Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Vol 3 Chapter 184: Black Iron Upper Big Black Bear

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When all the summoned beasts stopped, they were already standing outside Qin Yue's alchemy room, waiting eagerly, looking at the alchemy room with hope.

Although they couldn't see the situation inside, they all waited expectantly, and even the corners of the **** bear's mouth drooled.

A lot of people watched this scene.

Ye Fan, who was flipping through the book, couldn't help but walk over.


The flying cat was held by the city lord's wife and finally arrived. Seeing so many summoned beasts in front, it raised its claws in a hurry, and said, "Mine, don't give them to them."

When the students heard this, they hurriedly took their summoned beasts away. After all, the lady of the city owner is here.

In addition, the messy scene made Sister Qi's face look very ugly, and she was already on the verge of going crazy.

"Cough, black wild boar come here." Ye Fan also saw Sister Qi's face, and hurriedly called out to black wild boar.

But the black wild boar only glanced at Ye Fan and ignored it, even with contempt in that glance.

This kind of gaze made Ye Fan a little embarrassed. After all, other people's summoned beasts are very obedient, but his summoned beasts are not only disobedient, but also despise him, which is depressing.

The embarrassed Ye Fan hurried over, grabbed the pig's ears and walked out, but he couldn't hold it.

Unable to do anything, Ye Fan had to pick up the black wild boar and walk out, but Ye Fan's face was kicked several times by the black wild boar, and then he got out of the black wild boar.

After most of the summoned beasts were gone, only the **** bear and the flying cat were left at the scene.

When Fei Mao saw that only the **** bear was left, it also breathed a sigh of relief, then blinked its big eyes and looked at the alchemy room, and the corners of its mouth slowly overflowed with saliva.

"This is Qin Yue's alchemy room. What kind of pill is she refining? It smells so good, and it attracts summoned beasts?" An apprentice couldn't help but said.

"I don't know, but it smells really good."

"It's best not to disturb them. The important moment of alchemy cannot be disturbed."

"That's for sure, didn't you see everyone waiting?"


Several apprentices whispered, waiting eagerly, very curious about the scene in the alchemy room.

And the city owner's wife is also very curious, because her flying cat has never eaten, but now she is drooling.

This indicates that the medicinal herbs in it may be of great help to the flying cat, and maybe it can prolong the life of the flying cat, so the lady of the city owner is also looking forward to it.


The door of the alchemy room suddenly opened, revealing Qin Yue's cute little head.

Soon Qin Yue walked out of the alchemy room holding a few white porcelain bottles.

On her shoulder, a cute orange cat is playing with a few white elixir.

The strong Danxiang made the **** bear salivate, and he leaned over with a shy face and looked at Li Xuan eagerly.

In the distance, the black wild boar that was carried away by Ye Fan sped up and rushed over again, standing next to the **** bear and looking at it eagerly.

The flying cat in the arms of the city lord's wife couldn't help but wiggle its little paws, obviously wanting to eat it too.

such a scene.

The eyes of everyone looking at Qin Yue and the others changed, especially the few porcelain bottles in Qin Yue's arms, which attracted everyone's attention.

"Qin Yue, what kind of medicine are you refining? Why does it smell so good? All summoned beasts are attracted."

When Sister Qi spoke, she looked at the medicinal pills curiously.

As the owner of the medicine store, she didn't even know the medicine Qin Yue refined, which really made her depressed and curious.

"This..." Qin Yue looked at Li Xuan immediately after hearing Sister Qi's question.

This scene surprised everyone. Under normal circumstances, the summoner is in a dominant position, but Qin Yue unexpectedly looked at an orange cat.

"Let me tell you."

Li Xuan yawned and spoke in the shocked eyes of the apprentices.

"This is a pet evolution pill, which can improve the strength of the pet. After the strength of the pet is improved, the lifespan and vitality will naturally be improved."

Li Xuan spoke indifferently, his eyes swept across the flying cat and the many materials on the counter.

The reason why he said this is to sell medicine pills, obtain various materials, and even obtain extraordinary fruits.

Li Xuan is convinced that as long as there are enough benefits, even extraordinary fruits can be obtained. The point is that Li Xuan's strength is already very strong, and he doesn't need to take too much into consideration.

Therefore, Li Xuan told it directly.

"Improve the strength of the beast? Are you sure?"

When Sister Qi spoke, she looked at Li Xuan in surprise, knowing that the elixir for raising pet animals is very rare, but now that this kind of elixir appeared in her store, she was naturally surprised.

"You do not believe?"

Li Xuan raised his eyebrows, turned his head to look at the drooling black bear, and threw the three pills directly, "These three pills will reward you."


The **** bear roared excitedly, immediately opened his mouth wide, caught the three pills head-on, and then swallowed them whole.

After taking these three medicinal pills, the **** bear stopped moving, lying on the ground and closing his eyes.


With a dull sound, the level of the **** bear suddenly broke from the middle of the black iron to the upper black iron, and the tyrannical aura swept all over the place.

"The black iron is in the upper position, the **** bear has actually broken through to the upper black iron!" Someone exclaimed.

"It turned out to be true, this medicine pill can really improve the level of summoned beasts!"

"Pills to improve pets are very rare, and it is a rare good thing. We didn't expect that we were fortunate enough to see it."


Following the discussion, everyone's eyes changed completely, and they looked at Li Xuan with amazed eyes.

The city owner's wife is also very excited, because as long as the strength of the flying cat is improved, it can gain a lot of vitality and can live longer, so she hopes.

"This kind of pet evolution pill, what is the highest rank pet beast that can be improved? My flying cat is a bronze upper rank, can it also be improved?"

After the city lord's wife asked, she was also a little worried, because the flying cat had a relatively high level, and it was a bronze-ranked, and ordinary medicine pills had no effect at all.

Although I just saw the **** bear advance, the city owner's wife is still very uneasy, worried that she will hear bad words.

"You'll know when you eat it."

Li Xuan replied, turned his head to look at Fei Mao, and shouted directly: "Silly cat, open your mouth."

Silly cat?

Everyone was a little speechless when they heard this, and at the same time they were a little Because Flying Cat is a bronze-ranked superior, and Li Xuan's performance is still at the black iron level.

A black iron level dared to call a bronze level stupid cat, this is definitely something that shouldn't have happened, but Li Xuan really shouted, the key point is that the flying cat opened the cat's mouth directly after hearing Li Xuan's words.

Whoosh whoosh!

More than 20 pet evolution pills were thrown out by Li Xuan, and they were thrown into Fei Mao's mouth in the stunned expression of everyone.

Throwing so many medicinal pills together, they were all squeezed into the cat's mouth, so that the flying cat was not choked to death.

"Okay, wait a minute." Li Xuan replied, squinting lazily.

Following Li Xuan's words, everyone fell into silence.

Time passed little by little, and soon half an hour passed.

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