"One or two? Please make your choice."

  Chen Mo listened to the introduction of Samsara's intelligent voice, and felt that this special mission was somewhat similar to the special mission Mecha Arena in the Pacific Rim world last time.

  However, he noticed a slight difference between the two mission descriptions.

  In the last Mecha Arena, it was said that every time I won a victory, I would be rewarded with a lucky spinner lottery chance.

  What the Colosseum of Giants said this time is that every time a reincarnator is defeated, a lottery chance will be awarded.

  This small difference made Chen Mo think about it.

  After seeing how good the rewards of the Lucky Wheel are, Chen Mo regretted why he was so strong in the mecha arena before, which made other reincarnations dare not challenge him later, and finally only got two lottery chances. .

  This time, he decided to earn as many lottery chances as possible.

  He did not hesitate to answer the question of Samsara's intelligent voice.

  "I choose two!"

  "Received! Entering the Colosseum of Giants..."


  The style of the Colosseum of Giants is not much different from the style of the previous Mecha Arena.

  Surrounded by high stands, in the center is a vast playing field.

  Four reincarnations appeared here, and the intelligent voice of reincarnation guided them to choose the power of giants to inherit.

  The four of them thought for a while and made their own choices.

  One chose the power of the armored giant, and the other chose the power of the super-giant.

  The remaining two chose the power of the Warhammer Giant.

  After the selection, the four of them shone with dazzling light and transformed into the giants they inherited.

  The first time they transformed into giants, all four felt the powerful power in their bodies and were full of confidence.

  "Reincarnators, please note that the reincarnator 'Mo Yang' is about to enter the Colosseum of Giants and play the role of the leader. Any player can challenge Mo Yang. If he defeats Mo Yang, he will directly receive an SSSS rating."

  When they were about to pick an opponent to challenge, the announcement of Samsara's intelligent voice sounded again.

  "Mo Yang is coming in too?"

  "Finally got a chance to see what Big Mo Yang looks like!"

  "Defeat Mo Yang to get an SSSS rating directly? This reward is too tempting!"

  "But do you think we can beat Mo Yang alone?"

  "That must be impossible."

  "If we go together, there is still a chance."

  The four reincarnations were discussing enthusiastically.

  "Reincarnators, please note that the reincarnator 'Mo Yang' has entered the Colosseum of Giants."

  Another announcement came.

  The next moment, the reincarnators saw that a young man appeared on a high platform in the Colosseum of Giants.

  "It's Mo Yang!"

  "It turns out that Mo Yang is him. I paid attention to him in the preparation area before!"

  A reincarnation exclaimed.

  Standing on the high platform, Chen Mo saw the four reincarnations who had turned into giants, and said directly.

  "Want to beat me to get an sss rating?"

  "I can give you a chance."

  "You can challenge me with four of you. I will not use the power of giants to directly confront you in human form."

  As soon as Chen Mo's words were spoken, the four reincarnators below instantly became excited.

  "Isn't Mo Yang too confident that he actually wants to fight the four of us giants by himself?"

  "I don't think this is self-confidence, but arrogance!"

  "How about we go together?"

  "Go! I don't believe the four of us can't beat Mo Yang together!"

  Under the stimulation of Chen Mo, the four reincarnations decided to challenge Chen Mo together after a brief discussion.

  "However, with so many of us challenging together, is the Reincarnation Tower allowed?"

  A reincarnation asked suddenly.

  All 300 people were stunned for a while, and they didn't seem to have thought about this issue.

  Fortunately, the intelligent voice of Samsara answered them the next moment.

  "Giant Arena allows multiple people to challenge one person at the same time."

  With the permission of the Reincarnation Tower, the four of them entered the arena with high fighting spirit and said loudly.

  "Mo Yang, we challenge you!"

  Seeing that the four reincarnations challenged him, Chen Mo couldn't help but secretly laughed in his heart.

  Great, four chances to draw.

  He jumped off the high platform and came to the arena.

  "The challenge begins!"

  The reincarnation intelligent voice simply and neatly announced.

  Chen Mo held a golden sun-shaped knife, with wind and thunder wings growing out of his back, and rushed out the moment the game started.

  He was the first to rush towards the largest super-giant.

  "Breath of Thunder Seven Types: Fire Thunder God."

  As soon as he came up, Chen Mo used the strongest move of Thunder Breath, without any sloppy action.

  The super-giant was defeated in an instant and lost the ability to move.

  Immediately afterwards, Chen Mo used stealth and teleportation to come behind a giant warhammer, and beat him with a thunderbolt.

  He used the same method to defeat the remaining two reincarnations with lightning speed.

  When the four giants all fell to the ground, less than ten seconds had passed since the challenge began. .

Chapter 78

  Chen Mo looked at the four reincarnations who fell to the ground, and when he heard the news that they had won four lottery chances, he flew back to the high platform with satisfaction.

  He did not kill the four reincarnators.

  After all, these four have no grievances with them, and it is because of their deliberate guidance that they will challenge themselves.

  If they were killed like this, these people seem to be too miserable.

  As for whether they will be obliterated by the Reincarnation Tower later, Chen Mo can't control it.

  After he left the arena, four white lights descended from the sky above the Colosseum of Giants, shrouding the four fallen giants.

  Their injuries began to heal quickly, and soon they were alive again.

  But the eyes they looked at Chen Mo were already full of fear.

  Defeat four giants within ten seconds with the body of a human being and the power of one's own power.

  The four were deeply impressed by Chen Mo's powerful strength.

  There was no resentment towards Chen Mo in their hearts, only fear and respect.

  After being treated by the reincarnation tower, the four reincarnations took a short rest and began to challenge each other.

  In the end, only the reincarnator who inherited the giant armor did not win a single victory and was obliterated by the reincarnation tower.

  "The special mission of the Colosseum of Giants ends here. The attacking giant dungeon ends ahead of schedule. All reincarnators, please leave the dungeon world within [-] minutes."

  The announcement of Samsara's intelligent voice echoed in the sky above the Colosseum of Giants.

  The few reincarnators didn't stay too long and left the dungeon world.

  "Reincarnator 'Mo Yang', you got sss rating in the Attack on Giant dungeon, and you defeated four reincarnators in the special mission of the Colosseum of Giants. Your reward is being distributed..."

  "The rewards are as follows:"

  "Reincarnation Points: 50000 points."

  "Free attribute points: 30."

  "sss-level treasure chest*1 (already put into your personal warehouse)."

  "Surprise drop: copy refresh card*1 (already put into your personal warehouse)."

  "Special reward: the number of lucky wheel draws * 4."

  Chen Mo withdrew from the dungeon world while listening to the rewards issued by the Reincarnation Tower.


  In the reincarnation space, the reincarnators learned that Mo Yang had once again obtained an SSSS rating, which was no surprise.

  "Ah, Mr. Moyang really got the sss rating again, it's really no suspense". "

  "I don't think it's unusual for Mo Yang to get an SSSS rating. If he doesn't get an SSSS rating, that's big news."

  "It's simple as you said, and it's not uncommon to have an SSSS-level evaluation. If you have the ability, you can get one?"

  "Hey, I'm talking about Big Boss Mo Yang, do you think I'm worthy of being compared to Big Boss Mo Yang?"

  "It really doesn't fit."


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