Chen Mo was eager to try.

  In the darkness, a huge figure gradually emerged.

  It was a huge, pitch-black monster.

  This monster has four hands, and the long claws look extremely sharp.

  Its forehead is extremely peculiar, protruding out about twenty meters in length, and it looks like a sharp blade.

  "It's actually a sickle head."

  Chen Mo recognized the monster.

  The monster appears at the beginning of the Pacific Rim movie, where protagonists Rowley Beckett and his brother Yancy Beckett are driving a "dangerous stray" who fights it.

  And Raleigh's brother Yang Xi died in the hands of this monster.

  It can be seen that the strength of the sickle-headed monster is not bad.

  Perhaps the red ball of light around Storm Crimson attracted the sickle head, and it swam straight towards Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo didn't intend to sit still, he directly controlled Storm Crimson, and the red mechanical wings behind him spread out, spurting strong power, pushing Storm Crimson forward in the sea.

  Chen Mo found that the storm crimson that the system gave him was like it was tailor-made for him.

  When he controlled Storm Crimson to unfold his mechanical wings, Feng Lei Wings also emerged from Chen Mo's back.

  This made Chen Mo's manipulation of the storm crimson more like an arm.

  The storm crimson left the interior of the red light ball, and the red light ball disappeared.

  Sensing that the crimson storm was coming towards him, the sickle head roared again, and the speed in the sea was a little faster.

  Its long blade-like forehead aimed at the crimson storm ahead.

  Chen Mo controlled Storm Crimson and pulled out the red giant sword behind him.

  At the same time, in the cab, he also pulled out the golden sun blade.

  Mecha and human are like one body.

  "Breath of Thunder One Type: Thunderbolt Flash."

  In the deep seabed, a sudden electric light flashed.

  The mechanical wings behind Storm Crimson spurted a stronger airflow, Storm Crimson seemed to turn into a red lightning, holding a red giant sword and rapidly approaching the sickle head.

  When it was about to get close to the sickle head, the red giant sword in Storm Chihong's hand was swiftly swung out, with electric lights flickering on it.

  The two behemoths brushed past each other on the bottom of the sea, and the picture seemed to freeze.

  Behind the sickle head, Storm Crimson turned around, ready to attack again.

  But the next moment, Chen Mo saw that the body of the sickle head was directly cut off by the waist.

  The blue blood spreads continuously in the sea water.

  "Congratulations on killing the monster*1."

  In Chen Mo's ear, the sound of the reincarnation intelligent voice sounded.

  "Is this dead?"

  Chen Mo was a little surprised.

  Before, he dealt with the mecha hunter on the coast, but he used a thunderbolt to defeat him.

  Now, with just a flash of thunderbolt, the sickle head is gone?

  It seems that the improvement in strength brought by this Storm Crimson is greater than what I imagined.

  He opened the reincarnation panel and checked it out, and found that his comprehensive strength rating had changed from c+ to b+ when he was driving the storm crimson.

  A mecha directly made its strength surpass a big rating.

  The system is really powerful.

  Chen Mo couldn't help smacking his tongue secretly.



  Suddenly, more monsters roared around.

  The blood of the sickle head attracted these monsters in the distance.

  "It came just right!"

  Chen Mo stayed where he was, waiting for these monsters to gather towards him.

  When the silhouette of the monster could be seen around, the storm moved red.

  "Breath of Thunder One Type: Thunderbolt in a flash."

  A thousand meters under the sea, a red lightning kept swimming on the seabed.

  The monsters who were attracted by the blood of the sickle head were cut off one after another.

  The monster's blue viscous blood soaked the surrounding sea water.

  "Congratulations on killing the monster*6."

  Chen Mo listened to the broadcast of Samsara's intelligent voice, and controlled the storm crimson upstream to the sea.

  Less than three hours after the Pacific Rim dungeon officially started, Chen Mo had already killed six monsters, far exceeding the mission's requirements.

  However, his goals don't stop there.

  He had an idea that he might be able to get the extra reward of the Reincarnation Tower again.

  Soon, the storm crimson came to the surface of the sea.

  Chen Mo controlled the mechanical wings and made the storm crimson fly into the sky.

  The storm rewarded by the system is red, just like the J-20, the energy is unlimited, and there is no need to worry about energy consumption.

  He glanced at the map and confirmed the location.

  Then, the storm crimson galloped away in a certain direction.

  The wormhole that connects the human world and the monster world is right there.

  ps: Chapter 52 was accidentally sent by mistake yesterday. It has been deleted and reposted, and it has been revised. If there are readers who have not seen it, you can refresh it. Sorry for the inconvenience.From tomorrow, we will resume the normal five-day shift. By the way, I will ask for a wave of flower evaluation tickets. Thank you for your support. .

Chapter 56

  On the coast of the Pacific Ocean, in a human city that has not been destroyed by monsters.

  A high defensive wall has been built along the coast, and many wall builders are still working on it.

  With more and more monsters appearing, even the mighty mecha hunters seem to be overwhelmed.

  Those monsters seem to be constantly upgrading and evolving.

  They are getting bigger and bigger and stronger.

  The mech hunters were exhausted and suffered heavy losses.

  As a result, the high-level human decided to abandon the plan of the mecha hunter and instead implement the coastal defense wall plan.

  They pinned their hopes on these thick walls, trying to keep monsters out of human cities through these coastal defenses.

  Raleigh Beckett lost his biological brother in a battle with the monster five years ago.

  After that, he retired as a mech hunter pilot and is now a wall builder.

  In order to get more food, Rowley took the initiative to take over the work on the top of the wall.

  Working on top of walls is more dangerous than anywhere else.

  It is the closest to the outside of the wall, and it is most likely to be attacked by monsters.

  Three more workers were killed recently when they were attacked by monsters while working on top of the wall.

  Rowley, dressed in bulky work gear, finished his work and sat on the top of the wall overlooking the sea.

  Five years have passed, and the scene of my brother Yang Xi being dragged out of the cockpit by a monster in front of him is still vivid in his mind.

  At that time, he and his brother were still connected through the mecha hunter, and he could clearly feel the fear and helplessness of his brother when he faced death.

  That feeling, Raleigh did not want to experience a second time.

  That's why he chose to retire.

  Looking at the sea, Raleigh was a little lost.

  Suddenly, in his sight, there was a huge shadow slowly emerging from the distant sea.

  His expression turned serious immediately.

  As a former mecha hunter pilot, he was all too familiar with the behemoth that slowly surfaced to the sea.

  It's a monster!

  Monsters are coming!

  He stood up immediately, wanting to remind the others.

  But the next moment, he froze in place.

  At the same time when the monster appeared in the distance, he saw a red mecha hunter descending from the sky, holding a red giant sword.

  Behind the mecha hunter, there are a pair of mechanical wings that he has never seen before.

  "Is it Storm Crimson? But it's not exactly the same as Storm Crimson."

  Raleigh looked at the mecha that fell from the sky, a little puzzled.

  Immediately afterwards, he saw the mecha hunter rushing towards the monster at a very fast speed, waving the red giant sword, and there seemed to be lightning flashes on the blade.

  The huge monster was immediately cut in half and fell into the sea.

  Raleigh was stunned.

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