“This time, did you see Tang Zichen?”

Yan Yuanyi took the initiative to refill Chen Yu’s tea.

It’s a treat no one else has ever had.

“I almost saw it, I sensed she was coming, so I left.”

“…… Can you feel her coming? ”

Yan Yuanyi’s face changed again.

“If she is trying to hide her whereabouts, it may not work.”

“Although her realm is high, if she really fights, she is not as good as Wang Chao. If you meet me alone, you will lose or win. ”

“However, if she joins forces with Wang Chao, I will also be in danger.”

Chen Yu told the truth.

“It seems that you came to the mainland this time because Tang Zichen and Wang Chao are too strong. Looking for a helper? ”

Yan Yuanyi smiled.

Hearing that the god-like man in front of him also suffered a loss under the hands of this demonic couple.

Yan Yuanyi’s mood became much better for no reason.

“Good. I want to train one or two heirs here. Just like Tang Zichen cultivated Wang Chaolai. ”

“I came to you this time to prepare to stay here for a while.”

“You are the ground snake here, specially come to worship the mountain.”

Chen Yu drank the tea that Yan Yuanyi poured.

“I can help you with your identity.”

“But, you want to cultivate someone like Wang Chao? How can it be? In the world, how can there be such a genius again. ”

Yan Yuanyi’s eyes flickered.

“Everyone is a genius, and everyone can become a Buddha. As long as anyone who can accept my fist intent, he is a genius. ”

“Wang Chao is not a genius either, but his fist intent is heavy. It’s just a big deal. ”

This is nonsense with open eyes.

If Wang Chao is not a genius, he probably has no genius.

Otherwise, Chen Yu has no excuse.

It can’t be said that it is a task of space, right?

Anyway, with Chen Yu’s current identity, as long as there is a little logic, Yan Yuanyi has no point to refute.

Even, Yan Yuanyi would probably suspect that his realm pattern was not enough.

“I see what you mean, you want to find someone as pure as a blank slate who can shape and accept your ideas, and that’s not difficult. It just so happens that there are talents from all over the country on this high campus, and you can see if there is anyone who has an appetite for you. ”

“It’s okay, it’s an era of knowledge explosion, it’s not okay not to study, as long as young people are in school.” Anyway, I have free time, so it’s good to check it out. ”

“It doesn’t need to be so extreme, Dan Jin can do it below, and Hua Jin is the best.”

Chen Yu’s brain was in the water before he really went to cultivate disciples from scratch.

Hua Jin is now working hard and may win the top ten in the competition.

An ordinary person, even if his qualifications are comparable to Wang Chao, in just two months, it is not rut.

The original GOD met Luo Xiaomeng in the Summer Palace and accepted him as an apprentice.

Chen Yu has two candidates in his heart, and there is indeed her.

Luo Xiaomeng’s current strength is difficult to say, most of them only have dark strength.

After all, her master Lin Tingfeng only has chemical strength, and the Wudang Nine Palace Sword is not based on training strength.

But at the martial arts conference, being picked up by GOD, Luo Xiaomeng already had the strength to reach the peak of the transformation realm.

Unfortunately, in the end, it was a pity to defeat Wang Chao’s disciple Huo Ling’er, so she did not enter the top ten.

It shows that her talent potential is still very high.

“Danjin master, there are no more than 20 people in the world. No matter how much energy there is, it may not reach 200 people. Of course, with your identity, I believe that the vast majority of people will not refuse to be your disciple. ”

Yan Yuanyi pondered.

“Let’s go, it’s useless to think about the west, let’s go and see it first.”

Chen Yu was also not sure that he would be able to meet Luo Xiaomeng if he went now.

Asking questions from east to west also affects his own high personality.

A master is a picture of the presence of an old god.

“It’s good that you are a guest from afar. Why don’t I be the host and accompany you on a tour of this side. ”

Yan Yuanyi smiled and stood up.

A master like the leader of GOD, she is still willing to contact.


A moment later, Yan Yuanyi changed into a white tracksuit.

Although she is now in her thirties.

However, he looks like he is only in his early twenties, which is no different from a college student on campus.

