"As agreed before, this rough stone is now handed over to you for safekeeping."

  Chen Mo took the Soul Gem, took out the Infinity Glove, and embedded it in a groove in the glove.

  "Wanda, take good care of Vision, and I'll end this war."

  Chen Mo said something to the Scarlet Witch, and then disappeared.

  On the frontal battlefield, Chen Mo's figure appeared.

  With wind and thunder wings on his back, he floated in the air, and looked at the battlefield where Thor and Thanos fought.

  The next moment, holding the Thunder Blade, he turned into a lightning bolt and flew over.

  Thanos, it's time to do the math with you! .

Chapter 122

  Thanos is in a fierce battle with Thor, the god of thunder.

  Sol, who has the new artifact Stormwind Warhammer, does have the strength to compete with his chambers.

  However, with the power of the Power Gem and the Reality Gem, Thanos still has the upper hand in the battle.

  "You little Thor also wants to stop me, but it's still too tender. It's almost the same for Odin to come."

  The Power Stone on the Infinity Gloves glowed purple, and Thanos slashed at Thor with a double-edged sword.

  Thor threw the storm axe in front of him, blocking Thanos' attack.

  With the blessing of power gems, Thanos' strength is incomparable, even if he is stopped by the storm axe, the double-edged sword is still approaching Thor little by little.

  Suddenly, Thanos felt a powerful threat, and he quickly retreated subconsciously.

  An electric light passed from where he had just stood.

  Chen Mo appeared between Sol and Thanos.

  "How can you not add me to this battle?"

  Chen Mo looked at Thanos with high fighting spirit.

  "It's you! I was going to find you when I finished solving the earth, but you came to the door yourself." Thanos looked at Chen 02 Mo and said solemnly.

  Sol excitedly said: "Good brother, you came just in time, let's go together and defeat Thanos!"

  Chen Mo nodded to Thor.

  He wasn't stupid enough to go head-to-head with Thanos.

  Even after obtaining the Thunder Blade, Chen Mo is confident that he can compete with Thanos.

  But gang fights or something, isn't it fragrant?

  Sol took a step forward and stood side by side with Chen Mo.

  One holds the Thunder War Blade, and the other holds the Storm War Axe.

  Above the weapons of the two, there is a surging thunder.

  Facing Chen Mo and Sol, Thanos didn't dare to take it lightly, and his expression was serious.

  Chen Mo rushed up first and waved the Thunder Blade in his hand.

  "Breath of Thunder One Type: Thunderbolt Flash!"

  During the thunderous roar, the Thunder Blade slashed towards Thanos at an extremely fast speed.

  Sol also did not neglect, swinging the storm tomahawk to attack Thanos.

  Encircled by the two, Thanos separated the double-edged sword in his hand from the middle handle.

  The original double-edged sword became two large swords.

  Thanos, who was holding two knives, moved, and the two large knives slashed towards Chen Mo and Sol respectively.

  The four weapons collided violently.

  Thanos was repelled by the powerful impact and took a few steps back.

  Even if he has the power gem, facing the combined attack of Chen Mo and Sol, he will not get the slightest benefit.

  Chen Mo didn't give Thanos any chance to breathe. After one blow, his figure moved again.

  "Breath of Thunder One Type: Thunderbolt in a flash!"

  He rushed to Thanos and waved the Thunder Blade in his hand quickly.

  Sol followed closely and attacked the tyrant again.

  Thanos swung his two knives to resist.

  Under the ferocious joint attack of the two, Thanos gradually became a little bit tired.


  An inattentive, Thanos did not block Chen Mo's attack, and was directly slashed by the Thunder Blade.

  Fortunately, he was still wearing strong and heavy armor, which resisted him.

  But how sharp and hard the blade of thunder is.

  The armor on Thanos only resisted for less than a moment before being penetrated by the Thunder Blade.

  His arm was also cut open immediately, and blood spilled from the wound.

  Thanos hurriedly stepped back, gasping for breath.

  The tyrant who was born in the eternal family of Titan Star has extremely strong physical fitness.

  The wound on his arm has begun to heal slowly.

  Thanos has some headaches, he can barely cope with a Thor, but now there is another Chen Mo, which makes him a little bit overwhelmed.

  And he remembered that the last time he played against Chen Mo, Chen Mo had blond hair.

  In that state, Chen Mo's combat power was even more astonishing.

  That is to say, Chen Mo has not used his full strength yet.

  This is not good news for Thanos.

  If it goes on like this, he will definitely lose.

  "The order goes on, the warships are ready to bombard!"

  Thanos shouted loudly.

  Ebony throat, who was entangled with Doctor Strange in the distance, was a little surprised when he heard Thanos' voice.

  Their spaceships are floating above Wakanda.

  If the shelling is activated, it will be an indiscriminate attack, and the soldiers on your own will be killed and injured countless times.

  However, as one of Thanos' most loyal subordinates, Ebony Maw did not rebel against Thanos' orders.

  Immediately command the warships to start shelling.

  Soon, the space battleship located high in the sky began a fierce bombardment of the battlefield on the ground.

  For a time, whether it was the Avengers side or the Thanos army, they all stopped fighting and avoided everywhere.

  Thanos finally got a chance to breathe.

  Chen Mo, Sol, Team America and others gathered together.

  Captain America frowned at the battleship in the sky, and said solemnly, "We have to find a way to deal with that big guy."

  The others nodded in agreement.

  "I'll come." Chen Mo said.

  Then, the Qi in his body began to rise continuously.

  Golden arrogance appeared all over his body, and the black hair turned into blond, and the roots stood up.

  "What method is this?"

  "Mo Yang gives the impression that he has become a lot stronger all of a sudden."

  "Facing Mo Yang in this state, I'm also a little scared."

  Everyone was a little surprised, even Sol, who was the first to know Chen Mo, saw him transform into a Super Saiyan for the first time.

  In Super Saiyan form, Chen Mo clasped his hands around his waist, and his powerful qi was constantly gathering.


  The huge turtle qigong wave was released by Chen Mo, directly aiming at the battleship above the sky.

  The colossal space battleship was pierced by the turtle qigong wave and exploded in the air.

  And after the turtle qigong wave penetrated the space battleship, it still did not dissipate, and flew to a higher place.

  After finishing the space battleship, Chen Mo slowly closed his recruits.

  The people on the side stared at their pockets.

  "Mo Yang, what kind of trick are you doing, why are you so powerful?"

  "What is the light wave that just flew out, I have never seen it before."

  "It seems that my title as a master of secret arts should be handed over to others."

  Captain America, Thor, Doctor Strange and others were amazed.

  Thanos in the distance frowned when he saw this scene.

  He has seen Chen Mo's Super Saiyan form.

  Seeing Chen Mo's appearance, he knew that Chen Mo was going to do his best.

  The current situation seems to be unfavorable to him.

  in the extraterrestrial universe.

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