“This distance is really a bit of a pit.”

Outside Kunming, Chen Yu turned over and dismounted, smoothly unloading the saddle and breeze.

The horse was freed and ran away.

Shenlong Island is okay, and it was dealt with in a week back and forth.

Then it landed from the coastal area and turned into Daowutai Mountain, which is more than 4,000 miles.

Wutai Mountain came to Yunnan again, almost 5,000 li.

Even if you get this side, you can’t rest.

According to the setting of the movie, the dragon pulse should be in the suburbs of Beijing, and it will take at least more than 5,000 miles in the past.

If it is according to the original, it will be in Luding Mountain in the upper reaches of the Huma River in the Daxing’an Ridge of Heilongjiang.

That’s more than 9,000 miles away!

An ordinary good horse basically has to rest the next day after running two hundred miles, and it is likely to die violently after running three or four hundred miles.

Chen Yu had to buy horses during the day to rush the road, release the horses at night, and run at night.

If something goes wrong, the horse will have hooves or something, it will be even more troublesome.

Even the bedtime is planned to die.

Time is rushing.

As a result, Chen Yu missed the leisurely life of the God of Eating and the Condor Heroes a little.

Fortunately, he had been mentally prepared and had enough gold and silver jewelry on him.

Travelling along the way is expensive, but it’s more than enough.

After all, although Chen Yu didn’t care much about killing.

But it would be too shameful to buy a horse for a meal and use force


Walking into Kunming City, the city is lit up with colorful lights, archways and wedding flags everywhere, and gongs, drums and firecrackers are ringing along the way.

The streets have long been crowded with people, stopping and stopping, as if waiting to see what is lively.

“Today, what day is it?”

Chen Yu casually grabbed a passer-by and pointed to Xi Yuan not far away and asked.

“Don’t you know? The emperor gave the marriage and promised Princess Jianning to our son of King Pingxi.

“Today is the day when the princess of the imperial court enters the city, and everyone is here to see the excitement.”

“This should be Wang Ye sent someone to dress up.”

When the passer-by saw Chen Yu’s appearance, he did not dare to slack off, and said one five and ten.

“It turns out that the plot has been advancing for so long?”

Chen Yu’s heart moved.

If the plot of the movie is now, it is already in the middle of the stage.

Most of Wei Xiaobao has already known Bai Yini Jiujian, met Long’er, and was still passed on by Long’er.

But Chen Yu is running back and forth these days, and he has no time to go to the capital at all, and he missed these plots cleanly.

However, missing these seems to have no effect…

It is far less incense than the incense that comes from taking two copies of the Forty-Two Chapters Sutra.

As for Chuan Gong?

In Hong Kong-style martial arts films, you can pass on merit at every turn.

Just in this “Deer Dingji”.

In addition to Long’er, Chen Jinnan also passed on the merits to Wei Xiaobao later.

As a result, Wei Xiaobao practiced martial arts and was lazy, but just eating other people’s skills, he also ate fat and strong, almost invincible in the world.

However, according to the setting of space, this kind of transmission is not tempting.

Always set to a temporary BUFF, it disappears when the quest is released.

Even, in the mid-term “Dragon Babu” world-related discussion threads.

Chen Yu also did see someone showing off to crack the Zhenlong chess game, and then obtain the skill of no cliff.

But it’s not as profitable as expected.

First of all, Wuyazi wants to abolish the power of the reincarnation…

Secondly, even if he obtained the power of no cliff, he basically had a little easier life in the eight copies of Tianlong.

And out of the plot world, the internal strength is reset to the original state.

It is impossible to easily exceed the benefits of several copies of other people’s worlds just because of cracking a game of chess.

In the same way, using martial arts such as Northern Hades Divine Skill, Ming Jade Skill, and Star Absorbing Dafa to absorb other people’s internal forces is also a temporary state.

Even, performing this martial art is sucked all the way in the copy, in case it exceeds the upper limit of bearing, there is a possibility of being counter-devoured by xenomorph true qi.