When she reaches her realm, her skin is crystal like jade, and she doesn’t need makeup at all when she goes out, saving a lot of makeup time.

Oh, and save time on makeup removal.

“Let’s go.”

Chen Yu was already wearing casual clothes, but now he can take off his bucket pipe.

Although GOD has been around the world for decades, it still looks very young.

High forehead, bright eyes, up is no different from ordinary youth.

It seems to be between twenty and thirty years old.

But the plain face added two long, curved eyebrows at the corners of the eyes.

It seems very ancient, strange.

This is his martial arts practice to the point of slaying the red dragon and subduing the white tiger, and his whole body is leakless.

As long as you don’t die, you can lock up the consumption of your body, and your energy and appearance are like youth.

It is also the pinnacle of invincibility.

Wang Chao is just an ordinary teenager with broken teeth.

The supreme masters in the minds of ordinary people are the kind of people with white hair and fairy wind Dao bones.

But in this plane, the top masters are all beautiful, the blood is pure, the muscles, and the skin will definitely not age.

Even if he is over eighty, he is only middle-aged at the age of forty.

If it is really a gray-haired old man, then it must be that his qi and blood have deteriorated, and his combat strength is not much higher.

Speaking of which, many Daomen masters of the gold system are also like this.

Wuyazi is over ninety, and his face is still like crown jade, handsome and extraordinary.

Until it loses internal strength, it quickly ages.


Yan Yuanyi drove Chen Yu around the campus of Yan University first.

This is a place where top students gather, but Chen Yu swept and really didn’t find a student with strength.

He was not discouraged, and intentionally or unintentionally, crossed several streets and came to the Summer Palace next to him.

At this point, there are many people who practice in the morning.

Suddenly, a little girl dressed casually with long hair, but with a lot of pigtails, came into view of the two.

The little girl is beautiful, standing casually on her legs by the lake.

One hand is held in front of his chest, and the other hand stretches out two fingers, writing and drawing on the surface of the lake.

It seems to be writing in the air, and it seems to be pointing.

“Good swordsmanship.”

Chen Yu looked at it and nodded.

The sword method of warding off evil spirits can be regarded as a sword going too far, let’s not talk about it.

But after practicing the true sword technique, how could Chen Yu be regarded as a great expert in kendo.

“The skill of the Wudang Nine Palace Sword? This little girl is called Luo Xiaomeng, and she is the heir of the Wudang Nine Palace Sword Lin Tingfeng. ”

“Anyway, it’s also your Daomen, and you are a master of entering the power, are you interested in dialing it?”

Yan Yuanyi thought of Chen Yu saying that the heirs asked for strength, and his tone was slightly playful.

Of course, a master of kendo, with a sword in hand, his martial arts have improved tenfold.

The Nine Palace Sword Lin Tingfeng is full of strength, and he also dares to compete with Tang Zichen when he fights with the three-foot blue front.

And the foundation of the Nine Palace Sword is indeed very suitable for GOD’s martial arts.

The practice of the Nine Palace Sword is to visualize special symbols in your mind.

Then draw it with your fingers like lightning.

Flashing qi and blood with thoughts, shaking the spirit.

The practice of planting lotuses in fire is similar.

Of course, the lotus planted in the fire is much more profound than the Nine Palace Sword.

The difference is probably the gap between advanced mathematics and high school mathematics.

However, it is better to communicate with each other.

The original GOD accepted Luo Xiaomeng as a disciple, not necessarily because of this consideration.

“Little girl, your sword skills are good, but your strength is insufficient.”

“Since ancient times, kendo has paid attention to “using qi to control the sword”, using qi as the body and the sword as the use; Qi is the mainstay, and the sword is the slave; If the practice of qi does not succeed, no matter how strong the swordsmanship is, it will always be empty. ”

“Meeting today is fate, would you like to worship under my door and pass on your magical ability to practice qi?”

At this moment, a young man in sportswear slowly walked up to Luo Xiaomeng and smiled indifferently.


Chen Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

If you find an apprentice, you can be cut off, which he did not expect in advance.

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