On the blade of the Thunder Blade, there was no blood. .

Chapter 120

  "No, it's too weak."

  Chen Mo slowly retracted the knife and muttered to himself.

  What he said was too weak did not mean that the power of the Thunder Blade was too weak.

  It means that these three reincarnators are too weak.

  Even if three people go together, there is no room for Thunder Blade to play at all.

  He didn't even use the breath of thunder, and the three of them were stubborn.

  The Red Skull was stunned watching from the sidelines.

  This black-haired boy is really too strong!

  Fortunately, I have not been a villain for many years, otherwise I may suffer too.

  Red Skull looked at Chen Mo in horror.

  He suddenly saw Chen Mo turn his head to look at him, and his heart tightened.

  What is he going to do?

  Is it possible to fuck me?

  But I didn't do anything!

  I am a good citizen!

  "Long live the Hydra."

  Chen Mo said in a low voice.

  Then he opened the space channel, walked in, and disappeared.

  Red Skull: "???"

  How did he know about Hydra?

  Who is this guy?


  Earth, some seaside village.

  Thor led the civilians of Asgard to settle here.

  Thor is also a superhero on Earth. He made a request to let the people of Asgard live on Earth. The Earth's government has no objection at all, and even divided an area for them.

  Thor and Hulk also stayed in the small village, not looking for the rest of the Avengers.

  Since the Civil War of Captain America Three Miles, Captain America and Iron Man have turned against each other, and the Avengers have also fallen apart.

  Captain America, The Winter Soldier, Black Widow, and Falcon are among the most wanted.

  At this time, Sol and Hulk didn't know who to go to.

  The two sat on the beach and drank beer.

  Behind them, a space channel suddenly appeared.

  A figure slowly walked out of it.

  "Hey, my good brother, you're back."

  Sol turned around and greeted Chen Mo warmly.

  "How about this new Asgard, isn't it?"

  Sol pointed to the seaside village to Chen Mo.

  "Very good." Chen Mo smiled and nodded.

  "How are you, how many Infinity Stones have you got?" Sol asked, knowing that Chen Mo's goal was the Infinity Stones.

  Chen Mo replied, "The Reality Gem was taken first by Thanos, and I only got one Soul Gem."

  "Oh? Really? That's such a shame. Did you fight Thanos?"

  Chen Mo nodded, "I did, but I didn't."

  Sol patted Chen Mo's shoulder and said, "Brother, you should really bring me. With the Storm Axe, I can now beat Thanos to his knees and beg for mercy."

  Hulk on the side said: "Hulk can also help."

  Chen Mo looked at the two of them, "There is a place, but I need you to accompany me to go there."


  Inside a house in Scotland.

  There was a man and a woman in the house.

  The woman is beautiful and in good shape.

  The man is thin and has a yellow light spot on his forehead.

  The woman was sitting on the sofa drinking coffee, and the man was standing by the window, covering the yellow light spot on his forehead, his expression seemed a little painful.

  "Vision, what's wrong, is it because of the original stone again?"

  The woman saw the man's appearance and stepped forward to ask.

  These two are Scarlet Witch and Vision.

  After the civil war, the two chose to stay away from the Avengers and live an ordinary life.

  Vision also changed from the original robot to a normal human image.

  The yellow light spot on his forehead is one of the six Infinity Stones, the Mind Stone.

  Vision's hand slowly dropped from his forehead, "It seems to be talking to me."

  "What did it say?" Scarlet Wanda Wanda walked to Vision's side.

  "I don't know, but something must be said."

  The mind gem on Vision's forehead shone brighter and his expression became more painful.

  "Perhaps, I know what it's talking about."

  A third person's voice suddenly sounded in the room.

  A spatial passage emerges within the room.

  Three figures walked out of the space passage.

  "Saul, Banner, why are you here?"

  The Scarlet Witch looked at the two of them, surprised.

  Hulk the Hulk said angrily: "I'm Hulk, not Banner! You only like Banner, not Hulk!"

  Sol hurried to appease Hulk, then looked at Wanda, and said with a smile, "I'm sorry for disturbing the two of you, but it's actually my good brother who is looking for you."

  Sol said, pointing to Chen Mo beside him.

  "Who are you?" The Scarlet Witch looked at Chen Mo and asked suspiciously.

  The previous voice came from Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo smiled and said, "Hello, my name is Mo Yang."

  "Perhaps, I can help Vision solve the troubles caused by the Mind Stone."

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  Vision with a painful expression raised his head, looked at Chen Mo, and said, "What can you do?"

  Chen Mo said slowly: "Your spirit is composed of the superposition of several complex structures, including Jarvis, Ultron, Tony, Banner, and the Mind Gem."

  "It's their mutual interaction that makes you, not just a mind gem."

  "We can take out the spiritual gem on your forehead, which will not affect your existence, but will make you better."

  Vision listened seriously, and he said, "This sounds complicated, are you sure you can do it?"

  Chen Mo smiled, "No, I can't do it."

  "However, I know a place where someone can do it."

... 0

  "Where?" Vision and Scarlet Witch asked at the same time.



  Inside the Wakanda laboratory.

  At this time, many people gathered here.

  The King of Wakanda, T'Challa the Panther.

  And his sister, Princess Shuri.

  There are Chen Mo, Sol, Hulk, Scarlet Witch and others around.

  Captain America and Black Widow also came here.

  They were surrounded by an operating table, on which the Vision was lying.

  Half a day ago, Chen Mo came to Wakanda with Thor, Vision and others.

  Scarlet Witch and Vision both knew Black Panther, and after some explanation, they explained their intentions.

  And Chen Mo also told them that Thanos would attack soon.

  So, the Panthers called Team America and the others too.

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