Amy's eyes are splitting! ——Although she already knew that this monster would take the opportunity to attack! But I didn't expect that the opponent's attack speed would be so fast!

However, Amy's beating was not in vain. She saw clearly the appearance of the other party - the other party was actually a gray-haired cat with a pair of big wings on its back!

"It is said that if a cat is big enough, the tiger will not be the king of beasts! - Because in terms of agility, reaction speed, and muscle strength control, cats are far superior to tigers!"

"Now it seems that it is indeed the case!"

Amy got up with blood in her mouth and looked in all directions with red eyes - she knew that this winged cat was playing with her! Why did he keep himself alive when he could have killed him with just one blow?

There is only one reason - because I can automatically dispel its sonic attack! This made the weird cat angry! ——So it has to torture itself! Let yourself die in pain!

"But that's okay. I'm here to hold off the time so that Chen Hao can come over! With Chen Hao here, even if it is a cat with wings, it will never be able to cause any trouble!"

Amy wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth fiercely - at this time, she didn't care about her own life, she just wanted to hold the other party back and give Chen Hao a chance to come over!

But this confrontation could not last more than one minute.

The strange cat in the sky seems to have sensed a dangerous aura! He actually swooped down quickly and opened his sharp claws towards Wu Shiqing!

"not good!"

Amy rushed over quickly! I want to use all my strength! Go fight this 10 meter long cat!

But Amy never expected that this big cat was just feinting to catch Wu Shiqing! Its real goal is to catch itself!

So when the big cat caught Amy, Amy's heart suddenly thumped! I just wanted to resist! ——“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” – The sonic attack sounded at close range! Amy was knocked unconscious in an instant!


The powerless Amy suddenly became the big cat's trophy, and was taken away triumphantly by the big cat!

"It's too late!"

Chen Hao rushed to the deck, looked at the gray rainstorm around him, and frowned slightly - in the end of the world, the most threatening mutant creatures are about to begin to rise!

But now, there is another problem to deal with - because rain contains radiation, awakened people are not afraid of rain, but ordinary people are not! Once you get caught in the rain, it can range from being burned by a flame to death!

Baililin was controlled by the big cat just now, so the rain curtain she opened also lost control! ——The heavy rain crackled on Wu Shiqing's body!

"Don't let anything happen!"

Chen Hao quickly rushed over and picked up Wu Shiqing who fell in the heavy rain.

"Huh? This is it?"

Chen Hao was surprised to find that Wu Shiqing didn't have anything wrong at all!

"Is she also awakening?"

Facing this unexpected surprise, Chen Hao had no time to cheer, so he could only carry Wu Shiqing on his shoulders, then walked up to Bai Lilin and gave Bai Lilin a gentle push.

"Lin, how are you?"


This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

Baililin took a sharp breath! After his body twitched for a while, he regained some mobility - but he couldn't even stand completely!

"I...I'm fine! But Amy..."

"I know! Leave this matter to me, and you and Shiqing will be responsible for taking a good rest! It's my responsibility for not taking good care of you!"

Chen Hao helped Bai Lilin and walked towards the cabin. The expression on his face was the saddest he had ever seen before - he dared to touch his own woman! Even if the opponent is not a human being, he is destined not to live!

So after Bai Lilin and Wu Shiqing were settled, Chen Hao immediately launched a pursuit - but this time, Chen Hao did not use a speedboat to pursue, but used an escape capsule!

Because the capsule can walk underwater, it can approach the target silently!

"Let me see where this guy went!"

Chen Hao put on his tactical glasses - as soon as the strange cat appeared, Sha Niu had already activated all detection equipment and detected the strange cat's every move in real time! ——So after the strange cat left, the Sky Eye has been tracking the strange cat!

Following the direction in which the strange cat left, Chen Hao was surprised to find that the place where the strange cat settled was actually the only university in Tiandu City - Tiandu University!

"Where is it? In my last life, I remember that a demon appeared there and killed almost all the survivors in Tiandu University!"

"But it's not a cat, it's a person!"

"A demon and a strange cat! Two monsters appeared in the mere Tiandu University!"


Chen Hao sneered, without hesitation, and continued to rush towards Tiandu University - because his woman was in the hands of the strange cat! So as a man, you have the obligation to save your woman!

