the villa, a strange phenomenon suddenly occurred! ——A water curtain suddenly appeared! The door of the villa was sealed!


Chen Hao exclaimed lightly - the ability to control water? This is almost one of the strongest abilities in this era full of torrential rain!

"You are Chen Hao, right?"

Baililin walked down the stairs slowly, her eyes fixed on the drone, as if she wanted to see through the drone and see Chen Hao hiding behind the drone!

Chen Hao smiled slightly and generously turned on the projection-projecting himself in the hot spring onto the wall in front of Baililin.

"Yes, it's me. I didn't expect you to be an awakener who can control water."

Chen Hao picked up the wine glass, took a sip comfortably, and then looked at Baililin with slightly drunk eyes.

Baililin was a little surprised-she didn't expect that this drone could actually project! ——And more importantly, Chen Hao looked really comfortable over there! ——Hot spring! Wine! Dried fruit! ——Everything is full of temptation to Baililin!

So Baililin couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva

"I didn't expect that you could use a drone in such a rainy weather, and you followed me all the way here."

"Let me ask you a question."


"When did you find my drone?"

Chen Hao asked calmly.

But Baili Lin was silent-because she had already found the drone, but didn't tell others, which meant betrayal! ——So Baili Lin couldn't tell Chen Hao the truth!

But Chen Hao got the answer from Baili Lin's silence.

"It seems that she had found it a long time ago! Yes, being able to lure me in by taking a shower means that she was luring the snake out of the hole! But why didn't you tell your companions after you found it? Is it... because you don't get along with them?"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!


Bai Li Lin was immediately facing a great enemy! ——At this moment, she didn't want to turn against Xu Jiang! ——Because she was not Xu Jiang's opponent!

That's right! The reason why Xu Jiang could lead a group of bodyguards and easily suppress the people in the entire Qiyun Villa was not only because Xu Jiang's group had the largest number of people! ——More importantly, Xu Jiang also awakened his superpowers! And his superpowers are very strong! Above Baili Lin!

Seeing Baili Lin's nervous look, Chen Hao also guessed something.

So Chen Hao also extended an olive branch.

"A mouthful of water, a mouthful of noodles, eating only this little every day, even if you have an iron body, you can't last long, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you want to eat steak? Drink red wine? Or, have a steaming hot pot?"

Chen Hao said with a smile, he knew Baili Lin couldn't refuse! ——Because the database showed that night, Baili Lin watched them eat hot pot for a long time! A long time!

Baili Lin couldn't help swallowing another mouthful of saliva! ——Although the amplitude of this action was very small under her efforts to suppress it! ——But it was still discovered by Chen Hao!

"But what I need is not the benefits of a meal."


"I am now facing a choice about dignity! If you can't be my third option, then I would rather die than become your or someone else's plaything!"

Baili Lin said firmly! ——The attitude of facing death and being extremely resolute! Even Chen Hao admired her!

So Chen Hao gave Baili Lin a chance.

"Tell me, what is the choice, why am I the third option!"

"As you can see, the current leader of Qiyun Villa is a madman named Xu Jiang..."

"Xu Jiang? This name sounds familiar to me?"

"He used to be Song Yulin's bodyguard."

"I see! No wonder it sounds familiar to me! Okay, you can continue!"

"Yeah, after Xu Jiang occupied the entire Qiyun Villa, his personality became very twisted. Not only did he abuse all the rich people, he also treated the rich people's women and daughters as trophies to play with!"

"I understand! Now, he is targeting you again!"

Chen Hao smiled. He was not surprised at Xu Jiang's change at all - the more inferior a person is, the more he wants to cover up his inner weakness by showing off his power!

This is very common among awakened people!

Hearing Chen Hao speak out about his current situation.

Baili Lin also directly put forward his own ideas.

"I don't want to be his plaything, but I'm not his opponent! So I want to cooperate with you!"



"Or, why? Since Xu Jiang is so troublesome, why should I fight him?"

Chen Hao asked calmly - but in fact, this is just a negotiation technique! Retreat to advance, to gain greater benefits for yourself!

Bai Lilin's originally relaxed mood became tense in an instant.

"Even if you don't want to fight with Xu Jiang again, he won't let you go! He has set his eyes on your Noah's Ark, so he will definitely snatch it until he gets it!"

"Sorry, I'm just stranded temporarily. By tomorrow, the water level should be enough for me to get out of trouble. At that time, I will leave Tiandu City and go to a safe place to live happily! Isn't it easier than fighting Xu Jiang to the death?"


Bai Lilin was speechless for a while! ——Because Chen Hao is right——Instead of fighting with Xu Jiang to the death, it is better to hide far away and live happily! ——If it were Baili Lin herself, she would do the same!

Therefore, she must give enough temptation to make Chen Hao choose to fight Xu Jiang again!

So Baili Lin gritted her teeth.

"Do you also want my body? If so, I would rather die!"

"Wrong! What I want is your whole person! Including your body, your soul, and your superpowers!"

Chen Hao said strongly but not overbearingly! ——Because he was seriously proposing conditions! Instead of forcing Baili Lin to do something! ——In fact, for a woman like Baili Lin, oppression can only have a counter-effect! On the contrary, proposing conditions and discussing cooperation can get Baili Lin's approval!

"I want you to work for me for three years! During this period, you must listen to my instructions and work for me! And I will provide you with food and accommodation!"

"Okay! But you can't let me sell my body! This is my bottom line!"

"It doesn't matter, I don't lack women anyway."

Chen Hao said carelessly.

But this attitude inexplicably aroused Baili Lin's competitive spirit-are you looking down on my beauty and temptation?

Chapter 69 Baili Lin is not convinced

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