Global reincarnation: I have a problem with my identity

Chapter 296 Meeting Iron Man for the first time, the conditions for saving people!

The Imperial Cemetery, beside the abandoned dirt road leading from Baghlan Air Force Base to a certain mountain base.

A Quinjet fighter landed slowly.

The cabin door opened, and three people, two men and one woman, got off the plane one after another. It was Hawkeye played by Xinhen, Mysterio played by Zhang Fang, and Shockwave Girl played by Xing Ruyu.

Pointing to somewhere ahead, Xinhen said: "According to the information we received from the military, the car Tony Stark was riding in was attacked there. There were twenty-three soldiers in total. Killed in that attack, Tony Stark is missing."

Looking in the direction of his finger, about twenty meters away from them, there were indeed remaining traces of the explosion: "According to the copy world information provided by Feng Huaxue Yue, the purpose of the terrorists to capture him was to force him to Tony makes Jellicle missiles for them.”

Xing Ruyu raised her white and slender fingers, brushed away the long silky hair that was blown by the wind and sand and blocked her eyes, and asked softly: "Is your news accurate?"

"There should be no problem." Xinhen replied with a serious face: "Colonel Rhodes of the military experienced the terrorist attack personally and survived successfully. The news I just told you all came from Rhodes The colonel’s dictation.”

At this time, Zhang Fang also asked Xinhen: "Can you find the base of the terrorist organization? You should be more familiar with this place than the two of us."

"Don't come here!" Xinhen immediately retorted: "In the real world, I have just arrived at the Imperial Cemetery for less than half a month. If you bring over any American soldier stationed in Afghanistan, he will be more familiar with the environment here than me."

"But to find out the secret base of that terrorist organization..."

Having said this, Xinhen suddenly spread his hands, and seven spiritual bodies with strong or weak auras flew out of his palms. After reaching the sky for several feet, they merged again and rushed down towards Xinhen below.

Xinhen opened his mouth without hesitation and swallowed the seven spirits into his mouth.

The next moment, his eyes turned pitch black, which was exactly what a practitioner of the "Ling Ji Sending General" would look like after being possessed by a spirit body: "I can give it a try."

As he spoke, he squatted down and gently pressed his right hand on the ground. The innate true energy attached to the spirit body immediately spread out in all directions with his palm as the center, like a spider web.

He said: "Speaking of which, it's also thanks to the fact that I gained a lot in the last dungeon world, and upgraded the "Lingshuo General" and the special ability to communicate with animals to a higher level."

"Now, I can use the characteristics of "Ju Ling Sen Jiang" to spread the true energy to farther places. I can also directly establish spiritual communication channels with animals through the contact of true energy integrated with the power of the spirit body."

"When combined with each other, they can achieve mutually reinforcing amplification effects, and can even directly view the images that animals have seen through spiritual communication!"

"If this were not the case, I would not be able to do anything to deal with the terrorists that the US military could not find using satellite surveillance."

After briefly explaining that he had gained enhanced abilities, Xinhen stopped talking and began to concentrate on communicating with animals on the ground or underground within a hundred meters of him.

Seeing this, Zhang Fang naturally wouldn't disturb his friends from casting spells.

But he flipped his wrist and took out a pair of exquisite sunglasses from his private space. I wanted to put it on immediately, but found that Xing Ruyu beside me was frowning and stretched out a hand to block the wind and sand, so I naturally put it in front of him.

"Thank you, Brother Hua!" Xing Ruyu was overjoyed when he saw this. He quickly took the sunglasses and put them on, and couldn't help but said: "Brother Hua is really thoughtful. He knew that the climate here is bad, so he put them on before leaving. sunglasses."

Zhang Fang shook his head slightly: "This pair of sunglasses has been in my private space for five or six days. When I saw it in the business district, I thought it was a good style and planned to refine it. It was made into a magic weapon. After I bought it, I never thought about adding any functions to it, so I have been putting it off until now."

Hearing this, Xing Ruyu's pretty face turned red for no reason: "Brother Hua, do you only have this pair of sunglasses?"

Zhang Fang replied casually: "You don't have to worry about me. I have a protective weapon that can also resist the wind and sand..."

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Just as the two of them were talking, Xinhen had already withdrawn the infuriating energy attached to the spirit body. He stood up in dissatisfaction and protested: "Although I am communicating with animals with my mind, it does not mean, You two can stuff dog food into my mouth without restraint!"

Xing Ruyu's pretty face blushed even more when she heard this, and she even lowered her head shyly, while Zhang Fang asked casually: "Have you found it yet?"

"How can it be that simple?" Xin Hen shook his head: "But I have got some clues by communicating with nearby snakes and rats. Following this clue, I should continue to use my ability to investigate, and I should be able to find the group of terrorists. secret base, but it will take some time.”

Zhang Fang glanced at the watch on his left wrist: "According to the information provided by Fenghuaxueyue, Tony Stark was imprisoned from the time he was kidnapped by terrorists to the time he developed the Mark 1 steel suit and escaped from the secret base. Three months. And today is only the second day after he was kidnapped by terrorists."

"So, we actually have plenty of time, you can find it slowly."

Xinhen was confused: "Since our time is calculated by months, why are you looking at the watch?"

Zhang Fang replied seriously: "This watch is the most valuable thing in Quentin Baker's possession. It's very expensive!"

Three days later, in a cell in a terrifying base hidden deep in the mountain.

As Tony slowly turned the switch, an arc-shaped reactor slightly larger than an egg tart gradually began to glow with blue light.

Dr. Ethan, a thin man on the side, came closer and said, "This doesn't look like a Jellicle missile."

Tony's expression was calm: "Because it is a miniature arc reactor. I have a large one at home to power my factory. It should be enough to absorb shrapnel."

