Coming out of the space, Chen Yu took a day off, then received a notice to study and came to the class where he had been away for a few days.

“Students who choose the reincarnation school for the college entrance examination can already come to receive the registration form.”

“But I think if you don’t pass the fifth layer, don’t waste your precious time.”

“Even if you count repeat students, only about 1% of students can enter reincarnation colleges.”

“The most BT Tianhua Academy, even nationwide, recruits less than 100 people every year.”

“On average, there are two or three places in a province, and our province is often shaved.”

“People, we must recognize the reality and don’t always think that we are the pride of the sky.”

“With this time, wouldn’t it smell good to brush a few more questions at home?”

The homeroom teacher, Teacher Zhang, stood on the podium with a pile of registration forms.

“Where do you sign up?” Old class. ”

“At 2 o’clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow, I will go to Chunjiang University, where there is an examination center specially divided for reincarnations, and the assessment will be conducted there.”

“Why is it so late?” Someone asked.

“It is said that it is to leave a buffer period for the students who break through tomorrow night, at least they can sleep well.”

“Students who are far away can also wake up and pass slowly, without worrying about being late.”

“It’s also a kind of people-oriented.”

“Then again, if you really become a reincarnation and join these prestigious schools or high-end battle groups, there are still many benefits.”

Teacher Zhang introduced.

“Did you bring anything with you in the past?”

“Simply fill out the registration form, and bring the school and personal information you want to apply for.”

Teacher Zhang said very casually.

“Wow, what if someone has falsified the information?”

A thorn named Fang Lian asked with a huff.

“Neuropathy, data can be falsified, how can strength be falsified?”

“If you can really meet their standards, then even if you don’t finish elementary school, people will want it.”

“What standard?”

“When you get there, you will know that the general force side will test your force, and the spiritual law side will test your mantra level and spirit.”

“Although you are not required to tell you about skills and items, a simple strength test is still required.”

“Isn’t it difficult?”

“Look at the school you signed up for, if it’s Tianhua Academy…”

“Forget it, I’ll tell you what this is for, you can’t go again.”

“Old Ben, this is your mistake. Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, do not bully the young and poor! ”

“Well, I don’t know, because no one has ever signed up for this academy in previous years.”

“After all, although everyone can enter the reincarnation space at the age of 16, there are always some talents.”

“For example, what kind of young divine doctor, young soldier king, young military god, death god primary school student, etc., can occupy a great advantage in the early stage of reincarnation space.”

“Those who can enter the Tianhua Academy are often this kind of geeks.”

“I heard that the owner of the Tianhua Academy has changed to Murong War, the goddess of high cold, this year, and it is estimated that it will be even more difficult to enter.”

Teacher Zhang spread his hands.

“Wow, I like Murong God of War very much.”

A girl shouted with some excitement

“It’s useless if you like it, and people don’t like you.”


“Then is there any information about the Tianhua Academy?”

Fang Lian muttered.

“I don’t have it here. However, you can ask Su Muqing in the next class, I heard that she applied for the Tianhua Academy, and she gave an answer there. ”

“…… That genius girl was too cold to provoke. ”

Fang Lian also shrunk his head, seemingly a little scared.

“Compared to other reincarnation schools, what are the advantages of Tianhua Academy?”

A girl asked.

“This… The main thing is to circle and resources. ”

Teacher Zhang thought for a while: “The copy after the 10th floor, the fixed team, is very important. ”

“I heard that the copy after the 20th floor also involves teamwork and high-end confrontation.”

“At this time, the scattered people are actually struggling.”

“Even a strong man like Taoist Armin has become the honorary head of the dragon soul, and he can use the power of the battle group when necessary.”

“If you are in the reincarnation college, you are surrounded by high-end reincarnations. Gee, communication is secondary, the key is to find good teammates. ”

“You can avoid a lot of detours in the future.”

“If you go to Tianhua University, your teammates are also the best in the entire Xia Country, and they also hope to become high-end powerhouses of more than 20 layers in the future.”

“Can you find Zhenwu?”

A boy muttered.

“Zhenwu has surpassed the definition of excellence, it is estimated that the young master of which family, there is even a think tank around him to plan the copy.”

“This kind of person, you don’t want to compare it with Gao Yuanyuan.”

Teacher Zhang cried and laughed.


“Okay, there is no class today, everyone has something to ask.”

“If not, let’s sing a song together to cheer up the students who are about to take the exam.”

“What song?”

“Start Again”




Although Teacher Zhang sounds quite unreliable.

But the atmosphere is surprisingly good.

After singing, the originally somewhat solemn tension became relaxed.

Chen Yu also took an application form.

Chen Yu was indeed hesitant to play a few percent of the level.

But listening to Teacher Zhang, many people themselves are also open and hanging, and they can be called extraordinary when they enter the space.

Although these copies are all SSS, they are based on the familiarity of the copy.

If you have hard power, you may not be able to crush your peers.

When competing, there is no need to suppress the strength in particular.

Anyway, his real hole card is the talent of “Demon Dao Skywalking” and his knowledge of replicas.

Instead of the current fourth-order combat power.

If the strength is deliberately suppressed, it will not be selected.

That’s kind of funny.


The next night, Chen Yu came to the reincarnation world.

I found that the square was densely packed with people.

Although many people choose to change their appearance, Chen Yu can still feel the unique student taste in many people.

Most of the reincarnators who should gather in the square are between the ages of 16-20.

In comparison, the reincarnation space only supports face change and is not responsible for changing temperament.

It is difficult for a high school student to imitate the atmosphere of a social animal.

It seems that there are still many people who choose to conduct the reincarnation assessment.

Many people probably also have the mentality of sinking the boat in a broken cauldron and choose to challenge the reincarnation tower on the last night.

If you succeed, sleep well and go to the exam.

If you fail, sleep well and read carefully.

“Enter the seventh layer of reincarnation space.”

Chen Yu glanced at it a few times, then stopped caring about others, and walked into the reincarnation tower with his own care.

“The seventh layer of reincarnation space is a hidden copy of Luding Ji II., which is regarded as a copy of martial arts elements, do you choose to enter?”

“If you do not enter, the hidden copy is considered abandoned. Quest power elements can be defined normally for selection. ”

“Choose to hide the copy of Deer Ding Ji II”

“The copy selection is successful, it will load in five seconds!”

“It is currently a hidden copy, and the relevant hidden copy entry permission cannot be triggered again.”

“Under no circumstances shall information about the reincarnation space be disclosed to the characters of the plot world. Otherwise, the direct mission will fail and the clearance proceeds of the next three quests will be canceled! ”

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