Chapter 85 Tang Cai'er

Tiandu University, as the only university in Tiandu City, has been given great preference by the entire Tiandu City - sufficient funding for running the school! Vast campus area! And exquisite teaching buildings!

But now, after the rainstorm, all of this no longer exists! ——The only thing that still exists is the mountain behind the school! ——It was originally a barren mountain. When the school was built, in order to expand the school area and add more face, the leaders made a big move and included this mountain in the planned area of ​​Tiandu University.

But I didn’t expect that such a face-saving place would eventually become a life-saving place!

“Really, my head is about to stink! When will this messy life end!”

A girl with delicate looks complained—her name is Yu Mei, and she claims to be the flower of the literature department—in fact, she is just an upper-middle level, with a maximum score of 80 points, but she is confident—“I am the most beautiful in the world!”

Sitting next to Yu Mei, a group of girls also made dissatisfied voices after hearing Yu Mei’s complaints.

"Yeah, I feel like I'm going to stink too! Ah! I really want to wash my hair!"

"Me too, but Teacher Tang said that we can't touch water casually..."

"Everyone knows this! But we can't just not wash our hair or take a shower! Can't she be more diligent and help us get some usable water!"

"Yeah, Teacher Tang is so great, it's only right for her to do more!"

A group of girls chattered, and the noise soon reached the ears of the boys next door - because they were living in a big cave at this time, and there were many small caves in the cave, which were used as different functional areas.

Hearing that these girls, in this situation, actually wanted to wash their hair! - And let their goddess in their hearts, Teacher "Tang Cai'er", fight for their shampoo! - Many boys exploded immediately!

"You girls, are you so funny! It's already this late, and you still need Teacher Tang to find shampoo for you?"

"What does it have to do with you boys when we girls talk!"

"Why is it none of our business? Teacher Tang's business is our business!"

"Tsk! A bunch of losers! Do you think you are manly when you say that? Come on! You are so greasy when you say that!"

"Fuck! Who are you talking about losers!"

"I'm talking about you! You are useless! If you were useful, Teacher Tang wouldn't have to fight for her life alone outside!"

"You! You! Are you useful?"

"We are useless! That's why we thought of asking Teacher Tang to help us go out and find water, so that we don't have to go out by ourselves and cause trouble for Teacher Tang!"

"Fuck! You! You!"

The boys were so angry that they couldn't speak! ——Such shamelessness with such self-righteousness really makes people speechless!

But at this time, a tall and thin boy glanced at the group of girls with contempt.

"You want water to wash your hair, right? I have it! There's no need to bother Teacher Tang for such a small matter!"

"Do you have it?"

Yu Mei and the others were shocked - because there were more than a dozen of them, and Tang Cai'er was not a sage, so she could only guarantee that each of them could have a bottle of water to drink and two meals a day - so most people didn't have enough, so how could they save food and clean water?

So Yu Mei confirmed incredulously.

"He Xin, do you really have water to wash your hair? Do you have so much water?"


He Xin responded, then turned and walked towards a small cave next to him - when he came back, he had a large bottle of water in his hand.

Yu Mei and the other girls' eyes lit up at once!

"Really! He Xin! Seeing that you are usually silent, how did you save so much water..."

But before they finished speaking, Yu Mei and the others found something wrong - because the color of the water was a little yellow!

But before they could figure out what it was! A stream of water suddenly splashed on their faces and heads! ——Then, a smell of urine rushed into their noses!

"This is urine! This is urine! Ahhhhhhhhhh!"

Yu Mei and others screamed! ——They couldn't accept it even if they were beaten to death. They were splashed with urine on their faces! And they couldn't accept it even more. There was a little salty in their mouths!

But He Xin looked at the girls jumping up and down, and there was a trace of reluctance in his eyes.

"You are really lucky! I kept this for the last minute!"

But He Xin didn't regret it! ——Because these girls are so fucking annoying!

"Dong Dong Dong!"

A dull knocking sound came from the cave entrance-hearing the sound, He Xin and others knew that Tang Caier was back!

In order to avoid attacks by wild animals, Tang Caier and He Xin and others took some drifting desks and chairs, made a simple wooden door, and blocked the cave entrance-every time Tang Caier went out, she would close it, and knock three times when she came back.

He Xin was about to open the door, but Yu Mei and the others got there first and opened the door first.

"Wow! Teacher! He Xin and the others are bullying us! Not only are they mean to us, but they're also urinating on us!"

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