His attack was actually blocked by a small human being, and Megatron was a little shocked.

  He raised his other hand and patted Chen Mo too.

  This time, Chen Mo disappeared directly in front of him.

  When he found Chen Mo's trace again, Chen Mo was already behind him.

  "' ¨You human, you are a little weird."

  Megatron turned around and stared at Chen Mo.

  The human being in front of him has subverted his cognition of ordinary human beings.

  "Is it possible that you are the so-called magician in the human world?"

  Megatron did not continue to attack, and asked.

  Chen Mo shook his head.

  Megatron continued: "Tell me, how can you give me the source of fire?"

  Chen Mo smiled and said softly, "You seem to have made a mistake. I never said I would give this to you."

  "Human, don't try to challenge me!"

  Megatron spoke up suddenly, aggressively.

  "Oh? How about challenging you?"

  Facing the threat of Megatron, Chen Mo was careless.


  Megatron attacked Chen Mo again, and said while attacking: "Don't think that you can beat me with a little trick! Young!"

  Megatron's fist swung heavily towards Chen Mo, this time, he didn't keep his hand at all.

  Seeing Megatron throw a fist at himself, Chen Mo also threw a punch lightly, aiming at the fist thrown by Megatron.

  "Ordinary punch."

  A seemingly light, ordinary punch without any strength, when it collided with Megatron's fist, everything was different.

  Megatron felt a powerful force coming from his arm, and his mechanical arm was directly knocked out, leaving a deep fist mark on his fist.

  This is still the result of Chen Mo's deliberate control of his strength and no ruthless hand.

  Megatron glanced at the fist mark on his fist, and finally there was a hint of panic in his eyes.

  "Why did you wake me up?".

Chapter 84

  Although he was shocked by Chen Mo's methods, Megatron was also the leader of the Decepticons, and he quickly calmed down.

  "I think there must be some purpose for you to wake me up from the freeze, right?"

  Hearing Megatron's words, Chen Mo shrugged casually and said, "Actually, there is no special purpose. I just want to tell you that the source of fire is here. If you want, you can grab it at any time."

  "But I don't think you can grab me by yourself. Fortunately, I am very generous. You can call as many people as you want."

  "In addition, let me remind you one more thing, in a few days, Optimus Prime and the others will come to the earth, and it will be even more difficult for you to grab the source of fire."

  When Chen Mo finished saying this, there was a commotion outside the laboratory.

  The two researchers who had run out earlier called back a group of soldiers.

  The soldiers, armed with weapons, surrounded the laboratory.

  Seeing this situation, Chen Mo did not choose to use stealth or teleport to leave, but swaggered towards the door of the laboratory.

  Now he still maintains the state of transformation, and looks like an inconspicuous middle-aged uncle.

  Chen Mo came to the door of the laboratory, looked at the soldiers who surrounded the place, and the golden sun blade appeared in his hand.

  "Breath of Thunder Six Types: Thunder and Thunder."

  The Thunder's Breathing Fighting Technique was used, and one after another thunder fell, knocking down all the soldiers.

  Dozens of heavily armed soldiers were all killed in an instant.

  Chen Mo slowly retracted the knife and continued to swagger toward the exit.

  "I'm waiting for you to grab the source of fire, as long as you have the confidence to defeat me."

  "By the way, my name is Mo Yang."

  After leaving such a sentence, Chen Mo disappeared from Megatron's sight.

  Megatron looked at the direction where Chen Mo disappeared, and then glanced at the fallen soldiers around him, as if thinking about something.

  There are more footsteps coming from outside, it seems that the support of soldiers has arrived.

  Megatron raised his head and walked towards the door.

  What followed was another fierce battle.

  In the end, the soldiers in the military base were defeated, allowing Megatron to escape successfully.


  After Chen Mo left the Hoover Dam, he returned to the hotel.

  He didn't rush to meet the Autobot camp, but planned to take a leisurely rest for a few days.

  On the other side, after escaping from the military base at Hoover Dam, Megatron found a roadblock on Earth and a meeting of Decepticons such as scorpions.

  The return of the leader of the Decepticons made them all very excited.

  However, Megatron was not happy, and he kept thinking about what Chen Mo had said to him.

  "Boss, is the human named Mo Yang you mentioned really that powerful? Since the source of fire is in his hands, why don't we just rush over and grab the source of fire?"

  "Yes, boss, are we still afraid that he will not be a small human being!"

  The surrounding Decepticons spoke up.

  Megatron shook his head and said solemnly: "The strength of that human being is very strong."

  Saying that, he raised one of his robotic arms.

  On his fist, there is still Chen Mo's fist print.

  "Moreover, I can feel that the human is not serious at all, and does not use all his strength at all."

  "He said that Optimus Prime's gang of Autobots will come to Earth in a few days. Although I don't know if what he said is true or not, the source of fire he is holding must be true."

  "We still have to be well prepared, the source of fire, we are bound to get it."

  Several Decepticons nodded when they heard Megatron say this.

  Megatron was their leader, and since Megatron had spoken, of course they had to obey.

  But in their hearts, they still felt that Megatron was making a fuss.

  A human being, how strong can it be?

  "There seem to be two bugs outside."

  Just as the Decepticons were silent, Megatron spoke again.

  Roadblock and the others immediately understood what Megatron meant and walked outside.

  After a while, they came back with two humans beside them.

  One tall and mighty, the other small and clever.

  "Boss, these two humans said they wanted to see you."

  Megatron looked up and looked at the two humans carefully.

  The skinny man took off his hat at the Decepticon and said with a smile.

  "Respected Decepticon leader, Lord Megatron, it's a pleasure to meet you. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ming Hou, and his name is Lixiang."

  "Don't get excited, we are not your enemy."

  "On the contrary, we are your most loyal allies, please let the two of us join your side and fight the Autobots together."

  The thin man named Ming Monkey looked at Megatron without any timidity.

  The man next to him named Lixiang was even more imposing.

  "Oh? It seems you know us well."

  Megatron spoke up.

  Today, several humans have appeared in a row, and they seem to know everything between themselves and the Autobots.

  This puzzled Megatron.

  Ming Hou continued: "Yes, not only that, we also know the human named Mo Yang that you mentioned earlier."

  Ming Monkey and Lixiang found the place all the way after they learned that Megatron had woken up and escaped from the Hoover Dam.

  They overheard the conversation of Megatron and others outside.

  When they learned that Megatron was awakened by Mo Yang, they were all very surprised, not knowing what Mo Yang wanted to do.

  However, they felt that Megatron's early awakening was more beneficial to them.

  When Megatron heard Ming Hou said he knew Mo Yang, he suddenly came close, looked at Ming Hou and the two, and said sharply, "Tell me everything you know."

  Ming Hou pretended to be serious and said, "This Mo Yang is actually a sorcerer. He is very powerful. He has always been eyeing the source of fire."

  "The two of us have been fighting against him for so many years, but we have always lost to him."

  "Now that Mo Yang has obtained the source of fire, his strength has risen to an extremely terrifying level. There is absolutely no hope for the two of us alone."

  "So we want to use the power of you and the Decepticons to deal with Mo Yang together."

  "Our purpose is just to kill Mo Yang. After this is done, the source of fire will still belong to you."

  Megatron looked at Ming Hou's very sincere eyes and asked.

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