In July, the commander of the Mongol army, Kublai Khan, led a 200,000-strong Mongol army south.

Feeding the war with war, like entering no man’s land, go straight to Xiangyang.

Chen Yu ordered to abandon the Quanzhen Taoist Temple of the final Nanshan Mountain, and all the Quanzhen disciples went to Xiangyang to help.

And spread the teachings of the Dharma, that regardless of success or failure, in the future, the whole true line will spread in the south.

It is not until the Mongols have retreated outside the Cyprus that they can return to Nanshan.

The Quanzhen Sect in history is close to the Mengyuan Empire, let’s not talk about this.

The integrity of the Golden Book system was severed in the Yuan Dynasty.

“Relying on the Sky and Slaying the Dragon” has not appeared in the whole true vein since the beginning.

Although there is no explicit text, it is speculated that it was targeted by the Yuan Dynasty.

As a result, the original first sect of the Tianxia Dao Gate also turned into dust.

Since this is the case, Chen Yu simply gambled and let the Quanzhen faction scatter everywhere.

Even if the scale becomes smaller, the inheritance should not be broken.

Anyway, it will not be, worse than the result of the original.

Of course, he just assigned it so casually.

If after he returned to the space, the Quan Zhen faction was not satisfied with his opinion and did not adopt it, then Chen Yu didn’t care.

Anyway, it was not him who suffered.

At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, there was also Zhang Sanfeng, the great grandmaster of Qianqiu.

Daomen martial arts did not decline with the true demise of Quanzhen.

After Xiaolongnu found Lin Chaoying’s wedding dress under Chen Yu’s prompt, her understanding of this ancestor was somewhat subverted.

After thinking about it, the excuse of family and country affairs is better than the private rules of the sect.

He also closed the ancient tomb and went to Xiangyang with the Quanzhen faction to fight.

Anyway, the Tomb Sect is her alone.

No one can question her decision.

Everyone did not delay all the way, and arrived at the outskirts of Xiangyang City in one day.

I could only hear the sound of trumpets one after another, looking from afar, the banner was displayed, the sword halberd was like a forest, the horses galloped back and forth, and Xiangyang City was like being wrapped in dust.

The Mongol army had not yet closed the siege, Chen Yuxuan’s iron sword opened the way, but easily killed a bloody road and rushed into the city.

“Amitabha, brother Bertong, long time no see!”

In the council hall, Master Yilan smiled slightly and clasped his hands together.

Yi Lan and Huang Yaoshi were originally Gao Shi who were detached and ignored the world.

But the survival of Xiangyang is very important, or Han or Hu, in this battle, they can’t help but do nothing.

After all, if the Southern Song Dynasty perished, Dali would also be gone.

At the invitation of Huang Rong, Yilan also came to Xiangyang City to help.

“Ma Ya, Emperor Duan!”

Zhou Botong’s expression changed greatly, and he carefully glanced at a lamp with an indifferent expression, feeling a little weak in his heart, and stood aside honestly.

He and Huang Yaoshi, Chen Yu and others have always had a hippie smile, but they have great respect for Yilan, not only respect, but they are simply a little scared.

Yi Lan has been a monk for a long time, but he still calls him “Duan Huangye”.

It can be seen that in that era of simple people’s hearts, even if so many years have passed…

Huang Mao met the bitter lord, and he was still weak-hearted…

“How’s it going?”

Chen Yu looked at Guo Jing and Huang Yaoshi and asked.

“It’s not a big problem, I, Huang Lao Xie, have been training here for half a year.”

“Jing’er Rong’er is also stationed here, and even if it is not victorious, Xiangyang will have no problem holding it for several years.”

Huang Yaoshi has always been conceited with the art of war and said proudly.

“But the Twenty-Eight Great Array?”

Chen Yu asked.

“Exactly, in the past, the twenty-eight generals of Yuntai responded to the heavenly phenomena and assisted Han Guangwu Zhongxing, although our twenty-eight suku great array is not comparable to the momentum of Han Guangwu, but it is also a banner of dignity and a righteous division. Well…… Wrong! ”

Huang Yaoshi blew a few words in passing, suddenly felt that something was not right, and stared at Chen Yu: “How do you know?” ”

“I’ve read it in the book, it should be divided into five ways of soldiers and horses.”

“…… Be. ”

“Give me all the way?”

Chen Yu said casually.

“The central one is indeed reserved for you to preside, but… I created this array myself, what book has this kind of thing? ”

Huang Yaoshi was confused.

