“Enough is enough, but, I think it’s a little strange.”

“Strange what?”

Luo Xiaomeng tilted her head: “This hand of flying flowers and falling leaves is indeed a master’s handiwork, but you don’t give me that powerful feeling.” ”

“Who can give you a strong feeling?”

Bai Ji frowned.

“I saw an old man named Ba Liming a while ago, he is very strong.”


Bai Ji was startled, a little speechless.

Of course he knew.

On the list of combat power on the forum, this person has always been evaluated as a fourth-order peak or a fifth-order entry.

He is the top master of the entire plane.

There is never a record of being defeated by a reincarnation alone.

Specially, if Lao Tzu can defeat Ba Liming, it is also a fifth-order powerhouse.

Why did they come to you?

Thinking of this, Bai Ji’s heart was nameless.

Bai Ji did look at some guides.

However, the forum often records the behavior timeline of Wang Chao, the first person in the world’s martial arts.

There are much fewer records of Luo Xiaomeng.

I only know that she was still dark in the previous competition, but in the final martial arts competition, she was at the peak of her strength.

Someone occasionally saw her practicing boxing in the Summer Palace, so she conveniently noted this point.

I don’t know the causes and consequences of her rapid improvement in martial arts.

As a result, no one knows that Luo Xiaomeng actually broke through by learning boxing with GOD.

Bai Ji also thought that she was a genius character, and she could naturally break the realm.

Talent Meizi came over to pick up the cheap.

“Don’t be afraid, we have no enmity, I won’t let you deal with Ba Liming.”

Luo Xiaomeng saw Bai Ji hesitating, secretly laughed in her heart, and chuckled.

Ba Liming is indeed the best master in the world.

But she actually didn’t have such high requirements for her master.

Just a Danjin is more than enough.

If Dan Jin can’t do it, the peak of the transformation realm can also be considered.

“But your hand is not enough.”

“Speaking of which, the head you just said with the Qi Royal Sword is Dao, and you must also be a master of kendo, right?”

“Or will you take the sword in my hand, or defeat the sword in my hand?”

“In that case, I will put on a banquet at noon, no other words.”

Speaking of this, Luo Xiaomeng blinked her eyes again and grinned.


Bai Ji’s mentality is a bit broken.

Watching Luo Xiaomeng jump to the schoolbag not far away, and take out a short sword.

His mentality is even more broken.

These remarks of using qi to control the sword were obviously taught by Yue Buqun.

With him now, he knows rare internal skills and palm techniques, which is very good.

What a fart sword!

Even if you want to learn, you don’t have so much potential.

“I’m out of the sword.”

Luo Xiaomeng grinned and held the sword as a salute.

“Come on.”

Bai Ji shook his head and suppressed the fire.

He is also a beginner to the fourth rank, and he will not lose if he really wants to fight.

In theory, the first order is similar to bright energy, the second order is similar to dark energy, and the third order is comparable to chemical energy.

The fourth order can also wrestle with Dan Dao masters.

Of course, he is the weakest kind of fourth-order.

The attack method and speed are only at the level of fourth-level entry.

If you encounter a third-order peak with extremely powerful attack methods.

Also get into a hard fight.

There are also such people in the Romance of the Dragon and Snake.

For example, there are a few Tianzhu ascetics, whose physical strength is at the peak of god-level strength, and may not be weaker than Ba Liming and others.

But don’t practice play.

Only know to resist hard with yoga.

This is clearly not possible.

No matter how powerful the vitality is, it can only be immune to the attacks of powerful masters.

It is impossible to carry a full blow from a Dan-level master.

Wang Chao couldn’t do it.

After all, there is no such thing as Shaolin King Kong not bad divine skill in this plane.

Bai Ji is much better than that group of yogi.

There is still a way to play.

Luo Xiaomeng’s master, Lin Tingfeng, is a master of transformation and an unearthly figure in kendo.

A sword in hand is comparable to holding the peak of Dan.

In this case, of course, he has to back down.

But Luo Xiaomeng is just an ordinary dark peak swordsman.

Even with a sword, it is only a third-order mid-rank.

If you can’t beat this, then he still has a fart contest?


