The smuggling line of the Military Control Commission has always been closely watched.

40,000 taels of gold, in that era, was worth up to 20 million US dollars.

It was enough to buy an aircraft carrier.

The news of the missing cargo at the port was reported quickly.

Countless telegrams were quickly sent from the Shancheng headquarters.

The photo studio, which was the action station of the Magic City, also received relevant telegrams.

After deciphering, Manli immediately informed Guo Qiyu.

"Today! The boss flew to the Magic City from the Shancheng, and I hope the action station will be ready to pick him up at the airport!"

"Order: The Magic City Action Group will immediately investigate the theft of the cargo, as soon as possible!"

Fortunately, Mingtai had returned to the Ming Mansion and did not see the telegram.

In the photo studio, Manli and Guo Qiyu sat in a daze, with a little fear in their eyes.

Boss Dai of the Military Control Commission is actually going to come to the Magic City in person? !


On the other side.

Inside No. 76, news from the port was also received.

Wang Manchun sat in the office, looking at the documents on the table, her eyebrows furrowed tightly.

There were several figures standing in front of her.

They were the spies who had just followed Lin Luo at the port.

"Luolin went to the Magic City Port and attacked a cargo ship for no reason?"

"Have you found out the origin of the cargo ship?"

The subordinate nodded: "Report to Director Wang, it has been found out!"

"According to the report submitted by the customs, during the past six months, the cargo ship has been traveling between Shancheng and Nanyang."

"We speculate that the cargo ship should be related to smuggling goods from Shancheng, including weapons and opium."

"Shancheng?!" Wang Manchun widened her eyes.

She had always suspected that Luo Lin was an agent sent to the Magic City by the Military Control Commission.

But if he was the Military Control Commission, why did he attack the cargo ship from Shancheng?

The high-level officials knew about the smuggling.

Wang Manchun had also heard about it.

When she first heard the report from her subordinates, she thought that Luo Lin attacked the cargo ship from Sakura.

I also want to take this opportunity to make Luo Lin surrender and catch him at the same time.

But I didn't expect that things would turn out like this.

If this matter is reported to the Special High Section, Luo Lin will not only not be punished, but will probably be praised.

This is what Wang Manchun doesn't want to see.

Sitting in his seat and thinking.

After a while.

Wang Manchun looked up: "Does my senior know about Luo Lin's appointment as a consultant to the Special High Section?"

The senior brother she mentioned is the deputy director of the Special Commission, that is, Mingtai's elder brother - the venomous snake: Ming Lou!

Wang Manchun began to suspect Ming Lou when he just came back from abroad.

Suspecting that Ming Lou also joined the Shancheng side.

If Ming Lou was told about this, I don't know how he would react.

The subordinate replied: "Chief Ming has known about this, but he just smiled and said it was a good thing, and praised the Special High Section for appointing people on their merits."

"Really." Wang Manchun smiled.

She has complicated feelings for Ming Lou.

Always wavering between wanting to kill everyone in the Ming family and protecting Ming Lou.

After thinking for a while, Wang Manchun sorted out the investigation documents related to the port separately.

"Send this document to my senior brother."

She ordered: "Remember to report to me if you have any clues."

If Ming Lou saw the document and showed an expression that he shouldn't have, then he must have some connection with Shancheng.

Several subordinates certainly understood her hint and bowed to take the document.

The Special Commission is in the city government building, not far from No. 76.


Not long after, the document was placed on Ming Lou's desk.

Under the watchful eyes of several secret agents.

Ming Lou, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, smiled, glanced at Ming Cheng beside him, and slowly opened the document.


"This Chief Luo is really a capable person in the government, both civil and military!"

"Acheng, help me arrange a meeting with Chief Luo, I also want to see this young talent with my own eyes, the future pillar of the government!"


That night, many people couldn't sleep all night.

It was not yet completely light.

In the photo studio, Guo Qiyu came downstairs with a piece of paper in his hand.


"Look at this!" he shouted in surprise.

Manli, who was dozing on the table, was awakened by him. She sat up with sleepy eyes and took the paper from him.

Guo Qiyu said at the same time: "The director is coming to the Magic City too!"


Manli, who was still sleepy just now, was instantly alert after hearing this.

She stood up and looked at the content on the paper.

"Poison Bee, arrive in the Magic City soon!"

These eight short words were like eight bullets, instantly shooting into Manli's chest.

Just seeing this name.

She couldn't help but recall the painful years before she entered the military academy.

And the fear of Wang Tianfeng in the military academy.

"Why would the teacher come to the Magic City!"

"Is there only this telegram? Did the teacher tell you anything else?"

"No." Guo Qiyu shook his head.

His expression was also painful.

If Wang Tianfeng came to Shanghai, it meant that he would also separate from his girlfriend.

At least, in the short term, the two of them must not have any contact.

"It's probably what happened last night." Guo Qiyu said, "The boss is here, and the director may have to come in person."

In fact, Guo Qiyu had known about the death spy plan a long time ago.

Because of the regulations, he never mentioned it to Mingtai and the others.

He also wondered in his heart whether Wang Tianfeng came this time to start the death spy plan in advance.

Manli's face turned pale.

In the past, she only had the courage to face Wang Tianfeng when she was with Mingtai.

But now, another figure appeared in her mind.


"Is there any progress on the dock?" Manli asked absentmindedly.

Guo Qiyu shook his head: "We sent a few people to investigate, but No. 76 has blocked the docks, and there is no news for the time being."

"What should we do then?"

After thinking for a long time, Guo Qiyu sighed and said: "Let's call the team leader back to discuss first."

"But..." Manli frowned.

"Didn't I say before that Mingtai should not know about the smuggling?"

Guo Qiyu looked at her in surprise.

She was still fighting for this matter two days ago.

Why is she so attentive today?

Women really change.

"We can not talk about smuggling, just say that the director is coming to the Magic City." Guo Qiyu said: "You take a rest first, I will inform the team leader."

As he said, he got up and left the photo studio.

Manli sat at the table, looking at the telegram on the table, lost in thought.


When the sun rose, Lin Luo also woke up from the bed.

In order to keep an eye on the photo studio opposite.

He deliberately moved the bedroom to the shaded direction, close to the window.

The attack on the smuggling ship last night was not just to rob things, but also for other purposes.

When he saw Mingtai and Guo Qiyun walking into the photo studio one after another, he squinted and chuckled a few times.

Stretching, Lin Luo got up from the bed.

After washing and dressing slowly, he got dressed.

When he walked out of the gate of the foreign building, the familiar feeling of being watched came again.

Turned his head and glanced casually.

He didn't care and walked towards the photo studio.

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