Dr. Ethan asked: "What is its power generation capacity?"

Tony: "If I'm not mistaken, three billion joules per second."

Ethan immediately showed his amazing mathematical talent: "It's enough for your heart to last a thousand years."

Tony replied calmly: "Or let a big guy take 15 minutes."


While the two were talking about the arc reactor, a little mouse suddenly climbed onto the workbench. Without waiting for the two to react, it raised a paper ball in its hand and sent it to Tony and Yi. After standing in front of Sen, he quickly stepped aside.

This extremely humane behavior of the little mouse couldn't help but surprise Tony and Ethan. The former picked up the paper ball in confusion, unfolded it and spread it flat on the workbench, only to find that it was written with a black pen, It is the design drawing of the arc reactor.

Tony was shocked when he saw this. The top secret blueprints of his home were not even officially owned by the United States. How could they fall into the hands of others inexplicably?

After taking a closer look, I discovered that although the drawing looked like what it was, it was actually completely different.

These paintings are all some magical things?

Just when he was puzzled, a string of dark blue English words suddenly appeared on the design drawings in front of him, covering up the original design drawings:

【Hi! Mr. Stark. As you can see, I am a person with supernatural powers.

Please also believe that I have the ability to rescue you from this place and ensure that you return home safely. 】

The scene in front of me is exactly the use of the Wang family's family skill "Shen Tu" in the dungeon world of "Under One Person".

As long as one's Qi is marked on something in advance, the pattern drawn by the caster can appear on the surface in a certain area.

In terms of transmitting information, although it is far less convenient than the lost "Danqing", another major painting school in the alien world, it also has its own uniqueness.

Zhang Fang and the others were not able to use this method from Wang Ai or Wang Bing. The scene in front of them was only performed after Xinhen was possessed by Wang Bing's spirit body.

Tony and Ethan couldn't help but look at each other when they saw the words appearing out of thin air on the drawing. The former asked: "By the way, how do you reply to this thing? Can you write on it?"

Ethan was also confused: "I'm not a magician, how can I know how to use this thing?"

At this time, I saw the words on the drawing suddenly disappeared, as if someone had erased them.

But immediately, brand-new words appeared on the drawing, gradually emerging along the strokes, and it looked as if someone was writing on it with a pen.

[You don’t need to write, just say what you want to say. The little mouse in front of you will transmit every word you say to me in real time. 】

So magical?

Tony immediately said: "Are you really capable of saving us?"


But you also know that there are dozens of vicious terrorists out there. Not only do they kill without blinking an eye, but they also possess weapons of mass destruction!

Even if we have some supernatural abilities, if we want to rescue the two of you from this dragon's pond and tiger's den, we still have to risk a narrow escape...]

Tony saw that there were more and more words on the drawing, and there was a sign that he could not stop talking in a long way, so he quickly interrupted: "Tell the important point!"

[You have to add money! 】

Seeing these words, Tony's slightly tense muscles completely relaxed: "Deal."

Depend on!

Zhang Fang, who was hiding near the terrorist base, couldn't help but uttered a curse word after hearing Xinhen's oral answer: "I haven't said how much! It's 1 billion US dollars to save you, and it's also 1 billion US dollars to save Dr. Ethan!" Of course, you can also choose to save just yourself."

Xinhen was meticulous and used his own Qi to write exactly what Zhang Fang said on another piece of white paper in front of him.

Tony in the cave: "Stop talking nonsense, we need to save both of them. But the problem is, I have no money now."

[Check out after you get home, of course.

However, after you are rescued, you still need to do us a small favor, but this can wait until then. 】

After this sentence stayed on the drawing for a few seconds, it immediately disappeared, and then another line of text appeared.

[At 11 o'clock tonight, you two had better hide in the cell and don't cause any trouble. We will take action at that time.

somebody is coming! 】

After the last reminder, the text on the drawing disappeared completely.

And the little mouse that brought the drawings also scurried under the table with a hiss, only sticking out its head to observe what was going on outside.

In a hidden place not far from the secret base, Xing Ruyu couldn't help but ask: "Since we want to negotiate terms, why not just ask him for the arc reactor or even its drawings?"

Zhang Fang shook his head gently: "It's not that simple. The reactor is currently very important to Tony, and he will never trade it easily, let alone submit the drawings. Don't even think about it until enough trust is established between each other. .”

"After all, he now has a way to save himself, but he is not completely sure."

On the other side, as the words on the drawing disappeared, the cell door was immediately opened from the outside, and several vicious terrorists filed in.

One of the leaders, a bald man, grabbed the arc reactor on the table and asked, "What is this?"

Tony replied casually: "It is used to replace the car battery and maintain the electromagnet on my chest."

"Very good!" A greedy smile appeared on the bald face: "From now on, it is mine."

"No!" Tony said immediately: "I need it very much, otherwise I would always be holding a car battery and I wouldn't be able to work at all..."

The bald man didn't wait for him to finish his words, and interrupted loudly: "You can make another one. No matter what materials are needed, we can provide them. According to our previous observations, it took you about a day to make a reactor. time."

"I'll give you two days!"

"You can make two in two days. When the time comes, I will take one away and leave one for you."

"Then, you need to give me a reactor every two days, and use the remaining day to make Jellik missiles."

As he spoke, the bald man had already put his face next to Tony, letting Tony smell his bad breath: "Whenever your missile is produced, you don't need to provide me with the reactor anymore."

"There is also this blueprint. I guess it is of no use to you anymore, so I took it away too."

After saying that, the bald leader waved his hand and led his men out of the dungeon with Tony's reactor and the so-called blueprints in a swaggering manner.

Only Tony and Ethan were left with constipated faces. as well as……

Under the table, the little mouse sees everything and hears everything.

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