The next moment, Chen Yu’s figure suddenly appeared in front of the young man, just like the legendary shrinking ground of the Daomen.

Chen Yu’s so-called will not be light.

That just can’t cause the effect of flying, or can’t produce a doppelganger-like afterimage.

But with the keen blessing of 397 points, the explosion of speed alone, he was not weaker than those god-level masters.

After Wang Chao performed the peerless body method of “spider treading water”, he may be able to defeat Chen Yu’s line today.

Chen Yu’s expression was sad and joyless, it was his thumb that pressed his index finger, stood upward, and punched lightly.

This fist clenching method violates the common sense of almost all fist strikes.

Not a flat fist, not a sharp fist, not a crane mouth fist, nor a five-shaped fist posture of chopping, chipping, drilling, cannon, and horizontal.

It is not so much a fist as a tantric Mahamudra.

The fist clattered lightly.

It was as if the lights had exploded.

The young man’s whole person froze.

Chen Yu’s random punch, he couldn’t even understand it.

I can’t move.

It is as if time and space are imprisoned.

Only a fist could be seen, slowly growing larger in front of him.

“Daomen, planting lotuses in the fire?”

Wang Chao’s pupils contracted slightly.

His heart is like a mirror, delicate and clear.

Nowadays, for the style of boxing, it can be said that no one in the world is superior.

The next moment, his figure suddenly flashed and came directly to Chen Yu.

Suddenly retract your arms and raise your hands! It’s still changing.

The giant seal slipped down lightly.

Wang Chao’s whole person gives people a feeling of constantly getting smaller.

It is as if an adult becomes a child, from a child to a baby, and finally from a baby to the mother.

This is his original “Heart Seal Fist”.

Such a changing artistic conception is full of a charm of reversing vitality.

Obedience to people, reverse to immortals!


Chen Yu nodded slightly.

The “blood gas burst” suddenly opened.

The blood surged, constantly vibrating in the body, as if the sea was raging.

Several gold medal thugs were preparing to come to Chen Yu’s back to sneak attack.

Hear this sound of blood bulging.

Everyone’s hearts thumped and trembled, as if they had suddenly lost all their physical strength.

With a muffled snort, he sat directly on the ground.

In the eyes of a god-level expert in this plane, he didn’t care about the siege of the warriors below Dan Jin at all.

With a gesture, it is a large AOE clearance.

It was Ba Liming, who was slightly inferior to Wang Chao, who made a move.

Casting the Shaolin lion roar and the dragon roar can also easily break the eardrums of people here.

Under Dan Jin, there are few people, and there is no meaning.

Even, the side with more people is likely to just have a bunch of more burdens.

The lotus planting in the fire changed its intention, from a palm-sized lotus flower to an overwhelming giant lotus.

The lotus leaves are infinitely blue, and the lotus flowers are different red.

Although the atmosphere is not quite right, all the people who are watching them do it.

This poem comes to mind.

Overwhelming, the trend of the times, naturally inclusive of all things.

“Good punching!”

Wang Chao was the only one present who was not affected by Chen Yu’s fist intention.

But although his eyes were calm, his face was extremely solemn.

The Heart Seal Fist added two more shocks, like a baby’s heartbeat.

Silently, Chen Yu and Wang Chao’s fist intent collided together.

In the next moment, the furious fist wind filled the entire room, like a hurricane.

The masters present just felt that their bodies could move.

It was blown by the strong wind, and it was almost difficult to breathe.

The young man named Zhao looked at the two with trepidation.

Then, without saying a word, he fell to the ground and was killed on the spot.

In the electric flint where Chen Yu and Wang Chao fought.

The rhythm of his blood heartbeat was first pulled by Chen Yu’s fist mark.

He was regained control by Wang Chao’s heart seal fist.

Then, Chen Yu turned on the blood qi explosion and regained control.

After fighting back and forth several times, the young man’s heart burst overwhelmed.

People are completely cold.

In this case, there is almost no possibility of survival under Dan Jin.


Wang Chao glanced at him lightly and shook his head.

The figure flashed, and he had already arrived not far from Zhang Tong.

Although his martial arts skills are high, in a hurry, he can’t save people in the hands of god-level experts.

Moreover, this group of people came to trouble him.

