
Cheng Ruoyan pulled out a huge brush from her sleeve.

With a slight look of sorrow and indignation on his face, he stretched out his pen and wrote in the void:

“The father and the son die, and the nest overturns. God does not repent, who is poisonous! ”

Yan Zhenqing’s “Sacrifice to the Nephew”!

The words are full of emotions and momentum.

One after another, like the essence of sadness, swept towards the organ man, and shook it continuously.

Cursed, weakened, corroded, passivated…

One negative state after another, don’t smash money at the organ people.

Although the mechanic has Mithril and fine gold components, it has also been greatly affected.

On the bronze shell, a layer of green rust is simply raised.

SS-level talent skill: Danxin Wenhua!

Writing poems with special writing can reveal the connotation of the poems!

It can be attacked and defended, and it can advance and retreat.

This is a rare talent that can evolve.

The improvement of spirit and the nourishment of her temperament can enhance the power of her skills.

In the middle period, the literary tone is in the body, poetry can kill the enemy, words can destroy the army, and the article is safe in the world.

In the later period, if he achieved the Confucian holy position, he would follow the law, and people could be enemies of the country.

(This saint is biased towards the sons and hundred saints, which is different from the concept of the Honghuang saint…) )

This post is the second in the book of the world.

Second only to the Book Saint Wang Xizhi’s “Orchid Pavilion Set Preface”.

Cheng Ruoyan is writing at this moment, although it is far less than Yan Zhenqing’s pen power.

But with the blessing of skills, there is also a touch of charm!

The organ man seemed to be in a deep quagmire, motionless, and let it go crazy.

“So be it, I can’t write anymore.”

Cheng Ruoyan wrote nearly 100 words in a row.

At this time, I couldn’t catch it in one breath, and my penmanship was chaotic.

Weak, his pretty face turned slightly white.

She looked at the organ man who was gradually freed from the restraints, and without saying a word, jumped out of the competition area.

“Awesome, little girl, do you want to come and learn spells with the poor Dao?”

“Our ‘sheep herding girl is amazing’ also welcomes you to join.”

“Your talent should not only be for writing articles, right? Isn’t it fragrant to write the Tao Te Ching? ”

“Well, you don’t want to be a Taoist aunt.”

“If you have a direction in your heart, it doesn’t matter, you don’t mind if you don’t have it.”

Wei Chen hurriedly walked down the examiner’s desk, looking at Cheng Ruoyan with some flattery.

His eyes were vicious, and he could see at a glance that Cheng Ruoyan’s talent was extraordinary.

Moreover, the potential is extremely high!

After reaching the 30th floor, a person is a special team.

It can be defensible and contained, and it can also play the C position, and even milk!

It’s really a blessing to have such teammates!

At his level, he may not be able to clear the first level in a year.

There’s plenty of time to develop new people.

“Thank you, Daoist, I’ll think about it.”

Cheng Ruoyan was obviously not used to being so enthusiastic, and subconsciously took two steps back to keep her distance.

The originally white face became a little flushed.

As for writing the Tao Te Ching?

She didn’t dare to think of such a thing.

With her current cultivation, she barely imitates Li Dushi, and Su Xin’s words are just that.

If you write “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu, it will be very sad.

The Tao Te Ching and Zhou Yi are the highest grade.

If you really want to resonate, write a few sentences, and the basic person is gone.

It’s a self-detonating truck!

“Cheng Ruoyan, score 83.”

It took a full ten minutes for the staff to assess a value.

In the entire Xia Kingdom, this is a relatively high score.

Not only firmly entered the top ten, but even expected to be in the top three.

And the maintenance staff is very busy.

In the end, several bronze plates were changed for the organ before it was restored to perfect condition.

This is something they have never thought of before.

“This organ person is not suitable for us warriors to play at all!”

“I think this kind of assessment is unfair at all!”

Guo Shiyong’s face turned blue, looked at Su Muqing, and then looked at Cheng Ruoyan.

Indignant in my heart.

He considered himself to be excellent in marksmanship, and there were few opponents of his peers.

Every time you place a copy, it’s also a solid MVP.

Now he actually lost to the female stream twice in a row.

Let his mentality simply explode.

“We have tested this, and there are no obvious advantages and disadvantages of the law system and the warriors.”

