King Jinlun let out a long laugh, staggered sideways, and raised his double wheels to smash down.

At this time, the wheel is no longer out of hand, although it cannot attack from a distance, it is much more solid than throwing from a distance.

His Holiness walked in a rather strange way, jumping and jumping, the two wheels jumped smartly, and the whining was endless.

It’s a bit of tap dancing exotic.

Chen Yu Quanzhen sword method waved his hand, dismantled a few moves, and found that he still couldn’t understand the steps of the Golden Wheel Law King.

But somehow I thought of a lyric:

“One step at a time, two steps at a time, one step at a time like a minions

Like the devil’s pace, like the devil’s step”

Since you can’t understand it, don’t read it.

Chen Yu’s style of “sealing the marquis Wanli” pierced straight out.

Taken from the “Biography of Later Hanshu Ban Chao”: “Sacrifice wine, cloth and ears, and be thousands of miles away from the marquis.” ”

As soon as the sword comes out, there is a sense of grandeur.

The King of the Golden Wheel burst out, and the two wheels rushed towards the Xuan Tie Sword.

The two wheels push each other, with a special melody, vibrating slightly.

The internal force was running, and the qi waves were rolling, attacking Chen Yu.

“Neurosis, what era is it, still fighting with you for internal strength?”

Chen Yu’s power was pushed to the limit, and a huge black heavy sword floated in front of him.

Then, a steady stream of sword energy crashed towards the Golden Wheel Law King.


The sword qi was like a mountain and sea, crashing into the gold and silver double wheels.

“Sword Qi?”

His Holiness was shocked, hurriedly urged his power to the peak, and blocked it.

A violent popping sound sounded, and the entire Chongyang Palace shook a little.

The Dharma King’s double wheels shattered, the tiger’s mouth burst open, oozing blood, and his tall and thin body shook violently.

A hint of dazedness flashed in his eyes.

Although he blocked Chen Yu’s all-out sword, his whole person was stunned.

As a result, the reaction is sluggish.

Frankly speaking, the King of the Golden Wheel also suffered a loss of less knowledge.

If it was Huang Yaoshi, Zhou Botong and others, they would not choose a hard block at all when they saw this sword qi.

Just find a way to dodge, and then fight.

In this case, Chen Yu’s consumption is far greater than theirs.

If the skill is between Bo Zhong, I don’t know who the deer will die.

But the king was invincible in Mongolia and did not resist.

Extremely arrogant personality.

I feel that I am against the junior, and I take the initiative to dodge, which is considered to be a loss of half a move.

Therefore, with his decades of skill, he forcibly passed it.

However, Chen Yu’s skill has nothing to do with age.

After the sword qi received the bonus of the Xuan Tie Sword, it was even more like a mountain and a sea.

By the time King of the Golden Wheel found out that something was wrong, he had already suffered a big loss.

“Greetings to your two apprentices for me.”

Chen Yu inhaled back and took another step, and the Xuan Tie heavy sword suddenly slapped down and smashed on the bald head of the Golden Wheel Law King.

The next moment, the king’s head burst open directly like a watermelon.

His Holiness King’s body then sank into the main hall of Chongyang Palace, stepping on a two-foot-deep pit.

The bluestone floor under your feet is like mud.

Die without falling!

The King of the Golden Wheel has just reached the limit of his power, and his body is like golden iron.

Although under the slap of the Xuan Tie Sword, the golden iron is no different from the mud.

However, the iron is much harder than the floor of the Chongyang Palace.

So I plunged into it easily.

Chen Yu easily killed the King of the Golden Wheel, and also took advantage of the Xuan Tie Sword.

It belongs to equipment crushing.

Outside the Chongyang Palace in the past, Yang Guo, who had just turned twenty, could also fight the Dharma King and others with a Xuan Tie sword.

He even beat Qiu Qiancheng, who was far superior in martial arts to his own, into a dog.

Now, in addition to the protagonist’s aura, Chen Yu’s panel attributes are much stronger than Yang Guo at that time.

