With that copy refresh card, Chen Mo also decided not to hang it in the Samsara Mall, but to keep it.

  Maybe it can be used by Jiang Binger in the future.


  Chen Mo suddenly remembered a person.

  Jiang Bing'er's sister.

  own aunt.

  The Valkyrie of Zone C.

  Luo Qinghen, also known as Jiang Xueer.

  As the third-ranked powerhouse in Zone C, she might also be able to use this dungeon refresh card.

  After all, one day later, a reincarnation world competition that covers all reincarnation worlds will begin!

  Thinking about the other reincarnations now, they are all eager to improve their strength.

  A dungeon refresh card is undoubtedly another opportunity to become stronger.

  Anyway, anyway.

  For the current Chen Mo.

  Instead of selling this dungeon refresh card.

  Better to keep it for your own use.


  "You have an extra reward from the Tower of Reincarnation, do you want to receive it now"? "

  Just as Chen Mo was thinking, the voice of Samsara's intelligent voice sounded in his ears.

  It was his extra reward that arrived.

  Compared with the conventional super god-level evaluation rewards, Chen Mo is looking forward to additional rewards.

  He can grow to such a degree in such a short period of time.

  The extra rewards obtained in each instance world can be said to have contributed.

  "take over!"

  Chen Mo replied without hesitation.

  "The extra reward was successfully received, congratulations on your ability: the power of seven dragons!"

  Chen Mo was slightly surprised when he heard the reward.

  The power of the seven dragons is the means by which Natsu gathers the power of seven dragon slayer wizards in the ending of Fairy Tail and finally defeats Akunorokia.

  The power of the seven dragons corresponds to:

  Dragon power.

  Thunder Dragon Power.

  The power of the white dragon.

  Shadow Dragon Power.

  Iron Dragon Power.

  The power of the poisonous dragon.

  And the power of the sky dragon.

  When the power of the seven dragons is gathered in one person, a powerful fighting force can erupt.

  It can be seen from the fact that Natsu finally defeated Akunorokia with this power.

  And such power, if it is exerted by the extremely powerful Chen Mo.

  Undoubtedly, more terrifying power will erupt.

  "Not bad."

  Feeling the new power emerging in the body, Chen Mo murmured.

  Although his current strength can be said to be invincible.

  But the so-called skill is not overwhelming.

  It is always good to be able to go to another level in strength.

  Moreover, Chen Mo's current ambitions are not limited to the rewards of the Reincarnation Tower.

  He wants to explore the secret behind the Tower of Reincarnation.

  Even if his strength has reached god level.

  But the Tower of Reincarnation is still extremely mysterious to him.

  He needs more power.

  Not to fight other reincarnators.

  But to fight against the more terrifying existence that may exist behind the Reincarnation Tower.

  Of course, all of this is just Chen Mo's conjecture.

  What kind of secrets does the Reincarnation Tower hide?

  Is there really a so-called black hand behind it?

  All this, Chen Mo has no way of knowing.


  "Because you killed the hidden boss of the Fairy Tail dungeon world after the dungeon, the black dragon Aknolokia."

  "The Tower of Reincarnation will give you an extra reward, would you like to accept it?"

  at this time.

  The sound of Samsara's intelligent voice sounded again.

  Chen Mo was taken aback.

  An extra bonus?

  Good guy, through the doll.

  But it seems that what he thought before was not wrong.

  Killing Akunorokia can really make you get some more rewards.

  After all, according to the normal copy task.

  The reincarnators in the Fairy Tail dungeon world could never meet the biggest boss, the black dragon Aknolokia.

  This should be a hidden story.

  It's no surprise to get an extra bonus.

  So, he replied to the intelligent voice of Samsara: "Receive!"

  "The second extra reward has been distributed successfully!"

  "Congratulations on getting a [-]-fold crit of Faith!"

  "[-] times the crit of faith value: the faith value you collect in the fairy tail copy world will get the effect of [-] times the crit."

  The intelligent voice broadcast of Samsara arrives.


  Hearing this broadcast, Chen Mo couldn't help but hold back for the reincarnation tower.

  In the fairy tail dungeon world, he originally obtained [-] million Faith Points.

  Now trigger a hundred times the critical strike.

  It directly turned the belief value that he had into [-] million points!

  This is another wave of harvest tongues.

  "This reward reminds me to see what's in the Faith Store."

  The [-]-fold crit of the faith value reminded Chen Mo that he could check the faith value store after exiting the dungeon world.

  So, with a thought, he ordered the intelligent voice of Samsara.

  "Open the Faith Store!"


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