“What’s going on?”

Chen Yu opened the door and saw that it was a round fat avenue man, and his heart moved.

Zhao Zhijing only accepted two disciples, Lu Qingdu and Yang Guo.

If Yang Guo looks like this, then the world is estimated to collapse.

Therefore, it can only be Lu Qingdu.

This person has mediocre qualifications, although he is fat, but his heart is not wide.

The only good thing is that he is loyal to Zhao Zhijing, and he has no words.

From Chen Yu’s standpoint, this is a good quality.

“A big man with a child came down from the mountain, and he struck the stone tablet in the Puguang Temple, which must be the evil demon outside the way to attack the mountain today.”

“But this person’s martial arts skills are extremely high, and now that many junior uncles have joined forces to dispatch the Tiangang Beidou Formation, they can’t stop him. Uncle Feng specially asked his disciples to come and invite Master Zun to come. ”

Zhao Zhijing is a disciple of the king, although he is not the oldest, but he has the longest entry time.

The other three generations of disciples theoretically belonged to Zhao Zhijing’s junior disciples.

Therefore, Lu Qingdu is called Uncle Shi.

“So, they have already moved the Tiangang Beidou Formation?”


“Got it, you go down first.”

“Oh. Well? Master? ”

“Since the Tiangang Beidou Formation has moved, then presumably the real enemy has already gone up the mountain.”

Chen Yu said lightly.

It seems that this is the early stage of the Condor Heroes.

Guo Jing brought Yang over to Quanzhen and sent Yang Guo to find his master.

Huo Du wanted to go to the ancient tomb to take his sister, and planned to clean up Quan Zhen first.

When Qiu heard the news, he set up the Tiangang Beidou Array on the mountain road, intending to ambush Huo Du.

As a result, the pile of Taoists besieged Guo Jing so hard that they couldn’t die, and they were also led by Guo Jing to run away.

Then, Huo Du and the others drove straight in, directly killed Chongyang Palace, and hit Ma Yu, Qiu Chuji and others by surprise.

Well, this problem is probably a typical IQ arrears.

Even if Guo Jing also took a stone monument, there was only one person.

Obviously different from the fanfare of intelligence.

Take 10,000 steps back and say, even if people want to soak in the little dragon girl.

Is it necessary to bring a teenage child to be a light bulb?

Therefore, thinking about it is mostly a misunderstanding.

Just make it clear.

Is it worth smashing the entire Tiangang Beidou Array together?

What’s even more humiliating is that the fourteen Tiangang Beidou Formations on the mountain road, a total of ninety-eight people, were also played by Guo Jing.

In and out of the Tiangang Beidou Array, it is like entering no man’s land.

The humiliation of the scene made Chen Yu a little uneasy to evaluate.


At this moment, a roar sounded, flames spewed out, and thick smoke filled the air.

The backyard spat out tongues of fire, and the light of the fire reddened half of the sky.

“This… The backyard is on fire. ”

“You go and let those people come back and tell them that they stopped Guo Jingguo Daxia, and the enemy entered Chongyang Palace from the backyard.”

“Huh? Then let all junior uncles and junior brothers go to the rescue of Chongyang Palace? ”

“Forget it, the gap in martial arts is too big, they go either dead or injured.” Let them put out the fire. ”

“Oh, but… What about you, Master? ”

“I’ll go to Chongyang Palace.”

“…… Master be careful! ”

“It doesn’t hurt.”

Chen Yu nodded slightly and strode away.

If you go down now, there is an excuse to fight Guo Jing.

Frankly speaking, Chen Yu does have some interest.

I want to see the strength of this top expert in the Condor World.

But now it’s even more important to complete the main quest.

Obviously, even if he beat Guo Jing down, he did not have the reality to resist the strong enemy in front of the sons of Quanzhen.

Social animals know that in front of leaders, it is necessary to behave well.

Besides, I don’t know much about the level of force in this river.

Playing Guo Jing may not be an easy victory.

However, it should always be no problem to drop Huo Du in seconds…

When Chen Yu walked into the main courtyard, he heard shouts and scolding, and the sound of blades intersecting.

On the square outside the main hall, the black pressure was crowded with people, and they were fighting fiercely.

Forty-nine yellow-robed Taoists formed seven Beidou formations to fight against more than a hundred enemies.

The martial arts of those more than a hundred people are not very powerful, and most of them are Huo Du’s followers.

And Quan Zhen disciples, seven Beidou Formations can also be combined into a Tiangang Beidou Great Array.

Although it may not be able to beat the enemy to the ground, at least it will not be lost.

“Borrow a sword and use it, no, you can’t use it anyway, just send it to me.”