Luo Xiaomeng didn’t say much, as soon as the short sword stabbed, it turned into a little silver light, fluttering, and stabbed at the major acupuncture points of Bai Ji.

Bai Ji snorted softly, cast a martial arts palm, and whisked out a palm.

Wudang Mianpalm has a total of 6636 moves, the technique is mainly palm, the operation is stretched like a cotton, the movements are continuous, and the palm runs into a ring.

After more than ten moves, the warm-up was completed, and the internal force was gradually released.

With each palm, it shot a winding force in the air and attached to the short sword.

Invisible winding force wrapped around Luo Xiaomeng’s sword, like a huge millstone, constantly turning.

Luo Xiaomeng frowned, feeling that the shot was becoming more and more astringent.

This is the winding effect after the Wudang Mianpalm is full.

Attach a trace of internal strength to your palm and slowly send it out.

Always ready to go.

At the critical time, it bursts out again, and it is extremely powerful.

Tai Chi practice is gentle, but the style of play can also be very rigid.

After a few more moves, Luo Xiaomeng’s strength was a little unused, and the long sword slowed down slightly, deflecting a little.

“Withdraw the sword!”

Bai Ji was secretly happy in his heart, and his face suddenly turned dark purple, and he drank low.

A palm clapped, and the buried entanglement surged up.

Turning into a landslide tsunami, it slapped towards Luo Xiaomeng’s short sword.

When the Zixia Divine Skill is usually against the enemy, its strength is released, and it is indeed not weak when it breaks out.

But once it breaks out, it will turn into a large eggplant and become a natural early warning.

It’s just a clear indication of making a big move.

Bai Ji actually can’t help it…

It is not easy for ordinary people to get a reliable point of martial arts.

You can’t help but practice, right?

“Good fight.”

Chen Yu saw it on the side, his heart moved slightly, his body shook, and he appeared between the two.

The handprints planted in the fire were dotted in the void, and the energy overflowed, turning away the entanglement under the cotton palm cloth.

The next moment, Chen Yu stretched out his finger, formed a lotus print, and lightly dotted it on Luo Xiaomeng’s short sword.

One inch in the air, the air is permeable.

The whole body is full of energy, which can tear the air flow and turn it into qi.

This inch of strength is shocking.

In addition to martial arts, extreme strength and physical strength are required.

It can be described as the pinnacle of this plane play.

This is the national art system in the dragon snake, not the internal force condensation of martial arts novels.

But they are connected.

Luo Xiaomeng snorted, and the short sword came out of his hand and nailed it to the willow tree not far away.

A strong force lifted her body up and threw her beside the willow tree.

She rubbed her eyes and subconsciously pulled out her short sword, her mind seemed a little confused.


Bai Ji frowned, his face extremely ugly.

My heart was even more furious.

He didn’t expect that he had been laying the groundwork for so long.

Just planned to break out, but Luo Xiaomeng is gone?

Zixia Divine Skill is extremely draining of internal strength.

If this outbreak didn’t convince Luo Xiaomeng, then there would be such a wave again…

Don’t want him half a life yet?

Although his martial arts skills are far above Luo Xiaomeng.

But it is actually very difficult to seize the sword empty-handed without hurting the other party.

Accept an apprentice and mix up a high-scoring evaluation, is it so troublesome?

Thinking of this, a trace of hatred flashed in Bai Ji’s eyes.

“Get out of the way!”

The palm force did not retreat, and slapped towards Chen Yu like a sea of mountains.

“Wudang Mianpalm? Or you get out. ”

Chen Yu smiled faintly, and the lotus palm print flicked, silently colliding with Bai Ji’s mianpaw.

The flame-like handprints burst open, layered on top of each other, as if they were real.

Like the lotus throne of the immortals.

There is no outbreak of blood qi, no gas release, just a slow palm pushout.

Bai Ji snorted, and the purple qi on his face disappeared without a trace.

This is the Zixia Divine Skill that has been completely dispersed.

The purple qi that was urged to the extreme was directly pressed back to the dantian by Chen Yu’s blow.

Mian’s palm, which was urged to the limit by his palm, directly pushed up in reverse and counterattacked on his own body.

So, the next moment, Bai Ji’s body soared into the air and plunged into the big po lake.

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