“A novel, who will be the rest of the lords?”

Chen Yu took the order and his heart moved.

“Central territory, to you.”

“The south belongs to fire, and it is led by the Southern Emperor Yilan Master.”

“The north belongs to the water, and is ruled by the old beggar Hong Qigong.”

“Oriental wood, I will command the army.”

“The rest of the Western gold, the old urchin Zhou Botong makes do.”

“Let’s attack and contain Kublai Khan’s home front together, and leave the frontline affairs to Jing’er to take full responsibility.”

Huang Yaoshi has no obsessive-compulsive disorder, and it is impossible for the West to still think of Ouyang Feng to help.

“Yes, you help me, kill Kublai Khan, and the battle will be decided.”

Chen Yu nodded.

Not surprisingly, this is his last night in this plot world.

Tomorrow, we will consider returning to the Overworld.

In this plot world, it took half a year of thought to finally come up with this fantastic combination.

Gathered all the top masters.

You know, originally when Kublai Khan and Guo Jingjing fought in Xiangyang, Huang Yaoshi and others did not participate.

At that time, Guo Jing could only defend Xiangyang and was unable to counterattack at all.

Perhaps, other reincarnations have also had this idea of Chen Yu.

However, without sufficient strength, Huang Yaoshi and the others would not give them the right to speak on an equal footing at all.

And in the sixth layer, it has a strength no less than the five supreme…

It’s still very difficult.

“If your Chinese army breaks forward, how sure are you?”

Huang Yaoshi asked.

“If you all cooperate with me, it should be ninety percent.”



A lamp standing on the side smiled.

“You can try, beat his mother.”

Hong Qigong nodded.

“However, there is a problem on my side.”

“I practiced a martial art, which may have a greater impact on ordinary people and will shake their fighting spirit.”

“If the cultivation is not good, don’t come.”

Chen Yu thought about it and said a little embarrassed.

“What kind of cultivation do you need?”

“Go to the battlefield and try it, even if you can hold on, you can pass.”



The next morning, outside Xiangyang City, there was already a lot of war and smoke.

The 5,000 iron cavalry that the Mongols attacked first were stopped by Guo Jing’s army.

Under a fight, corpses were everywhere.

At the forefront of the Southern Song army, Yi Deng, Zhou Botong, Huang Yaoshi, and Hong Qigong arranged a formation and joined hands to exert themselves, like a millstone, to dissolve the power of the first wave of the Mongol army’s front and arrow formation.

The four of them are all top masters in the world, and the army they lead are also masters of the rivers and lakes.

Although the Mongol cavalry was brave, it was difficult to stop it.

For a while, the dead were pinned down.

In a few moments, the army led by the four also killed thousands of cavalry, piling up a small mountain of corpses.

The mountain of corpses became a natural obstacle.

The subsequent Mongol cavalry was forced to either left or right, driving their horses around a small circle, which weakened a lot of positive pressure on the Song army.

Guo Jing rode a sweaty BMW, holding a sword, echoing the Twenty-Eight Star Formation from afar.

In the swing, a team of soldiers filled in the gaps and responded to it.

Although the combat strength of the Southern Song infantry was far inferior to the Mongol iron cavalry charge.

However, outside Xiangyang City is not a land of flat rivers, and the speed of Mongolian iron riding cannot be mentioned to the limit.

The Song army formed a deep defensive formation, which can also be difficult to solve with it.

As a result, the beginning of the battlefield is a big meat grinding game.

The forces of both sides were rapidly depleted, and one by one fresh lives continued to fall, becoming a cold corpse.

“It’s up to us, brother Eagle, let’s go!”

Chen Yu looked at the situation, and Kublai Khan’s guards had already entered the battlefield to supervise the battle, so he patted the head of the Condor of God.

Behind him was a collection of hundreds of Beggars and the second and third generations of Quan Zhen.

Even Ma Yu, Qiu Chuji and others were among them.

“Ancestor Lin, is your Jade Girl Suxin Sword Technique really created for Wang Zhenren…”

Xiaolongnu gently pulled out two long swords, her face calm.

After Zhou Botong returned to the mountain, at Chen Yu’s suggestion, he passed on the skills of Xiaolongnu fighting left and right.

Xiaolongnu, at Chen Yu’s suggestion, left hand Quanzhen sword method, right hand jade female sword method.

Sure enough, a new continent of martial arts was discovered…

In one fell swoop, he practiced the peerless sword technique of the seventh chapter of this set of “Jade Female Heart Sutra”.

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