"It's Li Xuan, he must have helped the base to tide over the difficulties." Lord Nancy said with certainty.

"Why? Isn't he in the ancient tree of life? How did he help us get through the difficulties? What does the enemy look like?"

Wendy was at a loss. She didn't even see the monster, but she passed it. The key is to solve it by Li Xuan, which is really confusing.

"Listen to me, when I was chatting with Li Xuan before, we talked about the first wave of attacks. He told me not to worry, it would definitely pass, but I didn't understand it at the time.

Thinking about it now, I'm sure what Li Xuan did, otherwise he wouldn't be so sure. "Lord Nancy solemnly explained.

"It turned out to be like this! Then he should be all right? Although I didn't see the enemy, the atmosphere just now was too scary.

That weird cry still lingers in my heart even now. ' said Captain Wendy hastily.

"Come on, let's find Li Xuan."

Lord Nancy took out a small jade bottle, carefully put the all-purpose water droplets in the air into the small jade bottle, and then walked towards the ancient tree of life impatiently.

Quickly came to the living room and came to Li Xuan's door. Lord Nancy was about to knock on the door, but she found that the door was locked from the inside.

The key point is an inexplicable depressing atmosphere that spreads from the room, making Lord Nancy's back cold.


The token in Lord Nancy's hand suddenly floated up, exuding colorful brilliance, covering the room towards Li Xuan.

"Huh? What's going on?" Captain Wendy stared blankly at this scene, unable to figure out what was going on.

Lord Nancy also did not understand why, but she felt that Li Xuan must have encountered danger, otherwise the ancient token would not be shot.

This time, Lord Nancy became worried and wanted to go in to see what was going on, but the house was locked, so she could only worry outside.

inside the house.

Li Xuan closed his eyes quietly, and the army of skeletons stood guard at the gate of the lion orc territory, frantically fighting a group of women in white.

These women in white are just phantom clones, and the real body has come to Nancy's territory, standing behind Li Xuan.

Even a fair left hand rested quietly on Li Xuan's shoulder.

"It's a strange power."

Li Xuan opened his eyes, turned around slowly, looked at the woman in white behind him, and smiled.

"Can you tell me what your power is? Why did you find me with a skeleton? Can you still appear behind me in an instant?"

Li Xuan said lightly, staring at the strange female figure opposite.

But he didn't get an answer, the weird female figure just stared at Li Xuan, staring at him motionless.

Her hand was still on Li Xuan's shoulder, and it was placed on Li Xuan's shoulder in a strange and twisted way. It seemed that she wanted to pass a certain rule to kill Li Xuan, but was blocked by the radiance of purification.

"Since you don't want to say it, then go die!"


The holy light shone in the house, illuminating the whole room like a scorching sun, and the vast holy light shone on the strange female figure, burning her body like a flame.


Strange howls resounded through the house.

The strange female figure's mouth gradually opened, grinning all the way to the base of her ears, revealing Sen Leng's sharp teeth.

The key point is that her eyes are still staring at Li Xuan, staring hard, without blinking.

Such eyes, if it was someone else, would definitely be stared at, but Li Xuan's expression did not change, and he even made a face at the strange female figure.


A more terrifying holy light filled the air, and a source-level black needle was hidden in the holy light, and the black formation suddenly hit the strange female figure.


The strange female figure was hit, burst open with a bang, and turned into nothingness in howling.


Li Xuan put away the holy light, raised his right hand, and the black needle suddenly appeared on the palm of his hand, exuding a dark aura.

"Nice power."

Li Xuan put away the black needle, checked the lion orc territory with his mind, and found that all the strange female figures were gone, and the lion orc even successfully survived the first wave of attacks.

Li Xuan sent one of his subordinates to trade the source of elements, while his thoughts fell on the dark assassin to monitor Gu Xiaohao's territory.

Gu Xiaohao's territory.

At this time, the territory was dilapidated, and the surrounding fences had been completely destroyed, and there was no function to block the enemy at all.

The dragon-blooded warrior held the giant sword with scars, and gasped in front of the city lord's mansion, his breath was very weak.

Lumberjack Gu Shan lay on the ground, rolling the eyes of the dead fish, motionless.

Only Gu Xiaohao hid in the city lord's mansion, looking out from behind the window, watching the scene in the void.

Only seen in the void.

A phantom of the gods floated quietly in the sky above the territory, holding a strange female figure whimpering in his big hand.

No matter how much the strange female figure wailed or struggled, it was of no use, and could only be clenched tighter and tighter in the wailing.


The strange female figure burst, turned into black light and disappeared, and was completely crushed.

The ghost of the gods put down his big hand, glanced at the scene in the base, looked at the two subordinates in the base, and said with some hatred.

"Xiaohao, your recent growth has been too slow, the development of the territory is so poor, there is only one dragon blood warrior and one lumberjack,

Also, why didn't the Dragonblood Warrior even reach level 10? This is not even qualified to transfer to a little hero. "

"I'm sorry father, the base is out of water, I really have no choice but to maintain high-level combat power first." Gu Xiaohao said helplessly.

"Hey, just work hard, I can't provide you with water, the world of God's Domain values ​​water very much, you can only rely on yourself,

But these three things are for you, one is life-saving, and the other two can help you grow better. "

The phantom of the gods shook his head, threw three things to Gu Xiaohao, and then disappeared in a radiance.

"It turned out to be these three good things!"

Gu Xiaohao was surprised when he looked at the three good things.

Because one of them is a life-saving ring, which contains ten attacks of the gods, and can automatically shoot when Gu Xiaohao is in danger~www.readwn.com~ The other two are two tokens.

The same is the dragon-scale warrior transfer token, which can make a subordinate immediately transfer to a dragon-scale warrior. The strength is stronger than that of the dragon-blood warrior. It is an advanced version of the dragon-blood warrior.

The other is a small fire dragon transfer token, which can help the lord evolve into a small fire dragon lord, which is more powerful and is already a heroic profession.

Seeing such a harvest, Gu Xiaohao was overjoyed, and quickly transferred the Dragon Scale Warrior Token to Gu Shan for use.

He himself, using the little fire dragon transfer token, began to transform himself.

outside the base.

Hundreds of dark assassins squinted and watched the base, one by one, ready to launch an assassination attempt.

But looking at the guardian ring, the assassins were silent for a long time, but still did not make a move, because they felt the terrible pressure on the ring.

But this time.

In midair, a few small droplets of omnipotent water suddenly fell and floated quietly in midair. This was a reward for Gu Xiaohao's territory.


The people in the base, Gu Xiaohao and Gu Shan are transforming, unable to move, and also unable to be attacked.

In the base, only the Dragonblood Warrior looked after the house, but he was so scarred that he didn't have much fighting power.

Such a scene instantly attracted the attention of the dark assassins. They looked at each other and made up their minds.


Following a low command, hundreds of dark assassins rushed to Gu Xiaohao's base, dashing like shadows.


The scarred dragon blood warrior, with the help of dragon blood, immediately noticed something was wrong, and hurriedly clenched the giant sword, ready to fight.

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