I am not a friend, and I don’t need to work so hard.

Even if it is a friend, in front of Chen Yu, Wang Chao is extremely cautious, and he will not force a move if he is not sure.

He has always acted without taboos.

Even if others threaten him with his relatives and friends, he will not be indifferent if the time is not right.

Big deal, when the time comes, kill it with your own hands, that is.

“You’re the leader of the assassination group. Because, I can’t think of your martial arts skills, and you will obey other people’s orders. ”

Wang Chao was silent and said coldly.

“Guess right, no reward.”

“People here, do you still want to kill?”

“It depends on the mood.”

“I bet you can’t kill it.”

Wang Chao snorted, exhaled lightly, and between words, he took a step forward abruptly.

When he took this step, there were many masters present, and there were many people with sharp eyes.

But no one really saw his movements.

I only felt that the ground shook, and Wang Chao’s whole person appeared in front of the other party.


Chen Yu thought about it and opened the aura of the “Sixth Heavenly Demon King”.

Now the aura positioning of the “Sixth Day Demon King” is very strange.

Originally, it caused an additional 30% damage to cultivators below the third rank, causing a shock and fear effect on ordinary people.

But now with a third-order cultivator, Chen Yu can poke to death with one finger.

What is really useful is the fear effect on ordinary people.

Chen Yu felt that this aura could be renamed the halo of cruelty.

Of course, it’s still good to use it when it’s critical.

The terrifying coercion filled the entire kendo hall.

Then, it was only perceived by Zhang Tong.

Her face suddenly turned pale.

It’s as if you’re facing the end of the day.

Although she knows some martial arts swordsmanship, she mainly practices sword skills.

He is busy with work and has long been abandoned.

Now that he is not young, his physical strength is no longer at his peak.

Not even a first-order martial artist.

It happened to be eaten to death by the aura of the “Sixth Heaven Demon King”.

“…… What is it? ”

Wang Chao was startled, and for the first time, a look of doubt appeared in his eyes.

He rarely understood anything about martial arts.

But Chen Yu’s hand has never heard of it at all.

Seeing Zhang Tong’s face, Wang Chao could judge that the other party could not hold on for more than 5 minutes no matter what.

It’s a mixture of fear, despair and coercion.

These three emotions are extremely harmful to the human body.

“Breaking the void and seeing that God is not bad is not omniscient and omnipotent, and it is far from dominating everything.”

Chen smiled and closed the aura.

Zhang Tong gasped heavily.

Half kneeling on the ground, as if to collapse.

“…… When, we’ll fight again. ”

Wang Chao said coldly.

Although he has confidence in himself to not lose to anyone.

But the other party can obviously kill Zhang Tong without killing.

Even if you don’t appreciate it, you can’t stalk it.

This is based on the grandmaster’s own grace and pride.

“When the martial arts conference comes, if we meet, I can just learn your dragon and snake combined attack and heaven-turning seal.”

“Martial Arts Conference? Good! ”

Wang Chao’s heart moved.

He did intend to attend the martial arts conference with Ba Liming.

“If you invite people, it will trouble you.”

“I’ll stay in Yanjing for a while. By the way, I should also accept two apprentices, and when the time comes, it will be a match with your two precious apprentices. ”

Chen Yu said leisurely.


Wang Chao’s eyes flickered slightly.

Right now, he also has a bunch of things to deal with.

Now this unfathomable opponent, since he clearly said that he was fighting with himself in the martial arts conference.

Then, you can deal with those trifles for a while.

If you have no distractions, you can win a few more points.

“Then so be it, the Tang Sect Lord should also arrive, so I won’t bother you husband and wife.”

Chen Yu said lightly and turned to leave.

The billowing gas turns into an invisible air cover, shaking the rain away.

Leave now, the time is just right.

In a few moments, Tang Zichen should indeed arrive.

In case the conversation collapses, there will be a little trouble.

Everyone is a fifth-level beginner.

Chen Yu is not yet swelling to pick two.

Although it is not necessarily dead, it is certainly not good to please.

“Zi Chen is indeed here, but how does he know?”

“The realm of sincerity, can it be prophet?”

Seeing Chen Yu leaving, Wang Chao frowned slightly, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

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