With one blow, he easily blasted the King of the Golden Wheel who lacked knowledge.


“This martial art…”

“Is Master okay in the past?”

“I don’t know.”

“How many of us join forces, can we take this sword?”

“Hehe, just a few of us?”


Ma Yu, Qiu Chuji, Wang Chuyi and others exchanged a few words very quickly, and also closed their mouths.

Even if he can block that sword qi, the Xuan Tie sword will be shattered if he slaps casually.

Fortunately, this kind of master is his own person, not an opponent.

Otherwise, one person and one sword are enough to pick Quan Zhen.

When everyone thought of this, they were secretly glad in their hearts.

“Your boss is dead, who has the final say now.”

Chen Yu’s eyes flashed and he looked at the group of monks.

These people are also masters of the Vajra Sect.


The monks were silent for a moment, and they all looked at a big lama in the middle.

This is the Grand Kelsang Lama.

He is the deputy sect master of the Vajra Sect and the deputy of the King of the Golden Wheel.

Under the status of the Vajra Sect, below a thousand.

Martial arts are also unfathomable.

Of course, this unfathomable is unfathomable for all the monks.

Everyone knew that this person’s martial arts were still far worse than those of the Golden Wheel Law King.

“Amitabha, the poor monk believes that it is not appropriate to settle the wrong, and when is the time to repay the wronged.”

Kelsang was so flustered that he had to come out forcefully.

Since the Taoist on the opposite side can use the iron sword to kill the King of the Golden Wheel.

Then of course he is not an adversary.

Alive, isn’t it?

However, the death of the King of the Golden Wheel may not be his own opportunity.

Go back and take over as the sect master of the Vajra Sect himself, and then succeed as the national teacher.

Together with the tantric lineage, join forces to put pressure on Kublai Khan and others.

At that time, send tens of thousands of Mongol troops to encircle and suppress Quanzhen.

Even if you can’t kill this Taoist, you have to burn this place to ashes with a fire!

In this way, Fang Yu I wanted.

Thinking of this, Kelsang was overjoyed in his heart, and a sneer appeared on his face.

“That’s what I want.”

Chen Yu nodded: “It’s really not good for everyone to make a vengeance.” ”

“It’s extreme.”

“Therefore, if you are all dead, you can’t talk about the enemy.”

“Yes… Well? ”

Kelsang Fang was startled when he saw a black giant sword slap down.

Kelsang was so frightened that he hurriedly stepped back a few feet in the air.

Chen Yu’s long sword took a selfie of himself, and a sword aura swung out along the long sword, slashing a magic blade drawn out by Kelsang into two segments.

“Block my sword, it’s not bad.”

Chen Yu casually praised, and it was also a “Feng Hou Wanli” stab.

The dark black sword qi burst out of the air and slammed into Kelsang’s head.

Kelsang’s head was like a huge egg.

Boom open, blood splatter!


“No living mouth!”

“Kill all these lamas!”

“Come some people and pick up other outside disciples.”

Qiu Chuji and the others looked at each other and jumped up one after another.

They are old and refined, and although their martial arts are average, they are still very proficient in judging the time and sizing up the situation.

The Vajra Sect was defeated, and its morale had weakened, so he hurriedly dribbled his swords like flying and beat up the drowning dogs.

“This sword qi is really emotional.”

Seeing that the overall situation had been decided, Chen Yu took a breath, slightly tired.

This Xuan Tie Sword Qi is powerful, it is too draining of internal strength.

If he strikes with all his might, he can only support the consumption of more than ten swords.

If you overdraw your physical strength and cut out a sword similar to a dragon python…

After at most two or three swords, the internal and stamina troughs are empty.

There is no staying power to talk about!

This, for the time being, there is no good solution.

After all, the main consumption is internal force.

Even if it improves physical strength, it does not matter much.

You can only try your luck and see if there is a suitable excellent internal strength method for the next few copies.

After all, the internal power value goes up, and the number of attacks, endurance and explosiveness will increase.

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