Chen Yu casually dragged a warrior with a sword, killed him with a punch, and snatched the sword down.

“Bold! What people? ”


A samurai leader drew a knife and slashed at Chen Yu, and Chen Yu smoothly struck the sword method to ward off evil, and the second came first, and a sword pierced into the throat.

“Senior Brother Zhao, you…?”

A Taoist was stunned when he saw Zhao Zhijing kill someone, and his words suddenly froze.

Is there such a trick in the martial arts of our Quanzhen Sect?

It looks amazing.

Could it be that Senior Brother Zhao created it himself?

“How is the situation inside the main hall?”

Chen Yu glanced at the Daoist person, and his heart moved, and he also felt that it was a little ungood.

The sword method of warding off evil spirits is powerful, but it is not quite the same as the painting style here, and you have to explain the origin.

The key sword method to ward off evil spirits does not look like a decent martial art.

So, try to use the Quan Zhen Sword Technique.

“There are dozens of masters rushing into the main hall, I can’t wait to intercept it, and I asked Senior Brother Zhao to make a move.”

“There are only a few real people in the main hall and Senior Brother Yin, I am afraid that they are outnumbered.”

Seeing Chen Yu’s arrival, several Taoists raised their spirits, brushed several swords to force their opponents back, and hurriedly said.

“Okay, I’ll go in and take a look.”

Chen Yu nodded.

“Senior Brother Zhao, someone sneak attack, be careful.”

A Taoist hurriedly shouted.

“No harm!”

Chen Yu swung his wrist, swept his long sword back, and a “Yuehao Condensation Frost” slashed the three opponents who tried to sneak attack.

He was already a full-level Quanzhen sword technique, and this sword technique had long surpassed anyone in the Quanzhen faction.

In theory, even if Chongyang Ancestor Wang Chongyang performed this trick, it would be at most so in terms of artistic conception.

Of course, the degree of power is also related to internal strength cultivation and strength.

But Chen Yu is also an innate martial artist Yi Tendon Jing triple, and he may not lose to Wang Chongyang in the past.


Those few Taoists were stunned at the same time, with an expression of disbelief in their eyes, and they almost opened their mouths to applaud.

Zhao Zhijing is known as the first martial artist of three generations of disciples.

Much higher than their martial arts, they also know it.

But they didn’t expect Senior Brother Zhao’s sword technique to really be so strong.

Jian simply and simply tricked Yue Hao Condensation Frost, he actually couldn’t understand it a little.

Even if his master makes a move, he can’t do it so freely and with a lot of weather, right?

“You guys hold on, I’ll go first to help.”

Chen Yu did not stop, and walked straight through the sword array to the main hall.

But whenever there is an enemy who stands in the way, he will easily stab out with a sword.

Then, the other party wailed and threw himself into the street.

Until entering the main hall, there was no enemy.

“Senior Brother Zhao is good at swordsmanship!”

“Thank you Senior Brother Zhao for your help!”

“Senior Brother Zhao quickly went in to help a few real people.”

All the true disciples got Chen Yu’s help to slow down, and all of them were in high spirits.

The sword light is crisscrossed, and the Beidou array echoes each other.

Although the enemy is numerous, it can also be contained.

In the main hall, it is a different scene.

The backyard fire forced in, and the heat was smoky.

There were seven futons lined up in the hall, and seven Taoists sat cross-kneeled, their left palms connected, each with their right palms, to resist the siege of more than ten people around them.

“The disciple is late, and he also asks the master to forgive his sins.”

Chen Yu strode in, “slanting wind and drizzle” and “rain and wind” with two swords, stabbing the two good hands in front of him to death.

“Zhijing, when you come… Well? ”

In their busy schedule, Qiu Chuji and Wang Zhiyi glanced at Chen Yu.

Just when I saw him kill with a sword, I couldn’t help but be shocked.

They also fought with these two for a moment, knowing that they were very good at martial arts.

But in front of Zhao Zhijing, a third-generation disciple, it seemed that he had no power to resist.

“Little Taoist, the sword technique is good.”

In the center of the main hall, there stood a noble son with a brocade robe and jade belt and a folding fan in his hand, shaking the fan and laughing.

Beside the noble prince, there stood a middle-aged Tibetan monk wearing a red robe and a golden crown.

Chen Yu glanced at it and saw that the two of them were calm, and they looked like their martial arts skills were acceptable.

It should be Hodu and Darba.

The martial arts of these two people are indeed okay, and they are still above the average level of Quanzhen Qizi.

Very good.

Just take it and try it out.

Thinking of this, Chen Yu smiled slightly, his eyes kind.

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