However, it is very sleepy now, and it must absorb Ye Fan's power and restore it as soon as possible, so it coiled itself together and said lazily.

"Stop talking about this, I'll go to bed first, call me in ten days, and then I'll investigate the information about the Palace of God."

"Good cat master."


Time passed slowly, and seven days passed in a blink of an eye.

Blackrock City.

Qin Yue stood quietly on the city wall, holding a long knife in her small white hand, a mysterious long knife emitting a burning light.

At this moment, she passed the blood beads, her strength has been greatly improved, and finally achieved half-step gold level.

But in the face of possible enemies, she still has no chance of winning.

"Yueyue, are you still unable to contact Brother Li Xuan?" Song Xiaomei ran up the city wall and asked Qin Yue's hand again.

"Well, he went to some kind of weird place, his strength is improving rapidly, and occasionally he will feed me back,

I can reach half-step gold so quickly. In addition to the blood beads, there is also his feedback, but the level of the place is very high.

Even the summoning contract was affected, so I couldn't get in touch with him. "Qin Yue told the truth.

"Then what should we do? If we narrow our eyes and come to Black Rock City, then we are doomed, let's escape." Song Xiaomei said anxiously.

"It's useless, those rebels who gave up the city, gave up the people and fled, all of them were captured, and none of them escaped.

On the contrary, it was the bitter monk who guarded the city, and Ye Fan who escaped from his squinting hands. Their territories were all right, and the Palace of God did not touch their city.

I guess, squinting is both good and evil, even if it comes from the Palace of God, as long as it is someone he admires, he will survive.

So I can't go, I have to fight! Fight for that ray of hope. "

Qin Yue looked at the sky and said, her beautiful eyes filled with determination.

"But that's a half-sage. What are we going to do to fight a half-sacred? Although you are the strongest among us, you are only half a step in gold, so you can't beat it at all." Song Xiaomei said with despair.

"It's okay, with this weapon and the golden thread I've been hiding, there may be a glimmer of hope. Besides, squinting may not necessarily come to Blackrock City,

This city is a remote city. Another group of rebels under my command has left, and there are not many people left. Squinting may be too lazy to come to Blackrock City. "

Qin Yue spoke quietly, her eyes still looking at the blue sky, with faint golden and mysterious lines flashing in her beautiful eyes.

"Hopefully, if you can't come by squinting, that would be great." Song Xiaomei said hopefully.

Suddenly, the **** bear beside her stood up vigilantly and roared into the distance.

hoo hoo hoo!

The abnormality of the **** bear immediately aroused Song Xiaomei's vigilance. She hurriedly looked on the official road outside the city, and she felt like she was struck by lightning.

I saw that on the official road condensed by the dirt road, a handsome young man with a long knife on his back was walking step by step.

The young man had blue hair, his eyes were squinted together, his mouth was smiling, and his teeth were faintly exposed.

Seeing this young man for the first time, everyone only thought that the other party was like a big boy next door, but everyone knew how terrible the other party was.

"Are you here, wait for me in the city, don't come out."

Qin Yue's body floated down from the city wall, like a fairy, slowly falling a hundred meters in front of the city wall.

Her little hand clenched the long knife, staring solemnly into the distance, staring at the handsome young man who came from afar.

Whoosh whoosh!

Song Xiaomei, Zhou Zhen, Tie Niu, Zhao Xiaoxue... A group of Qin Yue's subordinates also fell from the city wall and stood behind Qin Yue for the first time.

"What are you doing down here? Go back quickly!" Qin Yue looked at Song Xiaomei and the others with a serious look.

"I won't go back, I used to protect you all the time, but now although you are stronger than me, you don't need my protection,

But I can't watch you die in vain, even if you die, we will die together. "Song Xiaomei clenched her small fists and said firmly.

"Chief Qin Yue, you saved my Tie Niu's life. Now that I meet a strong enemy, how can I hide on the city wall? I don't want to be stabbed in the back by someone in the back." Tie Niu scratched his head stupidly.

"Chief Qin Yue, I am a handsome seven-foot man, how can I hide behind a woman when I am in danger? If it spreads out, others shouldn't laugh at me to death?"

Zhou Zhen said in a low voice, with pride in his bones.

"Yah, ah, this is a little manly, not to mention, it's quite handsome." Zhao Xiaoxue glanced at Zhou Zhen and said with a smile.


The city gate opened slowly.

Under the leadership of Hei Niu, the densely packed rebel army rushed out of the city gate and stood around Qin Yue, staring into the distance one by one.

"Leader Qin Yue, don't think about your own responsibility. When we joined the resistance army, we naturally understood that we would encounter danger.

Now that the crisis appears, we naturally have to bear it together, even if it is death! "

The black girl spoke solemnly, and her face, which was not beautiful, was full of perseverance.


The softness in Qin Yue's heart was touched, and she said in a gentle voice, "don't worry, you won't die, definitely not, I promise."

The voice fell.

Qin Yue took a step forward, and the long knife in his hand suddenly exuded a scorching An overwhelming force filled the long knife, causing the air in this area to vibrate.

Everyone present felt this terrifying power, they were slightly shocked, and they looked more firmly at the squinting eyes slowly walking in the distance.

"Tsk tsk tsk, what a sight of unity, which is nostalgic."

The indifferent voice sounded slowly, squinting and pulling out the long knife from behind, holding a knife flower, looking at everyone indifferently, looking at Qin Yue and the mysterious long knife.

"It's this knife! Are you a descendant of Qin's royal family?" Staring at Qin Yue with squinted eyes, he asked lightly.

"The royal family of Qin? No, although my surname is Qin, I'm just an ordinary civilian." Qin Yue shook her head.

"No, this knife can only be used by the descendants of the Qin family. It was also the weapon of Lord God Emperor in his early years. Later, it was given to the guardian of the Qin country. I didn't expect it to fall into your hands."

Squinting and explaining softly, the words are calm and indifferent, making people feel like a spring breeze.

Just after saying this, his face suddenly turned cold, and he said with a cold killing intent:

"But the imperial family of the Qin country betrayed the Lord God Emperor, the Lord God Emperor you harmed was disheartened, and the Lord God Emperor you harmed sat for ten days and ten nights, you all deserve to die!!"

The rolling killing intent was like a stormy sea, and suddenly enveloped Qin Yue and the others.

This terrifying killing intent, like the top of Mount Tai, ruthlessly pressed against the crowd, instantly making the rebels at the scene lose their combat effectiveness.

Bang bang bang!

With the sound, the rebels were directly thrown to the ground by this murderous pressure, unable to even stand up.

Even Song Xiaomei, Tie Niu, these silver-level people were pale and hard to support due to the killing pressure.

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