Global reincarnation: I have a problem with my identity

Chapter 547 The giant wave of the divine sword enters the mountains and sea for the first time

Julang Divine Sword (Divine Treasure): It is formed by the fusion of Xuanyuan Divine Sword and Zhaodan Divine Sword. Its power and magical functions have reached the top level of divine treasure-level weapons.

Sword technique power +2000%, sword energy power +2000%

Special effects: Human Emperor, Imperial Power, Victory, Immortality

Human Emperor: The lethality against all non-human creatures is increased by 50%!

Imperial Power: The sword holder will naturally exude the royal power of the human race, which can make all the evil and evil people tremble in fear. For people with dark minds, it has the effect of shocking the minds. (This skill is affected by the True Dragon's Qi of the sword holder. The stronger the True Dragon's Qi, the stronger the effect of "Imperial Power"!)

Shengtian: Against all creatures that transcend the mortal realm, the lethality is increased by 50%! (This special effect can be superimposed with the "Human Emperor" special effect!)

Immortality: The human divine sword will naturally be blessed by the luck of the human race. It must not be damaged even if it is a treasure that exceeds two levels of this sword, that is, the innate spiritual treasure level!

After the fusion, the power of this unparalleled divine weapon was more than doubled on the basis of the Zhaodan Divine Sword?

It can be said that this divine sword has perfectly integrated the functions of the two divine swords, Xuanyuan and Zhaodan. It has since been optimized and improved, turning it into a perfect divine treasure-level divine sword!

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Fang dared to name this fused magic weapon after the word "Julang".

Zhang Fang now has an east wind on his left hand and a huge wave on his right hand. Looking at the entire mountain and sea world, he feels like there is no one left!

That's right, this Giant Wave Divine Sword was fused after Zhang Fang entered the world of mountains and seas.

Although it was possible to complete this step on a tree in the sea before, after all, with Pangu Yuan Shen at his side, suddenly creating such a peerless magic weapon that far surpassed the top ten ancient artifacts, it is also a difficult explanation. trouble.

It happened that the passage from the human world to the world of mountains and seas was originally located in a tree hole built in the sea. According to the previous agreement, Zhang Fang borrowed the Pangu Ax from Pangu Yuanshen and went directly through that passage. They arrived at the mountain and sea realm where Haotian Tower and Donghuang Zhong and his wife were located.

And here, the fusion work of the two divine swords was completed.

Satisfied, he took both Dongfeng and Julang into his private space, looked around, and found that he was in a deserted and primitive mountain forest, with no traces of human beings around him.

This situation is completely expected.

After all, it is a passage connecting two worlds. Even if it is just a one-way exit, it should never be set up in a densely populated area. Otherwise, once someone crosses over, it will definitely cause unnecessary panic.

Zhang Fang calmly unfolded "Seeing and Hearing Color Dominance", and Zhang Fang immediately noticed signs of a gathering of intelligent creatures ten miles away from him.

As a result, I teleported over and saw that it was a primitive tribe composed of a group of savages.

These savages have very long hair and look a bit like gorillas, but they are gathering together to light a fire and barbecue. One of them with sharp eyes spotted the sudden appearance of Zhang Fang, and immediately screamed with excitement, while pointing at Zhang Fang floating in the air.

The rest of the savages, whose attention was attracted by him, also discovered Zhang Fang's traces.

Then, the entire tribe of savages became excited, shouting unified slogans. Zhang Fang couldn't understand the specific slogans, but it was not difficult to guess from the laughter dripping from the corners of these guys' mouths.

These savages definitely regard themselves as prey or food!


Judging from the appearance and lifestyle of this group of savages, I should be like the male protagonist Lu Chengxuan of "Xuanyuan Sword 5", and have traveled to the area where Mao Minguo is located in the world of mountains and seas.

Faced with these savages who already possessed only the most basic human characteristics of walking upright, using tools, and being able to make fire and cook, Zhang Fang had no desire to communicate with them at all.

Putting aside the animalistic nature that has not completely receded from them, the single language barrier is the biggest communication barrier.

Although obstacles like this may not be completely impossible to overcome, it is really not necessary!

You must know that in the world view of the "Xuanyuan Sword" series, the speed of time in the world of mountains and seas is different from that in the human world.

A day in the world of mountains and seas is roughly equivalent to a year in the human world, and there is only less than half a year until the Tengu eclipse appears for the second time in the human world. Calculated into the time flow rate in the world of mountains and seas, it is not enough Twelve hours.

In order to perfectly solve the threat of Chiguan Star, Zhang Fang must find and convince the reincarnated adults of Donghuang Bell and Haotian Tower within these twelve hours, and take them back to the human world.

During this period, every minute and every second is precious. A slight delay may cause him to miss the seal of Tianzhihen during the second Tengu eclipse, resulting in the complete failure of his main mission. .

How could he be in the mood to spend time with this group of savages who had just left the world of raw hair and drinking blood?

Without hesitation, he used teleportation again, and Zhang Fang turned into clouds of smoke and disappeared from the sight of these hairy people. At the same time, he tried his best to activate his "Seeing and Hearing Color Haki" to detect any traces of human activities within a radius of dozens of miles.

After teleporting repeatedly for more than ten times, Zhang Fang finally came to a human country called Zhou Yunguo. The residents here are short in stature and look extremely cute. Moreover, most of the people in this country make a living through agriculture and are quite simple in character.

The most important thing is that the citizens of the Zhou Dynasty use the same language as the Shenzhou in the human world, and they are existences that can communicate.

Zhang Fang was rewarded for helping the other party kill a group of strange birds that often attacked Zhou Yu's people, and obtained a map of the mountain and sea realm from them, which took about a quarter of an hour. Then according to the direction recorded on the map, he went straight to Jianmu in the mountain and sea boundary where the Green Dragon Fruit was located.

Yes, in the world of mountains and seas, there is also a towering tree, which is where the capital of the Azure Dragon Kingdom is located.

If Zhang Fang guessed correctly, the reincarnations of Donghuang Bell and Haotian Tower should be in the palace of Qinglong Kingdom. At the same time, the entrance to the one-way passage from the world of mountains and seas to the world of the human world is also located on this tree.

With the map of the mountain and sea world as a guide, Zhang Fang successfully found the already very conspicuous tree.

However, just as his body was teleported to the waist of Jianmu's tree, he ran into a group of patrolling guards from the Qinglong Kingdom. The people of the Qinglong Kingdom are very similar in stature and appearance to humans. The only difference is that each of them has horns on their heads, wings on their backs, and has the ability to fly that ordinary humans do not have.

Apart from this, only the styles of their clothes are very different from those in the Central Plains.

These guards of the Qinglong Kingdom were far less friendly towards the sudden appearance of Zhang Fang than the citizens of Zhou Yun. As soon as the two sides met, their formation immediately dispersed, and then under the command of one of the guys who looked like the captain, they surrounded Zhang Fang from different directions, including top, bottom, left and right, with no blind spots at 360 degrees.

And the captain who issued the encirclement order did not speak until now and asked: "Xuanyuan people! What are your intentions in approaching the sacred tree of our Qinglong Kingdom?"


PS: There is another chapter today, I will update it later.

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