Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Vol 3 Chapter 415: God's terrible power

It was a pair of beautiful Danfeng eyes, the eyes were as black as ink, like the dark night sky.

With these eyes and her appearance, she can definitely be called a great beauty.

But these eyes had no trace of emotion, their eyes were extremely cold, and they stared into the distance without blinking, staring at the direction Li Xuan left.

Anyone who sees such a strange gaze will feel horrified, and even their backs will get cold.

100 meters away.

Li Xuan led the army of skeletons forward step by step. The skeletons behind him collapsed and died for no reason. A strange sense of coldness lingered on Li Xuan, which made his heart feel cold.

He didn't stop moving forward, didn't even look back, but continued to move forward step by step decisively, in the cold feeling, in the inexplicable pulling, and walked out in the dark.

After half an hour.

The strange feeling disappeared, and the inexplicable pulling feeling broke. After Li Xuan walked a distance, he slowly stopped, and then showed a smile.

Ka Ka Ka!

The ice spread from around his body, and with him as the center, a three-meter circle of ice formation was officially formed, like a special ice stand.

And this is the real ice barrier, not a prototype at all.

"It's ridiculous to want to seduce me with illusion." Li Xuan smiled disdainfully.

The prototype of Frost Bing just now was completely fake. He had a deep understanding of the spirit formation. After eating those few ice peaches, he fully understood it, and he no longer needed to eat it.

But some kind of illusion changed the surrounding scene, showing signs that only one ice peach could comprehend.

And if you want to pick another one, you need to go to the middle-level danger area to pick it.

Li Xuan has many talents and has experienced a lot of battles. He instantly sensed something was wrong, and decisively turned around and left.


As soon as he stepped away, he felt a strong sense of crisis, but this sense of crisis carried a strange estrangement, as if he would not be hurt as long as he didn't make a wrong move.

In this way, Li Xuan left directly, without looking back, without stopping, and strode away.

And his harvest was the Frost Barrier.

"Now that there is an enchantment, you only need soul power, and then you only need to accumulate enough soul power."

Li Xuan took a deep breath and swept across the shallow danger zone in front of him from God's perspective, looking at the various creatures hidden in the green jungle.

"So many creatures are enough for me to level up today. Before this evening, I must raise the level to full level!"

Li Xuan made up his mind, waved his right hand, and the army of skeletons marched mightily, hunting monsters in the dark and earning experience points.

Time passed in such a battle, and in a blink of an eye it was evening.

When another golden light lit up around him, he finally reached the full level again, reaching level 10.

"That's great, I've finally reached the full level. I'll transfer to a little hero immediately when I go back."

After Li Xuan finished speaking, he dispatched a part of the army of skeletons to guard the gate of the orc territory, while he walked back with the remaining subordinates.

"Dark Assassins, go outside Gu Xiaohao's territory, hide in silence, and wait for my order." Li Xuan walked not far from Nancy's territory and immediately ordered.


Hundreds of dark assassins saluted respectfully, and then disappeared into the darkness.

Li Xuan arranged for the remaining army of skeletons to hide in the dark, while he walked towards the Nancy base with a pile of big trees and monster corpses.

Nancy Base.

Nancy stood in front of the barracks tree, waving the quaint token, trying to summon one soldier after another.

She didn't stop calling until she had summoned 10 elf archers.

In fact, she still wanted to summon the elf to sacrifice, but unfortunately the energy was too low. The energy she earned after working hard for a day was enough to summon ten elf archers.

"It's a pity that the energy is too low to continue to summon. I don't know if these troops can cope with the attack in the early morning."

Lord Nancy was worried. Before she entered this world, she had heard a lot of news about the first wave of attacks. It is said that many lords had not survived the first wave.

Not only did these lords fail, but they couldn't even leave alive, which also caused the lord Nancy to be very cautious.

Unfortunately, her energy is not enough, and she can only hope that Li Xuan will bring back more energy.

"Sacrificial sacrifices can heal and dispel evil. I really hope Li Xuan can bring back enough energy."

Lord Nancy said secretly, praying that Li Xuan could bring back more things.


A dull voice came from the gate, dozens of big trees were thrown on the ground, and there were many carcasses of prey.

Seeing this scene, Lord Nancy's big eyes instantly flashed with joy, and then he took small feet and ran to Li Xuan.

"Li Xuan, you're back, great, so many big trees, so much energy, enough to summon sacrifices, Li Xuan, you are too strong!"

Lord Nancy looked at the things on the ground. She was so happy that she couldn't help but ran to Li Xuan's side and circled around Li Xuan.

The elves also flew over with laughter and laughter, also flying around Li Xuan, and even the elves landed on Li Xuan's shoulders and rubbed their small heads against Li Xuan's face.

No way, Li Xuan originally had a natural affinity, and after the strength was improved, the suppression force was much smaller, plus he was transferred to an elf.

Those elves were even less able to resist him, and they were all very close to him.

"Hurry up and collect energy, and help me change careers by the way. I'm at full level, so I can transfer to a little hero. By the way, what kind of little hero can I change to?"

Li Xuan touched the flying elf beside him, and looked at Lord Nancy with some curiosity.

"I don't know either. I can only know after I change jobs."

Lord Nancy shook her little head, squatted on the ground to collect energy, with a trace of apology on her little face, because she really didn't know what kind of little hero she would become.

"That's it, it doesn't matter, as long as it's a little hero, any profession will do."

Li Xuan waved his hand indifferently, turned around and walked out of the door again, and then appeared again with a pile of supplies.

This scene once again shocked Lord Nancy, UU reading www. she asked stupidly: "The door... There won't be supplies at the door?"


Li Xuan dropped a bunch of things, and brought a lot of things from outside, watching everyone in the base, dumbfounded.

Regardless, Li Xuan put down his things and asked, "Nancy, can you get the source of the elements? I need a few, and exchange energy for something like these."

"Elemental origin? I can get it in the Ancient God Realm, but there is no elemental origin in this world. If I can get it, I need to help my family."

Lord Nancy explained in a soft voice that she actually didn't want to contact the family, because her mother was the patriarch and the person she was least willing to ask for.

But if Li Xuan needed it, she was willing to go to her mother, and to ask for this, the last thing she wanted was to lead someone.

"Well, I'll tell you about this in a few days, and see what kind of element origin to look for."

Li Xuan's agreement with the lion orcs is to wait for the third wave of attacks to end, and then talk about this matter

"OK, all right."

Lord Nancy nodded. Considering that she couldn't help Li Xuan, she sorted out the language and began to tell some information about the world of the gods, as well as various information about the ancient gods.

Li Xuan listened quietly, asking some questions from time to time, such as how strong God is, how powerful God is in this world...

After the story was finished, Li Xuan's heart was a little heavy, because God was stronger than he imagined, and the level of God was completely detached and did not belong to the category of human beings.

Each of them has the strength to destroy the sky and destroy the earth, projecting all worlds, after locking, provoking the gods, one bad may wipe out the soul.

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