
The palanquin turned into an alley and walked more than ten meters, when suddenly there was a burst of drinking.

“Leave Ao Bai Old Mother!”

On the high wall of the alley, a burly and tall man suddenly appeared.

The man wears a set of European-style knight’s full body armor and holds a heavy sword, which is extremely powerful.

The man roared angrily, his body seemed to be uncontrollable, and he rushed to the palanquin extremely quickly.

Talent: Savage Rush!

“What man!”

The two attendants in front of the palanquin were taken aback and hurriedly pulled out steel knives.

“I am your black bear grandfather!”

The black bear burst out, swept out the heavy sword, and easily cut off the steel knives of the two entourage with the power of the right talent.

The epee kept its strength and cut off the two retinues.

But the black bear’s body was also beaten, and the savage charge skill was also forced to stop.

This talent skill cools down to 5 minutes.

Indeed, the cooldown time is extremely short, and it is usually used to rush without any distress.

But after all, there is still a CD, which cannot be used continuously.


“Protect the adults!”

The palanquin masters’ expressions changed greatly, and they hurriedly put down the palanquin and pulled out their weapons.


The white monkey, dressed in a ninja suit, also jumped off the wall, pulled out a sword, and slashed at it.

The two of them received a B-level reward for their first quest, each rewarding 1,000 reincarnation points.

The black bear naturally bought a bottle of strength potion without hesitation, and the white monkey bought a bottle of sharp potion.

The two of them learned the basic swordsmanship provided by several levels of space for free, and both of them had an attribute that broke through 20 points, barely being a first-order martial artist.

Although the palanquin man is an elite Qing soldier, his highest attribute is only about ten points.

Under the suppression of their attributes, there is almost no power to fight back.

In a few moments, the eight palanquins retreated one after another, and danger arose.

“This costume… Forget it, it is estimated which humble reincarnation. ”

“Do they want to kill Aobai?”

“It’s not right, they are such a dish, when they meet the real Aobai, they should have knelt down a long time ago.”

Chen Yu initially thought that heaven and earth would carry out assassination.

But when he walked out of the palanquin and glanced at the shapes of the two people, he was immediately speechless.

This space is also quite magical, and the teamwork copy is arranged into a confrontation book.

“Adult, danger!”

A palanquin man was slashed by a black bear with a sword, fell in front of Chen Yu, and hurriedly shouted.

“You guys go down.”

Chen Yu frowned.

These palanquins carried the palanquin for him.

If you are hacked to death, will you walk back?

“Ao… Ao Bai? ”

The palanquin dispersed, and the white monkey looked at Chen Yu’s burly and tall body, dumbfounded.

What is the situation, isn’t Ao Bai already killed in the plot?

How did it suddenly appear in front of yourself.

The white monkey glanced around, hesitating whether to go up A or run away immediately.

“What are you afraid of, the brave wins when the narrow road meets, let’s kill Ao Bai together, and we will complete the challenge!”

The black bear also gritted his teeth, sneered, and swung his heavy sword, marking out a residual image and slashing at Chen Yu’s head.

The white monkey felt that it made sense, and also screamed and jumped up.

Last time, they only saw Ao Bai being captured by Long Er once from a distance, and they did not try to face Ao Bai directly.

Causing them to have a “I can do it” illusion.

With the sound of the wind, the heavy sword slashed at Chen Yu’s head, and sparks overflowed.

“You… Are you an iron man? ”

The black bear snorted and looked at Chen Yu who was motionless in disbelief.

“First-order martial artist, it’s okay.”

Chen Yu glanced at the black bear.

The opponent’s full strength of the sword is not enough to break through his own copper and iron bones, and does not cause any damage.

Chen Yuxin raised his fist and hammered it on the heavy sword.

He himself also wanted to try the power of his body protection and defense, and was too lazy to play what to play as a pig and eat a tiger.

Since he made a move, he didn’t leave any mercy.

With a thunderbolt-like bang, the heavy sword broke into several pieces and splashed in all directions.

The black bear burst open, a mouthful of blood spurted out of its mouth, as if hit by a truck, flew out three or four meters, and fell to the ground motionless.

Although his strength is high, he is in his early 20s.

Chen Yu is now full of 68 power, which is completely crushing!

The white monkey followed closely and came to Chen Yu.

Seeing Chen Yu fighting with the black bear, the white monkey didn’t say a word, and stabbed at Chen Yu’s abdomen.

The knife pierced the official uniform, and then stopped, unable to advance in the slightest.

The white monkey raised its head a little blankly, and the afterglow in the corner of its eyes was seeing the tragic state of the black bear.

The next moment, Chen Yu took a step forward very quickly, leaned his body slightly, and leaned his shoulders on the white monkey.

The white monkey flew up like a cloud, smashed heavily on the high wall next to the alley, and slowly slid down, fainting to the ground.

Chen Yu didn’t know if this was the iron mountain of Bajiquan.

But it feels like these moves are like muscle memory, and they will naturally be used when they meet the opponent.

Most likely, this is also the basic martial arts that the Thirteen Taibao Heng practiced itself.

After all, to learn the physical protection exercises, you must first learn to be beaten.

I have been beaten a lot, and it is normal to know some martial arts.

“This is the second layer! How can Ao Bai be so strong…”

On the treetops of a giant tree more than ten meters away, Xiao Long Bun hurriedly blew out a fist-sized fireball and secretly wiped the cold sweat of his sideburns.

Although she was somewhat confident in the power of her fireball.

But her intuition told her that after she shot the fireball, it was her own death period.

She has always trusted her instincts.

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