“Even, the highest score in the history of this assessment was done by the people on the force side.”

The mote said lightly.

“Then may I ask the deputy commander, how do you explain their achievements?”

Guo Shiyong was startled and said again.

“It’s simple, it means that it’s not a warrior who can’t do it, it’s you who can’t.”


Guo Shiyong was furious.

“Me what me? Don’t convince us to fight? Do you want to say ‘don’t bully the young poor’? ”


Guo Shiyong was stunned, his face flushed.

Honestly closed his mouth.

No matter how strong he is, he is only a fourth-order martial artist.

On the opposite side is a seventh-order giant.

For the seventh-order threshold, one item needs to break through 2000 points, and the remaining 3 items exceed 1200 points.

Taoists belong to spiritual cultivation, and basically their spirits have broken through 2,000 points.

A small fire charm is put by a big guy of this level, and it will also be wiped out.

Completely invincible!

“Hmph, don’t you dare.”

Mote pouted and sat back comfortably.

“The last one, Chen Yu.”

Feng Yuan looked at his watch and said.

Basically, Cheng Ruoyan and Su Muqing can be admitted to Tianhua Academy.

Guo Shiyong is basically hopeless.

However, his Dragon and Tiger Academy actually likes to cultivate this kind of pure martial artist.

The other party’s big gun dance is indeed good.

Although it is definitely incomparable with Murong Xueyue, it is also a good seedling.

As for Chen Yu, in fact, Feng Yuan is not very optimistic.

Although he broke away from the musical illusion of Xianyin last time.

led to the first place.

However, they didn’t really give it too high a rating.

After all, the space is so random, and the talents and skills given are all strange.

What if the other party’s talent is high resistance to illusions?

Although it cannot be said that it is a chicken rib talent.

But it is also far from the strong.

What’s more, they checked Chen Yu’s data afterwards.

It was found that the other party was over 18 years old.

Only then did the seventh floor pass.

Although this result cannot be said to be too bad, it is not very good.

You know, the first ten layers are not very difficult for geniuses.

Most geniuses can complete the first nine layers in one year.

For example, Su Muqing had only entered the reincarnation space for a month before he cleared the seventh layer.

And Cheng Ruoyan has just turned 17 years old, and she cleared the tenth layer of the camp battle.

This is the character of a standard genius!


Chen Yu was calm in his heart, took out the Xuan Tie Sword, and looked at the organist.

The newly repaired organ man hugged his fist, and he had the demeanor of a master.

Probably for the needs of testing, the organ people will not rush to attack.

I have the impression that every time, the candidate strikes first, and the organ person fights back.

In this case, the candidate defaults to the first hand …

It’s kind of interesting.

Chen Yu thought about it, his hand was not idle, and the internal force of Yi Tendon was poured into the Xuan Tie Sword without reservation.


Feng Yuan said in a low voice.


Chen Yu came to the organ, raised the Xuan Tie Sword, and slashed it abruptly.

Waves of vicissitudes!

The sword intent of this sword is that the Big Dipper hangs in the night sky, looking down on the Cangjiang River and smiling at the waves.

Drag the cane to the dangerous building. Fighting the sky, the vicissitudes of the waves, the moon flowing smoke…

Ten years a dream of Yangzhou Road. Leaning on the cold, worrying about the homeland, swallowing arrogance…

The long sword seems to contain the power of heaven and earth, and it is lonely and arrogant.

The vast dark black sword shadow appeared in mid-air, and then suddenly fell.

Affected by the procedure, after Chen Yu launched an attack, the organ could act.

The attack was launched, and the sword qi was cut down, without any interval.

In an instant, the organ man calculated the only way to deal with it.

Raise your arms high above your head, forcibly counteracting the sword qi.

The sword qi collided with its bronze arm.

In less than a second.

The white jade ground under the feet of the organ man turned and cracked, and the organ man was smashed into it by the sword qi like a nail.

Two bronze arms, shattered with a bang.

The sword qi dissipated, and Chen Yu’s Xuan Tie sword fell heavily and slammed into the head of the organist.

An explosion sounded.

The head of the organ man was instantly hit by the dimension and turned into a discus.

The organ man trembled violently and stopped moving completely.

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