Li Xuan's mood at the moment is like sitting on a rocket, that is really not to be too happy, just want to improve forever.

It is a pity that the warm current soon stopped, the surrounding light group disappeared, and a breath of nature began to permeate.

Li Xuan's job transfer was finally completed.

"Phew! It's done, I don't know what new abilities I have."

Li Xuan looked forward to opening the property panel to check his own situation.

Name: Li Xuan

Level: Level 1 [02000]

Occupation: Elf Archer

Combat Strength: 600

Specialties: Nature's Favorite, Precision Shooting, Archery, Assassination, Stealth, Swordsmanship, Logging, Weeding, Planting, Pest Control.

Occupation: Dominion, Nancy's Domain

Potential: unknown


"Nature darling and precision shooting? Not bad."

Li Xuan looked at the skills on the attribute panel, looked at himself again, and smiled slowly.

At this moment, he has changed a lot, and his appearance has changed from the original human form to a slender, fair-skinned, handsome male elf with pointed ears.

The appearance is exactly the same as the soul, as if the body is condensed by the soul, still handsome and attractive.

Li Xuan used God's perspective to observe himself.

Finding himself wearing a decent set of ancient patterned light armor, carrying a mysterious long bow that shines on his back, coupled with his handsome face, he also looks dignified and graceful.

Li Xuan didn't feel anything, but he found that Lord Nancy next to him looked at him a bit wrongly, and seemed to see a little more than usual.

[Experience value +6]

[Experience value +7]

[Experience value +8]


A series of experience value prompts sounded, Li Xuan ignored the experience value, but found that the observation range of God's perspective had skyrocketed again.

Now it has almost reached a radius of about one kilometer, which can be regarded as a very big improvement.

Li Xuan was very satisfied with this, and could not wait to raise his level to full level again, and then transfer to a little hero, and then continue to strengthen his soul.

But when he thinks of the little hero, Li Xuan naturally thinks of Gu Xiaohao. The first wave of monster attacks will appear after the early hours of this evening. Li Xuan really wants to know whether Gu Xiaohao can survive this difficulty.

Li Xuan is going to join in the fun tonight. If there is a chance, he will kill this kid and get his lord token.

With the token, Li Xuan can build his own base like a lord, summon soldiers, and better explore the world.

I just don't know whether Gu Xiaohao's lord token can establish the territory of the undead system.

In addition, Gu Xiaohao is protected by gods behind him. Li Xuan has some scruples. It is not easy to do it easily.

If the **** behind Gu Xiaohao is very powerful, then Li Xuan naturally has to be more careful to avoid accidents.

If that **** can't play a big role in this world, then Li Xuan will have to think about it.

Of course, at this stage, it's an upgrade, and transferring to a little hero is the key, so Li Xuan turned his head and looked to the side, to the bubbling Lord Nancy of the United States.

"I'm going to level first, and I'll be back at night to transfer to a little hero."

"Well, go ahead and be safe."

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

After Li Xuan finished speaking, in the eyes of Lord Nancy, he strode out of the base and went straight to the shallow danger zone.

Li Xuan, who has gradually developed his strength, has no worries in the shallow danger zone.

In the entire shallow danger zone, Li Xuan didn't care about anyone except the dark evil tiger.

Li Xuan is not afraid of the strange woman that day.

With the various abilities of unblocking, as long as the strange woman does not escape, Li Xuan has the possibility of beheading her.

"Since I have no scruples, I will improve my strength as soon as possible. Now it is not the soul force that restricts me, but the enchantment.

Although I have comprehended some enchantments, I am not satisfied with them. To become a semi-sage, it is best to choose an enchantment that suits me, and it will be a matter of course at that time. "

Li Xuan murmured secretly, looking around from God's perspective, walking step by step towards the shallow danger zone in the east.

The shallow danger zone is not small, it is like a guardrail, separating each territory.

It seems that after the major territories and their strength reach a certain level, they can cross the shallow danger zone, attack the territory next door, and complete the annexation.

After the annexation is completed, you can attack the central area, which is the middle-level dangerous area, and it is also a more dangerous area, which requires stronger strength to enter.

"To the west of Lord Nancy is Gu Xiaohao's territory, so whose territory is to the east? I really want to see,

It happened that the monsters around Nancy's territory were almost killed. Come to the east to see and level up. "

Li Xuan murmured and walked forward step by step, and came to the shallow danger zone with ease, and saw the team of the skeleton army from a distance.

Looking at the hands of the skeleton soldiers, many with a large number of plants, Li Xuan couldn't wait to speed up the pace.

These plants were all picked by Li Xuan's orders, in order to find good things to improve their perception.

After Li Xuan walked over, he checked these plants for the first time to test the effect of plant fruits, and soon saw a very interesting fruit.

"It's a good thing, it can actually increase my understanding of the ice, this ice peach is really good, where is it picked?"

After tasting an ice peach, Li Xuan's eyes lit up, and he immediately asked about the picking location.

Ka Ka Ka!

One of the skeleton warriors raised the white skeleton hand and pointed to the east.

"Go and have a look."

Li Xuan kept all the fruits that could be used and discarded those that could not be used.

Of course, some plants need to be planted in the portable space. After all, these plants come from the world of God's Domain, and Li Xuan must not miss it.

"The number of the army of skeletons is a little less, just as my power has been more unblocked, I will continue to summon."

Li Xuan clasped his hands together, and the power of darkness immediately turbulent.

In an instant, the dark space vortex slowly appeared, and the densely packed skeletons roared and rushed out, and then was crushed by the pressure of this for a few seconds.

Finally, under Li Xuan's order, these skeletons formed an army of 3,000 skeletons.

There are many types of these skeletons, skeleton dogs, skeleton rats, skeleton snakes, skeleton dragons, and some shadow assassins who are good at assassination.

The Shadow Assassin was prepared for Gu Xiaohao. When the first wave of monsters attacked Gu Xiaohao, Li Xuan planned to let the Shadow Assassin take the opportunity to make trouble, test the gods behind him, and even kill Gu Xiaohao.

If it can be successful, it would be great, if not, it can only be done slowly.

"Upgrade first, search for ice peach, and with the ice barrier, I can directly become a semi-sage based on this barrier, and then slowly integrate other barriers, and even master the field."

Li Xuan continued to move forward, walking towards the eastern area in the mighty army of skeletons.


From the perspective of God, Li Xuan saw a new base, a rough and shabby base.


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