Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Vol 3 Chapter 116: The chain reaction caused by Li Xuan

Next, Jiang Yun and Jiang Nannan left and went to pack their things at home.


The logistics team leader in the Jihad Store looked at everything just now and looked at Director Zhang with gloating eyes.

Because this store is too important, the staff in it come from various forces, and intrigue basically happens every day.

And now, the spiritual sword that Director Zhang specially granted to Jiang Yun is actually a handle worth grabbing.

Because there is a big gap between the spiritual power sword and the spiritual power armor, the spiritual power sword is more expensive, which is equivalent to three pieces of spiritual power armor.

Now that Director Zhang has specially approved the Spiritual Power Sword, this is ultra vires.

If this matter is reported to the chief elder of the Alchemy Guild, the position of the director will be unstable.

The logistics team leader who gloated over the misfortune quickly left the store and went straight to the Alchemy Guild.

After half an hour.

Director Zhang received a notice from the Alchemy Guild, saying that the guild president and the chief elder had something to ask, and asked Director Zhang to go to the Alchemy Guild immediately.

This kind of notification made Director Zhang frown.

He said helplessly: "I originally wanted to talk about this later. Since someone wants to be flattened, let's talk about it."

Director Zhang picked up a piece of space fruit residue on the ground, put it in a small box, and then strode to the Alchemy Guild.

Alchemy Guild.

meeting room.

The president of the guild, the chief elder, and the head of the logistics team were waiting quietly. Seeing Director Zhang walking in, the atmosphere immediately became a little depressing.

"Director Zhang, the first elder reported something just now, saying that you specially approved a spiritual power sword, is there such a thing?" The white-haired president said calmly.

"Yes, Mr. President, I did approve a battle knife." Director Zhang nodded without hesitation.

"Look, he admitted it, such ultra vires behavior must be dealt with seriously!" The first elder spoke up, his attitude was very arrogant and arrogant.

"Why do you need special approval? Give me a reason." The president ignored the elder and turned to Director Zhang.

"Master President, this is the reason." Director Zhang opened the small box and handed it over.

"What is this? A piece of fruit residue? Are you kidding me?"

The first elder looked at the fruit residue in the small box, his hair was automatic without wind, and his eyes stared at Director Zhang like a falcon.

Obviously, the first elder thinks that Director Zhang is pretending, and if the chairman is not here, the first elder would have gone mad.

The main elder is from the royal family and has a deep background. Although he is straight and short-tempered, he is strong enough that even the guild president is very jealous.


A light hum suddenly sounded in the conference room, attracting everyone's attention.

I saw the guild president carefully watching the fruit residue and couldn't help but say, "It turned out to be this kind of fruit, don't tell me..."

"Yes, Mr. President, as you think, the person who applied for the equipment is called Jiang Yun, and his two-headed ogre ate a dozen of these fruits.

That's why I specially approved the spiritual power sword, but it seems that the Jiang family doesn't know about this matter. "Director Zhang said seriously.

"The Jiang family doesn't even know? Good good, you are doing very well, very good." The guild president praised happily.

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" The Great Elder was at a loss, and his wrinkled face was full of confusion.

"Director Zhang, tell the elder about this." The president smiled.

"It's the president!"

Director Zhang got the order and finally dared to tell the truth. He took a deep breath and said seriously.

"This piece of residue is not an ordinary fruit residue, but a kind of residue called space fruit. The value of space fruit is very high, and one is equivalent to a war knife.

The biggest function of the space fruit is to expand the size of the carry-on space, and such a fruit, the ogre ate a dozen or so, that is to say, the ogre has a high probability of having carry-on space. "

"Portable space? You mean portable space? Wouldn't that help us transport goods? This is a very rare and rare talent."

The first elder became excited, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he felt that it was totally fine to approve a special battle knife, and he was even a little stingy.

You must know that a large number of strategic materials for the empire need to be transported, but the dark creatures are becoming more and more arrogant, resulting in many delivery failures, causing heavy losses to the empire.

If you have a good relationship with the space summoned beasts, the problem of transporting goods will naturally be solved, so the first elder feels that Director Zhang's approach is very correct.

Even compared to space summoned beasts, a war sword is already quite stingy, and you should give the other party more things. Only in this way can you strengthen the relationship.

"Perhaps the ogre didn't know that it was a space fruit, and was just eating and playing. Otherwise, why is Jiang Yun so poor?" The logistics team leader spoke and pointed out the key points.

This kind of words made the Great Elder and Director Zhang stunned, and some couldn't refute it, because there was such a possibility.

"Don't worry, what you said is not true at all. Space fruit has a characteristic that only creatures with space can eat it." The president said lightly.

"There is such a knowledge point, as expected of the president." Director Zhang flattered at the right time, and at the same time learned a knowledge point.

"The president still knows a lot. I know how to practice." The elder patted his forehead, somewhat embarrassed.

"That's why you need to learn more, read more, don't just think about This will make cultivation stupid." The president smiled confidently.

"What's the point of being stupid? When we were young, you were a genius, and I was a royal dude. You were two levels above me, and everyone praised you.

But now you are only the primary level of Baiyin, and I am the Great Perfection of Baiyin. I am three levels higher than you. If I beat you now, what can you do? "

The first elder said arrogantly. Although his brain is not good, he has a certain point. Strength determines everything, so he cultivated for decades and succeeded in overtaking.

And his words also made the president speechless, unable to say anything to refute, no way, no way to beat him.

"Ahem, President, Great Elder, now Jiang Yun is going to the Sea of ​​Blood stronghold, it's not safe there, should we do something?" Director Zhang hurriedly changed the subject.

"Of course, we must protect Jiang Yun's safety, and at the same time give him more resources and money, but I can't be like you, to win over an ogre who has a carry-on space, and you only come up with a sword, which is really stingy." The elder said disdainfully. .


Director Zhang was speechless. He finally became arrogant, but he was even called stingy, which really made him depressed.

"It's really stingy. This is a portable space. We must find a way to win over. I will talk to the logistics officer at the Sea of ​​​​Blood stronghold and let him take care of Jiang Yun." The president nodded.

"You're a logistics officer. My brother is the general there. I'll say hello to there in a while." The elder said loudly.

"General Song does have a lot of power, but he has too many things to do, so he is not as thoughtful as the logistics officer." The chairman shook his head.

"That's not necessarily true. I contact him personally, and I will definitely be able to take good care of Jiang Yun." The first elder did not believe in evil ways.

"Then let's wait and see."


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