Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive

Vol 3 Chapter 459: Kill 00,000 miles through the abyss

But at this time.

Just when they were about to enter the abyss passage.

A blood-stained figure with a long spear in his right hand walked out of the abyss step by step with a staggering pace.

There was blood all over his body, and there was a strong smell of blood all over his body, even the scattered hair was full of blood.

On his left hand, there was a demon dragon corpse slipping, a demon dragon corpse exuding the aura of Saint-level Great Perfection.

see this figure.

The pupils of everyone present shrank, and they all showed a look of astonishment.

"Li... Li Xuan, is that you?"

Looking at the blood-stained figure, at the knife marks on his handsome face, at the torn armor, and the long loose hair.

Huo Ling'er was stunned and looked at Li Xuan in disbelief. She never thought that it was Li Xuan who came out from here.

"Marshal, it's Marshal Li Xuan!"

Someone couldn't help shouting, and the voice was full of shock and incredible.

His words attracted more people and also awakened Huo Linger.


Huo Linger's delicate body flashed and suddenly stopped beside Li Xuan, Xuebai's little hand grabbed his shoulders and worried.

"Li Xuan, are you alright, you actually came back from the abyss passage here."

"It's okay, those **** in the abyss were worried about me escaping, and temporarily closed the space crack of the Beast Master Sect, but they underestimated me,

Since the Imperial Beast Sect cannot pass, then I will kill the million-level abyss, find the passage here in their fear, and return! "

Li Xuan said proudly, his dark eyes flashed with a strong confidence, even if he was covered in blood, he still couldn't hide this strong confidence.

"Kill a million miles through the abyss?!"

When Huo Linger heard this, she looked at Li Xuan who was covered in injuries, and felt the domineering power of her words. Her heartbeat accelerated slightly, and then she stared blankly at Li Xuan.

The people around were also frightened, unable to imagine what kind of tragic battle Li Xuan experienced in the abyss.

But just killing a million miles through the abyss is scary enough. Thinking about it makes one's blood boil.

"By the way, the corpse of this holy-level demon dragon is very valuable, and it can be immune to attacks below the median of the holy level. I will go back and choose the best dragon skin and make it a lady's set. I want to give it away.

You can arrange the remaining scraps at will, and you should be able to make many sets of armor. "

Li Xuan said lightly, and with the help of Huo Linger, he walked out step by step.

"Grand Marshal, we'll help you carry it." Someone rushed over to help, but was shaken back by the power on the dragon's corpse.

"You can't carry it. It contains a gravity field in its body. You can only carry it after the remaining gravity field dissipates. Now, no one can carry it below the holy level."

Li Xuan said calmly, carrying the dragon's body step by step.

His words caused everyone on the scene to be stunned for a moment, and then there was a burst of weakness.

They never thought that they couldn't carry the corpse of the enemy that Li Xuan killed.

The key is that no one below the holy level can't carry it. This comparison has made them guess how terrible and extraordinary the enemy is.

"Is this the terrifying of the holy level! The dead body is not able to be moved below the holy level." Someone said with complicated eyes.

"Yeah, these high-level powers are suffocating just thinking about them. They are too strong."

"It's really strong. The important point is that the terrifying corpse of the holy demon dragon is already dead and is being carried by Marshal Li Xuan. How strong is Marshal Li Xuan?"


The onlookers gulped wildly, looking at Li Xuan even more admiringly, admiring Li Xuan's strength in their hearts.

Including Li Xuan, the world master Huo Linger, looked at Li Xuan with admiration, and then carefully supported Li Xuan forward.

When they came to the Grand Marshal's Mansion, all the high-level officials had gathered here, including the saint-level ancestors.

Although he was pale and unusually weak, he still stood here resolutely, wanting to see Li Xuan's return with his own eyes.

"came back!"

After seeing Li Xuan's figure, the saint-level ancestor finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Li Xuan with kind eyes.

"Well, I'm back." Li Xuan nodded, his voice equally gentle.

"Just come back, just come back, just sit down, it's okay, I found dozens of holy breaths before, don't be so reckless in the future."

The saint-level ancestor said with concern, and was very afraid that something would happen to Li Xuan.

"It's okay, they won't dare to attack again in the future, there are a total of sixty-two saints, and I killed thirty-two.

As long as I am here in the future, they will not dare to step into this world! "

Li Xuan said domineeringly, his face full of arrogance.

After this battle, he truly realized how strong he was, basically invincible under the demigods.

In addition, the thirty saints who survived in the abyss are all middle and lower saints, and they don't dare to attack again.

That's why Li Xuan spoke so arrogantly and calmed everyone's heart.

"Killed thirty-two saints? My mother!"

One of the leaders in the crowd said in awe, the whole person was frightened, and looked at Li Xuan dully.

He has seen the battle of the Saint-level powerhouse with his own eyes, and he clearly knows how terrifying the Saint-level is.

But Li Xuan single-handedly entered the abyss abruptly. Facing the siege of sixty-two abyss saints, he actually killed thirty-two saints.

Such a record is so frightening that the commander slumped to the ground.

Not only him, but even the saint-level ancestors of mankind were terrified and looked at Li Xuan in disbelief.

"Really... did you really kill thirty-two?" asked the holy ancestor quickly.

"Oh, no, wrong calculation." Li Xuan shook his head and said calmly.

"The two that rushed into our world should also be counted, so there are thirty-four in total, of which three are Saint-level Great Perfection."

"What? Thirty-four? There are still three Saint-level Great Perfection? This is too strong! My mother!"

"It's too strong, it's too strong, this is a saint, not a cabbage."

"The key is that there are still three Saint-level Great Perfection, which is simply unimaginable."


There was a lot of discussion in the crowd, and they looked at Li Xuan in shock, feeling that the world view had collapsed.

The worldview of the human saint-level ancestor also collapsed, and he felt that the way he went out was a bit wrong.

You must know that the lion in the abyss was the one who was familiar to him before, but he was beaten into a bear wound and finally escaped with scars.

The result was unexpected.

These two saints are also dead, plus others, a total of thirty-four saints powerhouses.

Such a sturdy record is simply shocking.

"Li Xuan, will we no longer worry about the invasion of the abyss in the future?" Huo Ling'er asked quickly.

Now she is the only one who dares to call Li Xuan's name directly, and even the human saint-level ancestors are a little afraid.

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