And the B-level is about [-] people.

  In other words, Chen Mo's current strength has been ranked in the top [-] of the entire reincarnation space.

  He just finished the fifth floor of the Reincarnation Tower.

  Other reincarnations with B-level strength have at least broken through the fifteenth floor.

  Among his peers, Chen Mo was already invincible.

  After checking his strength, Chen Mo closed the reincarnation panel, left his small world, and returned to the reincarnation space.

  As soon as he entered the square of the reincarnation space, he ordered the intelligent voice of reincarnation.

  "Enter the sixth floor of the Reincarnation Tower!"

  With such powerful strength, Chen Mo didn't need to prepare anything at all, and immediately started to break into the next layer of the Tower of Reincarnation. .

Chapter 67

  When Chen Mo entered the sixth floor of the Reincarnation Tower, the disturbance he brought had not subsided.

  Area a, in that house built like a castle.

  A blond middle-aged man in a golden suit was sitting on the sofa with a cigar in his mouth, his expression very serious.

  In front of him is a man with sunglasses in a black suit.

  "Actually let this Mo Yang get the sss grade rating on the fifth floor of the reincarnation tower! Didn't any of the people we sent out succeeded?"

  There was a hint of anger in the blond man's voice.

  The man in sunglasses stood respectfully in front of the blond man, lowered his head and said: "We sent four reincarnations with a comprehensive rating of d and a comprehensive rating of d+, and they have no news after entering the reincarnation tower. It must have been killed."

  "A bunch of trash!"

  The blond man stood up angrily, threw the cigar on the ground, and stepped on it hard.

  "We spent so many resources cultivating them, and as a result, we can't even deal with a young boy who has just entered the reincarnation tower for a few days. What's the use of raising them!"

  Facing the anger of the blond man, the man in sunglasses lowered his head and did not dare to make a sound.

  After venting, the blond man regained his composure, sat back on the sofa, and continued to speak.

  "Anything new to discover?"

  The man in sunglasses hurriedly handed over a document and replied, "When Mo Yang received the sss-level evaluation on the fifth floor of the Reincarnation Tower, among the two people we suspected before, the little fat man did not enter the Reincarnation Tower."

  "So now we can be sure that this boy is Mo Yang."

  The blond man took the information handed over by the man with sunglasses. There were many photos on it. The photos were taken of Chen Mo's image of a reincarnator.

  "We estimate that Mo Yang's comprehensive strength is at least d+, and he has some special means. Otherwise, our people will never miss."

  "In addition, there is news from Mr. Carter that let us not worry too much about this Mo Yang."

  "Mr. Carter said that even if Mo Yang's talent is strong, it will take at least three years to grow up, and it will not affect our plan."

  After listening to the report of the man with sunglasses, the blond man pondered for a while.

  "Hmph, that guy Carter is always so arrogant, and this time he almost lost to the silence of the C area."

  "Even if he said that, I still have a bad feeling about this Mo Yang."

  "The investigation of Mo Yang's identity in the real world needs to be done more."

  "In addition, our plan must also be accelerated, and a month later, the official operation will begin."

  The blond man tore Mo Yang's photo to shreds and ordered coldly.


  On the other side, in a secret meeting room in Area C.

  On both sides of a long conference table, there are ten big people who are famous in the C area.

  In front of the conference table, there was an old man with white hair.

  At this time, these people are discussing.

  "Mo Yang has once again received an SSSS rating. He is indeed a genius."

  "Unfortunately, this genius appeared too late. It will take several years to become a powerhouse like Jijie."

  "We don't have that much time anymore."

  "But no matter what, we must protect such a genius."

  "Even if the Zone A plan does work out, we have a chance of making a comeback in a few years."

  "The people in Area A have been investigating Mo Yang's real identity recently, but so far they have found nothing."

  "Only if we don't know Mo Yang's real identity is the best way to keep it secret."

  "The recent actions in Area A are more and more frequent. It seems that the real outbreak is not far away. We have to speed up the preparation of the response plan."

  In the conference room, the atmosphere is very serious, and the air is particularly dull.

  "If they want to fight, we will fight."

  "Even if there is a gap in cutting-edge combat power, we are not so easy to deal with."

  "A district wants to eat us, but it's not that easy."

  At the front of the conference table, the white-haired old man spoke.

  Although he was in his old age, his voice was still loud and clear.

  Showing majesty and demeanor in every gesture.


  On a city wall, Chen Mo appeared here.

  There are also four strange reincarnations around.

  In the distance, there are several soldiers patrolling the city wall.

  Behind the uniforms of those soldiers is the logo of a shield. On the shield, there are two blooming roses.

  The soldiers turned a blind eye to Chen Mo and others, busy with their own affairs.

  This city wall is about fifty meters high.

  Chen Mo looked up from above the city wall.

  On one side of the city wall is a vast plain.

  On the other side, there are crowded houses and streets.

  Chen Mo was no stranger to the scene in front of him.

  "Welcome to the sixth floor of the Tower of Reincarnation: Attack on the Giant Dungeon World."

  "Dungeon mission: Kill at least two giants within a month, the loser will be obliterated by the Tower of Samsara."

  Looking at the familiar scene in front of him and listening to the broadcast of Samsara's intelligent voice, Chen Mo was filled with emotion.

  Attack on Titan is a masterpiece in his heart.

  After learning the information on the sixth floor of the Reincarnation Tower, he was looking forward to coming here.

  Come to this, belong to the world of giants! .

Chapter 68

  "Before the dungeon begins, all reincarnators, please choose any corps to join."

  "The optional corps are: Training Corps, Garrison Corps, Survey Corps, and Military Police Corps."

  The intelligent voice of Samsara continued to prompt.

  Chen Mo had browsed the strategy on the sixth floor before, and the strategy suggested that reincarnators choose to join the training corps first.

  In fact, in this level of dungeon world, the combat power of giants may not be comparable to some monsters in the first level of the Pacific Rim dungeon world.

  After all, even a super-giant is about [-] meters tall, and many monsters in the Pacific Rim world are more than [-] meters tall.

  However, there is no such powerful weapon as the Mecha Hunter in the world of Attack on Titan.

  Humans want to compete with giants only with the help of three-dimensional motorized devices.

  Stereoscopic maneuvering is not so easy to master.

  The training corps, without a doubt, is where the soldiers are trained.

  Entering the training corps first to become familiar with the three-dimensional mobile devices, and then going out to fight the giants, is the safest way.

  Chen Mo admitted that this strategy does make some sense.

  However, this would not be his choice.

  "Reincarnator 'Mo Yang', please choose the corps you want to join."

  Samsara intelligent voice said to Chen Mo.

  Without thinking too much, Chen Mo replied, "I choose to join the Survey Corps!"

  The Survey Corps is responsible for hunting and investigating giants outside the walls for a long time.

  Joining the Survey Corps means that Chen Mo has more opportunities to contact the giants.

  Moreover, the protagonists of Attack on Titan are all in the Survey Corps.

  "Ding! Signable world detected: Attack on Titan Dungeon World. Do you want to sign in?"

  The system arrived on schedule.

  "Sign in!"

  Chen Mo answered quickly.

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