In extreme cases, it will explode directly.

That’s a real injury!

As a result, Chen Yu is smiling and arrogant, and he is not interested in the plot line of Ren My Xing.

While Chen Yu was thinking, the horn sounded, and the silk and bamboo played.

A procession of thousands of people slowly came, everyone wearing red robes, and it was festive.

The first two walked side by side, opening the way in front and guiding the princess into the city.

“The one on the left is our Pingxi Wangye.”

The passerby did not go far, and when he saw that Chen Yu was still in place, he introduced.

Wu Sangui has a majestic body, a purple face, white hair and less black, although he is old, his spirit is very strong.

Walking with him was Wei Xiaobao.

His face was full of spirits, and there was a trademark smile on the corner of his mouth.

It seems to be looking at the beauty on the side of the road, her eyes are shining, and from time to time she emits radio waves.

But to be able to do this is obviously also extraordinary.

Although not as good as Hong Antong.

But it seems to be still above Liu Guoxuan and others.

“The young man on the right, I don’t know who it is, can actually stand side by side with Wang Ye.”

“Probably the son of a high-ranking official in the imperial court, right?”

The passerby stared at Wei Xiaobao in amazement.

“He’s really not relying on his parents.”

Chen Yu smiled, his figure flashed, and then disappeared without a trace.

“If you don’t rely on your parents, then at his age, how can he be with …”

The passerby felt that something was wrong, subconsciously turned around, and found that the surroundings were empty.

The passers-by were startled and couldn’t help but shiver.


The Pingxi Royal Mansion is in Wuhua Mountain, which was originally the Forbidden City of Emperor Yongli of the Ming Dynasty, vast for several miles.

After Wu Sangui moved in, he continued to add terraces and pavilions over the years.

At this time, the carved wall of the Weige Pavilion, the red pavilion and the blue marsh, and the inner courtyard of the palace were not much different.

“What are you? Our royal palace is today entertaining distinguished guests, idle people, etc., and is not allowed to stay. ”

As soon as Chen Yu arrived outside the side door of the backyard of the royal mansion, several guards stationed here surrounded him and scolded.

“I’m here to see your Wang Ye, please lead the way.”

“Just you, you also want to see our Wang Ye, how old are you?”

The head of the guard sneered.

“My surname is Zheng, my name is Zheng Ketong, and I am the son of the king of Yanping County.”

“What did you say?”

Several guards’ expressions changed drastically, and they quickly pulled out the long knife at their waists.

Although Wu Sangui had opposition at the moment, he was still a courtier of the Manchu Qing dynasty in name.

And the Zheng family on Taiwan Island, in the eyes of the imperial court, is simply a big anti-thief.

Now the man in front of him claimed to be the prince of Yanping County, and he also came to see Wu Sangui.

In case someone with a heart learns about it, it will be a trouble to report it to the imperial court.

It is much more serious than hooking up with the Tiandi Society, which is known as “anti-Qing and restoration”.

After all, Chen Jinnan, the chief helmsman of the Heaven and Earth Society, was their family’s courtier.

“Can you take me in?”

Chen Yu smiled.

“Take it!”

The leader of the guards burst out and slashed at Chen Yu.

“Don’t be so grumpy.”

Chen Yu waved his hand and snatched his long knife.

Smoothly, he wiped the opponent’s neck with a blade.

The blood rushed.

The leader of the guards suddenly widened his eyes and fell to the ground.


Several guards were stunned and panicked in their hearts.

They are also considered to be practitioners, but their martial arts are far worse than the leader.

Now the leader is under this master who claims to be the son of the world, and he can’t even take half a move.

Then they are on together, and most of them only have to send them to death.

“If you don’t want to lead the way, I’ll find my own way later, and I won’t bother you.”

Chen Yu flicked the steel knife in his hand.

The steel knife shattered and fell to the ground.

“…… Hero, please over here. ”

“We do.”

Several guards were stunned and shouted in a hurry.

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