“Please Dragon Soul Battle Group, Tianyin Examiner enter!”

A man’s voice sounded, and it was the one who shouted “open the courtyard door” earlier.

“Hello everyone, I am Tianyin of the Dragon Soul Battle Group, a sixth-order spiritual reincarnation, and I am very happy to be your examiner.”

A woman in ancient costume took the stage holding Yaoqin.

The woman’s appearance is exquisite, although she can’t see her age, but she has a bit of dust.

Tianyin bowed his head to Feng Yuan, smiled slightly, and sat on the chair on the right.

Tianyin’s full name should be “Tianyin no Yin”, but she felt that the four words were more awkward to read.

It was replaced by Tianyin.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter, so everyone calls it by it.

“I respectfully invite the chief examiner Dust Dao Master to enter.”

The man’s voice sounded again.

An elegant young man dressed as a Taoist priest walked up to the stage, smiled faintly at the audience, and showed his eight teeth.

He hugged the two people who had been seated before, and then swaggered and sat in the middle.

“You’d better introduce yourself.”

Feng Yuan said with a bitter smile.

“Oh, everyone, I am the famous Taoist priest Mote, belonging to the “Sheep Herding Girl is Amazing” battle group, as the deputy head and cheerleader. ”

“This is my email [email protected]”

“If you have any questions about the practice of Daomen Exercises, you can ask me, if it is too difficult, I will not answer.”

“When it comes to quest raids, you need to pay!”

“Oh, I’m a seventh order, and I’m more powerful than the two on the side combined.”

The dust Daoist was also unambiguous, and unceremoniously stepped on Feng Yuan and Tianyin.

The audience was quiet for half a minute, and then they exchanged ears.

“The sheep herding girl is amazing” is said to commemorate their large-scale confrontation copy “Wu Yue Fight” on the 20th floor.

At that time, the mote and their war leader “Weasel” chose the country of Vietnam.

As a result, under the layout of the other party’s reincarnation, Wu Guo Wu Zixu actually did not die.

Under the pressure of the palace, Wu Wang Fucha agreed to conquer the whole country.

After one operation, the Vietnamese country, which did not get enough rest and recuperation, was soon forced to a corner.

Even Yue Guo Dafu Wen Chong and Fan Li were both killed.

When the country of Vietnam was about to be destroyed, a sheep herder dressed in a vegetarian dress came to the front line of the battlefield.

Under a green bamboo stick, a thousand armies are easy to break.

He was hard and hard, and consumed tens of thousands of Wu soldiers with the strength of one person.

He even killed two reincarnators from the opposing faction.

This battle report is so famous that it leads to brushing this meme from time to time on the forum.

Chen Yu feels that this scene is somewhat similar to Jin Yong’s “Yue Nu Sword”, and somewhat similar to “Spring and Autumn Warring States History”.

But all are somewhat specious.

It is suspected that it is the product of the fusion of multiple works, and the setting is a copy of the reincarnation faction battle.

After the weasel and the mote won, they were extremely grateful to the sheep herder.

Afterwards, he simply changed the name of his war group to “It’s amazing to herd sheep girl”.

This battle group sounds unreliable, but it is actually one of the three high-end battle groups in Xia Guo Space.

It is called together with the Tianhai Battle Group and the Sons and Hundreds of Families.

But it is because of this unreliable name that the pressure of the other two battle groups has also dropped a lot.

As a result, the commander of the Tianhai Battle Group expressed his dissatisfaction more than once.

As for the “Dragon Soul” battle group?

That was the only top battle group in the Xia Kingdom.

It’s another level higher than these three battle groups.

“Ahem, then Grand Master Tianyin, you will be in charge of the first pre-selection, okay?”

Feng Yuan chose to admit to the mote’s provocation, coughed dryly, and changed the topic.

For sixth-order martial artists, space is defined as martial arts.

The sixth-order magician is Jindan.

But in general, it is equivalent to grandmaster positioning.

Therefore, everyone is also used to calling the sixth-order powerhouse a grandmaster.

For honorifics, add the word “big”.

“Do as you are told!”

Tianyin smiled slightly, nodded, left his seat, put down Yaoqin, and sat down cross-kneeled on the platform.

“All the examinees stand up, and in a while, the Tianyin Grand Master will test the piano sound, and if you can’t stand it, sit down and signal!”

Feng Yuan’s face was slightly solemn, and said: “This is a demon felling song, if the spiritual will is not enough, it may be countered, you candidates think twice.” ”

A moment later, more than a dozen candidates did not say a word and quickly exited the queue.

Obviously, the spiritual values of this group of people are not high.

When I heard that it was Xianyin hosting, I was a little flustered.

The rest of the candidates stand upright.

“Then it starts!”

Tianyin waited for a moment, saw that no one left, and smiled shallowly.

The piano sounds.

After a moment, Lu Ming’s mind was slightly dizzy, and his eyes gradually blurred.

I seem to have observed an ancient battlefield.

Countless generals and soldiers are constantly charging and reaping each other’s lives.

Of course, it may also be harvested by the other party …

The bugle is blowing, and the war drums are beating.

A breath of Jinge Iron Horse rushed to the face.

Chen Yu can see the world clearly.

However, he always felt like a bystander’s perspective.

It’s like watching a magnificent game CG.

There is no sense of substitution in it.

The mood is also peaceful.

Guess, maybe his spirit is really a little high, so he is not dominated by illusions.

Tianyin exerted all his strength, most of which could affect his mind instantly.

But that is the enemy of the Eight Classics.

Now it is just a college entrance examination for reincarnations.

As a mere screening, it is not necessary.

After another moment, the sound gradually became urgent.

As soon as the picture turned, Chen Yu seemed to be on a pass, and he was a sword and shield soldier.

The original cultivation has all disappeared.

This prime-aged man’s body gave Chen Yu an extremely weak feeling.

Under the pass, there are countless strange demons.

The blood was red everywhere, and at a glance, it was full of mutilated limbs.

The whole world seemed to be swallowed by thick blood.

This time, it became the first person.

The scene was spectacular.

“The city is broken!”

At this moment, a wail sounded, and the huge gate of the pass crashed down.

Like locusts, countless demons climbed the city wall and slaughtered the garrison.

Yes, it was just a one-sided massacre.

The Demon Clan is much more powerful than humans.

With a random blow, you can beat an elite soldier into a ball of meat puree.

There are even demons who tear human soldiers to pieces and put them in their mouths to tear and bite.

Moments later, most of the city guards were killed and wounded.

It’s like a nightmare.

A demon soldier who looked a lot like a lizard man smiled slyly, stretched out his tongue more than two meters long, and licked it towards Chen Yu.

Chen Yu swung his knife sharply and cut the lizardman’s tongue into two segments.

The lizardmen screamed and wailed.

More than ten demons suddenly surrounded Chen Yu and stretched out their sharp claws.

Snap it.

A sense of coolness slowly rose from Chen Yu’s mind.

These strange and cruel images slowly faded and then blurred.

Then, the whole world shattered!

Tianzi Dragon Qi is cultivated by the luck of the Terran race, which can reduce the effect of abnormal conditions such as curses, counter-phagocytosis, and spiritual attacks.

Now the mental attack has broken through the critical value.

The protection mechanism of Tianzi Dragon Qi was automatically triggered.

Chen Yu opened his eyes, and his eyes lit up.

I saw that in the square, hundreds of people had already sat down on the ground, and a large earplug was added by the staff on the side.

Despite this, the bodies of those people continued to tremble, with horror and dazed in their eyes.

It was as if it had been blown up by a group of big men.

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