But Li Xuan himself actually brought it back. Such a result frightened everyone in the base, and they all looked at Li Xuan like a dumb goose.

"Come to collect energy and help me change jobs." Li Xuan beckoned to Nancy who was in a daze.

"Okay... okay."

Lord Nancy was stunned for a moment, and hurried over to collect the energy. Seeing the soaring energy on the token, she suppressed the joy in her heart and said quickly.

"Li Xuan, I have a quota that can let you transfer to a hero. Do you want to transfer? If you want, I will transfer you immediately."

"Little hero!"

Li Xuan thought of Gu Xiaohao and Gu Xiaohao's original promise, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional, and finally he won this place again.

But thinking that every time he upgrades, his soul will be strengthened a little, Li Xuan couldn't help but ask: "I am a hunter now, and it stands to reason that I should be able to transfer to a shadow hunter.

If I switch to Little Hero, can I still switch to Shadow Hunter? If I become a shadow hunter first, can I still switch to a little hero? "

"Uh... After transferring to Shadow Hunter, you can transfer to a small hero, but if you become a small hero, you can't transfer to Shadow Hunter, you can only transfer to a powerful one."

Lord Nancy hurriedly explained, wondering why Li Xuan said that.

"It turns out that I am a hunter now. Can I transfer to a common profession first, then transfer to Shadow Hunter, and then transfer to Little Hero?"

Li Xuan asked quickly, looking at Lord Nancy expectantly.

"Yes... Yes, there is a profession called Archer Hunter, which is a semi-professional, and can become a Shadow Hunter in the future, but it will waste time to upgrade,

It's better to transfer to a little hero. The transfer to a little hero can be completed without upgrading the barracks. It really can't be done. After the barracks are upgraded, I will transfer you to a shadow hunter. "

Lord Nancy persuaded him, but he didn't understand Li Xuan's thoughts.

"Let's transfer to Archer Hunter first, and then transfer to Shadow Hunter after reaching full level." Li Xuan said seriously.


Lord Nancy wanted to say something, but looking at Li Xuan's serious appearance, she felt a little uncomfortable rejecting Li Xuan, and finally nodded.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

"Well, let's start changing jobs." Li Xuan urged.


Lord Nancy held the quaint token high, and the colorful brilliance enveloped Li Xuan's body, and he immediately bathed in the colorful ocean.

After a moment.

Li Xuan was shocked, and his soul power skyrocketed.

The originally tyrannical soul broke through to the golden perfection in an instant, becoming a real golden perfection powerhouse.

"Finally the golden consummation!"

Li Xuan felt the transformation of his soul, and there was a deep surprise in his heart. He felt that the world of God's Domain was really his own happy paradise, and he didn't even want to leave this world.

"The next step is to be a half-sage. After becoming a half-sage, I almost dominate a world. I just don't know how much soul power a half-sage needs. By the way, there are enchantments, and we must comprehend more enchantments as soon as possible."

Li Xuan secretly analyzed the current situation, and at the same time clicked on the property panel to check the situation.

Name: Li Xuan

Level: Level 1 [01300]

Occupation: Archer hunter

Combat Strength: 400

Specialties: Archery, Assassination, Stealth, Swordsmanship, Logging, Weeding, Planting, Pest Control.

Occupation: Dominion, Nancy's Domain

Potential: unknown


"The combat power on the attribute panel has decreased, but the soul has been transformed, and the experience value required for upgrading is not much. It is indeed a semi-professional."

Li Xuan looked at the attribute panel and saw that the experience value was only 1300. He nodded with satisfaction, and then secretly controlled the army of skeletons to start action.

What surprised Li Xuan was that after the soul reached the golden consummation, the army of skeletons became stronger and stronger, and a single skeleton warrior could fight a big mouse.

And the more powerful skeleton giant tiger has roared in all directions like a real giant tiger, sweeping everything.

In addition to the elite boss Dark Evil Tiger, Li Xuan's army of skeletons is in the shallow danger zone and has almost no opponents.

[Experience value +6]

[Experience value +9]


A series of prompts appeared, and Li Xuan's experience value began to skyrocket, rising like a rocket.

According to this way of promotion, I am afraid that one night, plus one morning, his level will reach level 10.

At that time, you will be able to transfer to Shadow Hunter, and this speed is not too scary.

Li Xuan suppressed the joy in his heart, considering the importance of Nancy's territory, he couldn't help but look at Lord Nancy and reminded.

"Nancy, you have brought back enough energy this time. You should upgrade the base first. It is best to upgrade all buildings to level 3."

"Okay... okay."

Lord Nancy nodded, and hurriedly started upgrading the barracks as Li Xuan said.


With the colorful light shining, the original level 1 barracks was successfully upgraded to level 2, but if you want to level up to level 3, you still need to build a healing pool, and the main base also needs to be upgraded to level 3.

The key upgrade of the main base also requires a second-level territorial protection and a second-level defense gate. In short, they are mutually restrictive, and all aspects need to be improved, and there can be no shortcomings.

Lord Nancy was originally worried that the energy was not enough, and he was worried about upgrading the protection, light door, and building a healing pool. It turned out that the energy was abundant, and he ran to upgrade the tree of life.


With the sound of clattering, the tree of life was successfully upgraded to an ancient tree of life. It not only had all the characteristics of the lord's mansion, but also fought and protected, and Yanran became life.

Such a result made Lord Nancy want to jump around happily, just like a child.

"Look at the upgrade of the barracks." Li Xuan looked at the cheerful Lord Nancy and reminded with a smile.


Lord Nancy began to upgrade the barracks again, bringing everything to level 3 as much as possible.

The level 3 barracks has also become a big tree, a lush old tree.

"Is it an ancient tree in the barracks? It can produce soldiers and fight for protection. It's really good."

Li Xuan glanced at the tall old barracks tree, feeling quite interesting.

"Li Xuan, the ancient tree of the barracks has newly added troops, shadow hunters, elf archers, tree demon warriors, and more advanced elf sacrifices."

Lord Nancy said in surprise, and couldn't help introducing it to Li Xuan.

"Not bad, I'm an archer hunter now. In addition to being a shadow hunter, can I still be an archer? What about the elf priest? Can I change careers?"

Li Xuan asked curiously, he didn't know much about the profession.

"You can transfer to an elf archer, but the elf sacrifice is not enough. It must be a woman. As for the tree demon warrior, it is the path that the elves take..."

Lord Nancy explained softly and told what he knew one by one.

"So that's it, then first, let's eat."

Li Xuan nodded~www.readwn.com~ was about to go to dinner when a golden light suddenly appeared on his body.

His level has increased, from level 1 to level 2.


Lord Nancy, Captain Wendy, and other elves were dumbfounded when they looked at Li Xuan who had suddenly upgraded.

"What's the situation? Why did you suddenly escalate when you were talking?" A female swordsman blinked blankly.

"I don't know, does he have a special talent? By accumulating knowledge, he can improve his level?" Another female swordsman whispered.

"It's possible, this kind of talent is really good, and it can be improved through learning. I also want this kind of talent."

"I want too."


The residents in the base were talking quietly, very curious about Li Xuan's promotion, and couldn't help but want to know more about Li Xuan.

Even Lord Nancy couldn't help but look at Li Xuan a few more times.

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